Just Business (Closed for EroticLily)


Literotica Guru
Jun 24, 2012
John Harris sat up in his bed. "Fuck" he muttered. It was still early. He loved his new internship, but hated the times. He woke up at five to get into his office early enough. One stipulation for his specific assignment was to be at work two hours before his boss. Unfortunately she came in early. That made him get up early, which clearly made him annoyed.

He sighed and then crawled out of bed. His first year of college had gone well, and he actually progressed much faster than planned. Over the summer he had grabbed an internship position at a local company. It was one of the few positions he really wanted. The woman he was working for also was at the top of her career, even though she was so young. They had hit it off immediately, since she was only six years older than him.

As the summer passed and his workload decreased, Lily, his boss, had asked him to stay on as her assistant. She had told him she needed a proper assistant who understood her job, and he jumped at the chance to learn from her. Hell, that was the bonus. The real thing was being around her.

John had developed a bit of a crush on Miss Lily Singer. He really enjoyed being around her, and her teaching methods were perfect for him. They quickly became fast friends, and unfortunately, that was all that it could be. Since Lily had a higher position than he did, office relationships were prohibited.

He sighed and shook his head, pulling his business suit on. The one good thing about this job was that he now had several very nice suits paid for by work, and everyone said he could really pull them off. He smiled as he make sure everything was straightened up, then locked his apartment and got into his car, making his way to the local coffee shop to pick up his morning coffee.

He smiled as he pulled into work, sipping on his drink. He really did enjoy his job, and it showed with his excellent work rate. He found his parking spot and quickly got inside, nodding to the other assistants as they went about their jobs as well. Time flew as John got the office ready for the day, then he quickly made his way back to the coffee shop to pick up another cup for himself, and one for Lily.

He was waiting at her desk when she walked into the office.

"Good morning, Miss Singer," John said, smiling as he saw her, just like every morning.
Lily Singer was running behind schedule this morning. The young businesswoman's alarm clock had malfunctioned and she'd overslept nearly 30 minutes. She'd purposely set her alarm to go off early, so she would arrive to work before everyone else on her floor. For Lily being on time, just wasn't acceptable. The 24 year old brunette had a fierce work ethic, that made her a firm believer in putting every effort into crafting a professional reputation for herself and keeping ahead of her business associates every step of the way. She wasn't ruthless or work-obsessed by any means, but she hadn't busted her butt in school for so many years to start slacking off now.

Checking her watch after she finished toweling off from an abbreviated shower, Lily dressed herself in a gray pencil skirt and a white button up blouse, with matching black lace underwear underneath. She liked to dress a bit sexier underneath her professional attire. It was her own little secret that made her feel confident throughout the day, especially around her male counterparts.

As she put on her lipstick, watching her reflection in her bathroom mirror, she thought of her assistant, John. It was a gift and a curse that they were working together, after his internship had concluded. He was obviously easy on the eyes and they got along splendidly. Sometimes he made her laugh so hard that she forgot that they were colleagues, rather than two friends enjoying each other's company. They could never cross that professional line though, even if her thoughts did occasionally wander in that avenue.

Driving to the office with fewer minutes to spare than she would've liked, Lily decided against stopping for coffee. She could only hope that someone was around to brew a fresh pot or something. She parked her car in the company garage and grabbed her briefcase, pacing into the building and taking the elevator up. Walking into the office, her heels clacking on the shiny linoleum as she moved, a soft grin formed on her lips at the sight of John waiting for her with coffee in his hand.

"You are a lifesaver," She exhaled, reaching out to accept the hot beverage, stooping to set her briefcase down for the moment. She gave the energizing liquid a testing sip and smiled with satisfaction. "Mmm. What would I do without you? Tell me." She laughed softly, motioning for John to follow her into the inner sanctum of her office.
John smiled as she took the coffee. They had gotten close enough for him to know exactly what she wanted. He knew that sometimes she would take the coffee, sometimes she would have her own. He was just happy that they had similar tastes, otherwise he would have wasted coffee. That was a big no-no in his life.

