Just curious for your opinion. A bit serious like



I think it is safe to say that the world's fastest man is always faster than the world's fastest woman. That's simply the matter of human physiognomy.

But, what about lame fat ass sports like Darts, Snooker, etc. Why women are not as good as men?

What about chess? It's a mental sport. Can any woman beat Kasparov?

Is it down to competitiveness?

Or is it simply that most women don't take Darts as seriously as drunken men?

Does life style (e.g. Motherhood) anything to do with the fact that men generally kick women's ass in sports?
Is it because it is harder for women to break into certain sports than men?
Its cause we are all stuck in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant all the darn time. :rolleyes:

The reason could be the fact that certain things are geared toward one gender or the other.
Wow, interesting question. I'm sure that everyone will have a difference of opinion about it. I personally think that it boils down to something extremely basic. Propegation of the species. Women are not made to compete against men. Granted there are some exceptional female athletes and gameplayers, who can give any man a run for his money. Men are single minded in their purpose when competing in any sport. Men are of the mind to win at any cost. Women are of the mind win if you can, lose if you must, but even if you lose, if you come away and have learned something, you still have won.

Men only see what is right in front of them, women see everything else. But this is only my opinion.