"Well, you'd probably be more successful, get a promotion, and be able to find that guy you were talking about you yesterday," John joking told Lily. There was no guy, and everything else was probably not true. They worked well as a team, and everyone saw it. The big wigs had even talked about just making them partners for their little section of the company, or at least from what he heard.

As John saw Lily react, he couldn't help but smile. She always did that to him. He started to laugh, then had to set his coffee down for fear of spilling it. He looked at her as well, then burst into more laughter.

"Sorry, Lily, but I couldn't help it!" he said through fits of laughter. Finally things calmed down and he pulled out the folders from his briefcase. He set them in front of her, then started to walk out.

"Oh, dinner is on tonight if you want to come over. I just found out that we are going to be assigned a pretty big project. Expect the call around 10:00am. We can get started tonight if you want," John said. He usually offered to cook while they worked. He loved to cook, and it wasn't really a hassle for him. He just wondered what Lily would say. This was the first time he had ever invited her over to his place, since usually they used the break room appliances. He knew that this project was a bit bigger than a break room though. This could potentially be an all nighter, or even all weekender, from the way things were shaping up.

"It could end up being a very long Friday," John thought to himself, waiting for a reply.
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Lily picked up her briefcase and laid it flat on the surface of her chrome desk. “Following that logic I’d probably make partner by next week and be married at the end of the month too.” She shook her head at John, laughing softly in response to his teasing remarks. She sipped from her warm cup, letting the delicious coffee warm her insides on its travel down her throat and into her stomach. Licking the rich flavor from her lips, she set the coffee down and unfastened the briefcase clasps. Their laughter filled the office for a few moments, then Lily sighed and said quite honestly, “You know you’re my right hand.”

John’s laughter brought a generous smile to Lily’s rouged lips; it always did. He had the faintest dimple in his cheeks when he smiled and his laugh was simply intoxicating. It was a wonder to Lily how John wasn’t dating anyone. He seemed to her like a real catch. Dedicated, trustworthy, intelligent, and the list went on.

When he set the folders in front of her, she pulled out her chair and took a seat to start perusing the contents. “Thanks.” She said, casting her eyes down to the stacks of paperwork on her desk, wondering how long this new project might take. She nodded when John offered to start the project that evening. “I think that’s a good idea.” The longer she scanned the proposals in her hand, the more her neat brows knitted together. This project was definitely going to be a lengthy one.

It dawned on her that John offered to let them work at his place, so they could eat. She looked up at him, hesitating, knowing that it was frowned upon to do such things outside the office environment. “Well…” She began, thinking it over in her head. It wasn’t as if they were having a dinner date; they would be working, not fraternizing. Besides, the office got drafty at night. She would much prefer to be in a cozy home if they had to work into the wee hours, as she suspected they would. It wasn’t like anyone needed to know where they got the work done, as long as it got done. “…I have to stop home right after work, but I can be over by 6?” She offered, accepting his invitation.
John's mouth hung open slightly as Lily agreed. He quickly closed his mouth and smiled. "Ok! I'll have dinner ready at 6:15," he said, his smile growing. He was really happy his parents were into fixing up houses, and he had gotten one for himself. It was small, but close to work and the campus while he took classes, and it kept him out of their hair.

John quickly made his way to his desk, which was actually right inside her office. The company didn't like to have assistants in another room, so had big offices for those with assistants. It was weird, but John loved it. It had helped them become closer friends, since they interacted with each other every day for close to eight hours.

His college classes were all online now, due to his internship. He had talked to his adviser, and they set it up so he could now work full time, and still get to college. It meant that some of the time he was doing class work, and the rest of his time he was working. He had asked Lily if that was ok, and she said that as long as he got his work done, he was fine.

The day flew by. John was engrossed in getting as much done for the project as he could, and it looked like Lily was the same. As he stretched, he noticed that it was five. He smiled and then started packing up before walking over to Lily's desk.

"Alright. I'm headed home. Here's my address," he said, then quickly scribbled it down on a notepad, before leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. He smiled as he walked out, remembering the first time he had done that. It had started out as a practical joke, but then it became their normal goodbye. She'd lean in and wait until he gave her her kiss on the cheek, then he could leave for the day. The bosses had seen it and just laughed, saying they really did make a great team.

As John pulled into his driveway, he was happy about working on this project. He unlocked the door and then went to take a shower. After washing and shaving, he slipped on a pair of khaki shorts, then went downstairs to start on dinner. He figured some pasta alfredo, a salad, bread, and maybe a fruit dish would be something good to fuel their minds. He set about making it, quickly forgetting the time. He was pulled out of his trance by a knock on the door.

John went to open it, still forgetting he didn't have a shirt on. He smiled as he saw Lily standing there, then stepped aside. "Welcome and come on in! Dinner is almost ready. I just have a few finishing touches," he said, smiling.
The rest of the work day went by rather successfully in Lily’s estimation. She’d cleared a good portion of her paperwork off her desk and she wasn’t feeling the pull of sleepiness even hours after her morning coffee had worn off. Not to mention, John was doing his part to make her day run smoothly, as usual. Lily grinned and shook her head, feeling John’s little peck on the cheek linger afterward. People around the office were really too forgiving of them and their friendly flirtations; it was going to get her into trouble someday.

She left the office a few minutes after John, heading straight home to quickly pay some bills online. The thought of changing her clothes crossed her mind, but considering the narrow window of time she had to work in, she changed her mind. She didn’t want to keep John waiting. That wasn’t good form. As she drove to his place, she wondered what he might cook. Whatever it was, she was sure it’d be delicious. John was quite the competent chef. He almost put her dishes to shame. Almost.

Lily parked at the curb outside of his house, walking up the driveway and knocking on the door. Her brunette locks blew lazily in the cool night breeze as she waited for her assistant to answer. She was quite surprised to see him, bare-chested when he opened the door. His upper body was cut; his physique was impressive. She smiled, lightly biting her lip to hold back a tiny laugh as he ushered her inside. “A few finishing touches? Like a shirt maybe?” The brunette teased, walking into the house, glancing around the interior for the first time. Lily peeled her jacket off, folding it over her arm as she found her way into his living room. “By the way, dinner smells fantastic.” She gushed, turning to John, sincerity etched in her voice.
John was mesmerized by Lily as she walked into the room. He hadn't really seen what she was wearing, but now that her jacket was off, he saw the form-fitting blouse. He knew he was in trouble. He had always been as casual with his glances as he could, but he couldn't pull his eyes off of her amazing form. He could tell Lily worked out, but didn't know just how toned she was until he saw her out of the jacket.

He shook his head, hearing her say something about dinner. He saw her smile slightly, knowing she had caught him looking. He immediately flushed a deep red, embarrassed at having checked his boss out. He took her coat and went to hang it up, grabbing a shirt along the way. He slipped the shirt on, although, looking in the entryway mirror, it didn't help too much. He hadn't realized how tight of a shirt it was, showing off his well-muscled upper body.

He walked into the living room, standing in front of Lily. "Is this good," he teasingly asked, flexing a bit to get her to laugh before heading into the kitchen. He finished making dinner quickly, before serving them onto plates and bringing the plates into the living room. He went back and grabbed drinks, then sat down.

"No work. Lets just eat and relax," he said, knowing she would want to start right away. It was just her nature. After working with her for several months, he was like that a lot too. He was able to push it back though, and just enjoy spending time with her, eating. He paused, then asked her," Well...How is it?"
Lily removed her coat, trying not to stare at John's muscular physique as she did so. She wondered momentarily if he'd come to the door shirtless on purpose, but she quickly banished the thought. They flirted in a joking manner, but John had never and would never hit on her, she thought. She'd probably just interrupted him in the middle of changing his clothes, without meaning to. Whatever. She wasn't complaining.

She smiled to herself a little, thinking she felt his warm eyes roaming over her body once she'd taken her jacket off. It thrilled her a bit to think that he found her attractive, even if he would never act on it, if he did. When a pink blush spread across John's cheeks she knew she'd caught him and it wasn't just in her head. She was going to be nice about it though; she wouldn't put him on the spot any further.

Lily made herself comfortable on the living room couch while John took her coat away and disappeared to put a shirt on. She pulled her hair down from the loose bun she'd pinned it up into earlier, turning her face in John's direction when he returned fully clothed this time. It was a shame that he had to cover up at all, but it was probably for the best. They needed to focus on work.

The first thing out of John's mouth when he set dinner before her was that they should relax a bit before diving into their project. This was a foreign concept to Lily. She chewed her bottom lip, crossing her legs as she mulled it over, reaching forward to grab her drink. Her skirt rode up on her thighs a little as she shifted on the couch cushions. "Well...maybe just for a few minutes..." She sipped her drink and took a few bites of food. "Mmm. Excellent," She murmured, running her tongue over her lips, savoring every bit of her meal. "You can cook for me anytime, John. Seriously." She said, beginning to relax, the longer they sat together.
John smiled, happy to hear her comments. He couldn't help but notice her skirt slowly riding up. He quickly admonished himself for looking, but his eyes always found their way back to her supple, smooth thighs. He decided to focus on his food, eating quickly, keeping his mind occupied. It wasn't working.

As John got up, he tried to hide adjusting himself, but wasn't sure he was successful. He took Lily's plate, seeing she was done eating, then went to put the plates in the sink. He pulled his briefcase out, seeing that she was doing the same. As he sat down next to her, he unconsciously slid closer to her, know it was how he normally worked with others. She had seen it before, but when he worked in groups, he liked to be as close to someone as he could. It helped him work things out, but also made him feel more relaxed in those environments.

As they laid the plans for the project out, John started reaching for the items in his briefcase. He hadn't realized it, but he seemed to be a step ahead of Lily for the most part in their prep. "Then again, that was the way it was supposed to be," he thought to himself. He was her assistant, after all. They had also been working together for the past 7 months, so he knew how she ran things.

"Ok, so what we are going to need to do is convince these companies that they are better off selling their products this way. I have a few figures that can help this, and hopefully this outline can start getting us into a flow to make this project work," John said, yawning slightly and dropping a hand to Lily's knee. He hadn't realize he did that, but as he was working, he unconsciously squeezed his hand whenever he figured something out.
Dinner was absolutely perfect. John had a special talent for cooking that Lily really admired. It was so hard to find a man that dabbled in cooking, let alone was good at it. Lily noticed the way John turned his focus on his plate all of the sudden, shoveling food into his mouth. She smirked a little, wondering what had gotten into him. A tiny streak of pasta sauce stained his chin as he finished off his dinner, making her giggle.

She was about to reach over and wipe the sauce off with her napkin when John got up from the couch, grasping her empty plate. Maybe he'd notice it on his own, she thought, not saying anything for the moment. She picked up her briefcase from the side of the couch and popped clasps open, taking out documents for the project they were working on. When John returned, sitting right beside Lily, she subtly glanced at his face, seeing that he hadn't discovered the sauce yet. She tried not to let it distract her, but she couldn't help smiling every time she saw it. He was so oblivious.

She listened as he began to brief her on the details of the project. His demeanor was serious, professional. She liked that about him a lot. "One second, John." She finally interrupted, gently cupping the sides of his face. "You've got a little smudge of alfredo here." She grinned, gently wiping the remnants of their dinner from his masculine face with her thumb, grazing his sexy stubble in the process.

Lily felt John's hand come to rest on her bare knee and squeeze it. Their eyes met and she lost track of their conversation for a minute. It was so tempting to just lean a few inches closer and kiss him. It wasn't right, but she couldn't help from thinking about it. "Right...that sounds great." She murmured, half-heartedly processing what he'd said.
John blushed as Lily wiped the sauce off of his chin. He shook his head, trying to clear the haze it had brought. He went back to work, explaining everything that needed to be done. He still remained completely oblivious to his hand, squeezing her knee periodically now. He looked down finally, and realized where his hand was.

John looked up, right as Lily looked at him. His face grew bright red. He pulled his hand away, embarrassed, hoping he hadn't offended her. As he looked back at her, he noticed she was still staring. A fierce battle raged inside of him, wanting to kiss her, but knowing it was crossing a huge line.

Without warning, the battle was suddenly decided, as John leaned in, kissing Lily softly. As his lips softly met hers, he let out a soft moan, barely loud enough for either of them to hear. It took his mind to catch up to what his body was doing, but he suddenly pulled away, extremely embarrassed, and hoping he hadn't just done something to ruin their friendship.

"I....I...I'm so....I'm sorry," John finally stuttered, looking down at his hands, twisting them in his lap. His stomach was doing flips as he worried about what Lily would do. He hoped and prayed to God that he hadn't just ruined his friendship with Lily, or his chances of ever being with the woman he was slowly coming to love.
Just as Lily had finished wiping the little bit of sauce from John's chin, she realized how intimate of a gesture that was. She hadn't thought twice about it, which made her wonder about her depth of feelings for the handsome young man sitting next to her. As he continued to speak about the project, Lily noticed his hand on her knee, squeezing every time he finished making a point. When he finally realized what he was doing, Lily smiled. He was blushing. It was cute.

It hadn't bothered her one bit, but he drew his hand back quickly, clearly embarrassed. She wasn't sure what to do or say at that point. She just looked at him, hoping he would see that she wasn't offended or weirded out in any way.

Suddenly John leaned in toward her and pressed his lips to hers. Lily certainly wasn't expecting that. His soft moan vibrated between their lips as she cautiously returned his kiss. She began to lean in too, when he pulled away, profusely apologizing.

She glanced down too, speechless. Kissing John was something she'd thought about many times before, but never would've had the nerve to do, considering their professional relationship. If anyone found out about this, they'd both be in big trouble. But there wasn't anyone else with them now. No one else would have to know...
Lily gently touched John's cheek, turning his face toward hers. She smiled softly, letting him know it was okay. "I didn't know you liked me...but...it's not one-sided," She confessed.
John smiled as Lily told him that she liked him as well. It sounded so childish of him to worry about that, but he didn't want to ruin their professional and private friendship. He shivered unexpectedly, then leaned in, kissing her passionately, his hands pulling her down on top of him as he laid back on his couch. He couldn't get over the feel of her body pressed up against his as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as his lips continued what they had started.

His mind tried to put the brakes on things, but he quickly realized that they liked each other, and really liked each other. He'd be damned if he didn't act on his feelings, like he had wanted to since becoming her assistant. His mind tried to tell him that the office would find out, but he wouldn't listen.

John slid his hands up Lily's back, until he was running a hand through her hair, with the other gently cupping her cheek, as he felt her lips mould to his. He wanted to keep it as innocent as he could, so that they could back out if one or the other felt like things were moving too fast, or the office would ruin everything.

As John ran his tongue along her lips, he realized that he hadn't even asked Lily her thoughts on the office situation. He gently broke the kiss then looked at her.

"What are we going to do about the office if we continue with this?" he asked, genuinely concerned. He didn't want her to lose her job, or him to lose his either. He wanted both of them to stay out of trouble, but he wasn't sure what her thoughts were on it either.
John seemed elated when Lily confirmed her feelings for him. The bright smile forming on his lips showed no sign of dimming as he leaned in toward her again. Their lips joined in a fierce embrace and she maneuvered into his lap as his hands pulled on her slim waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, gradually parting her red lips to invite his tongue in.

It was foolish and risky from a professional standpoint, and she was a few years his senior, but Lily didn't care. They had an undeniable chemistry and it seemed like only a matter of time before this chemistry exploded, consuming them both.

She closed her eyes as his hand skimmed up along her back, weaving his fingers into her dark locks. She leaned her cheek against his warm palm, moaning softly against his lips. It felt nice, but she could tell that he was being cautious, holding back still.

When he broke their lip-lock, Lily looked at her handsome assistant, playing with the short hairs on the back of his neck. "...the office doesn't have to know..." She said, blurting the first thing that came to her mind. Can we really carry on a secret relationship, considering how close we seem to our co-workers already? She wondered. Is it just physical or is it more? She didn't know, but it seemed like it was worth a shot. Caught up in the moment, she didn't want to stop. She leaned in and kissed John's cheek, then pecked his lips. "let's just...see what happens tonight, okay?"
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John nodded, then rolled Lily onto her back, quickly pressing against her as he kissed her deeply, passionately, letting his feelings be known. He pressed himself down onto her, determined to get as close as he could. This wasn't about the physical anymore. He really, honestly cared about Lily, and was tired of lying to himself about not being about to have her. He was tired of the glances in the office, of hiding being his boss' backs. He would do what it took to make this work, and the office could go to hell if they didn't like it.

As he pressed into the kiss, letting his urges take over, John supported his weight with his elbows, his hands gently cupping Lily's face. He wasn't going to push it too fast, but he did want to keep kissing her until she pushed him away.

As John kept kissing Lily, he couldn't help but notice how right this felt. His body pressed up against hers just felt natural. He tried to stop it, tried to keep it from being rushed, but his right hand slowly slid down her jaw, to her neck, then to her left breast, where he started to gently knead it before pulling away and looking at her. "I should have told you right after the first kiss. I have most of the prep work done now. While we were just working, I got most of it finished," he said, wondering how she'd take that little tidbit of info.
Lily instinctively wrapped her arms around John's neck when he rolled her over onto her back, pinning her into the couch cushions. She parted her legs as much as her tight skirt would allow, inviting him to press his weight on her. It'd been too long since she was intimate with someone and she was perhaps too eager for this. She'd let work get in the way for so many years, she was tired of the sacrifices in her romantic life.

Loosening her arms from around his neck, firmly grasping his shirt, Lily pulled John to her chest. John was holding back still, but that wasn't necessary. She wanted this and she wasn't going to change her mind. She parted her lips, slowly snaking her tongue into her diligent assistant's mouth, hoping he would get her hint. A low moan passed her lips as John brushed his hand over her breast, fondling her through her blouse.

She looked up at him, puzzled when he broke their heated kiss. He started talking about work and she smiled, shaking her head. "John...forget about work, for once." If she was willing to push the project aside for a few hours, he would have to as well. "Focus on me...and this," She whispered, leaning her back off the couch, connecting her lips to his once more.
John broke the kiss before it could get too passionate, seeing the confusion on Lily's face. "If we are going to enjoy ourselves, how about doing so somewhere more comfortable?" he asked, picking her up quickly, making sure she couldn't offer resistance, but knowing she wouldn't. He smiled as she shrieked slightly from his sudden movement, then started walking with her in his arms towards his bedroom.

He finally reached the door, kicking it closed behind him. He set Lily down on the bed, then slid down on top of her. He started to knead her breasts through her shirt as he pressed his lips against her forcefully, showing he wasn't going to think of anything but her until they couldn't think. He ran his tongue along her lips, before sliding it past them as she opened her mouth, a moan escaping her lips.

His tongue started to tease hers, trying to coax it into his mouth. John's hands quickly found the buttons of Lily's blouse, but, getting tired of fumbling with them, he grabbed the sides of the blouse and pulled, popping the buttons off. He hoped Lily wouldn't be mad as he started to kiss along her jaw, then down to her neck where he started to suck and nibble, his hands now massaging her bra clad breasts, firmly kneading them and squeezing them.
Lily exhaled in exasperation as John broke their kiss once again, without warning. He seemed so jumpy; it was kind of cute though. Her expression softened into an amused grin when he suggested that they relocate to a more comfortable location. She nodded but before she could verbally agree, John scooped her up from the couch and carried her from the living room. She adjusted quickly, slipping her arms around his neck, holding herself to him.

She giggled when they reached John’s bedroom and he hastily kicked the door shut once they were inside. He certainly seemed eager, now that it was clear that they both wanted more than just a friendship. The cool sheets sent a shiver through her back as John laid her down. She lowered her hands to the bottom of his shirt, peeling it up along his stomach, wanting it off. His hands felt wonderful on her clothed breasts, but she wanted skin to skin contact.

A soft gasp escaped her lips when John ripped her blouse open, sending buttons flying. His enthusiasm excited her, and made her eager to see just how far his desire for her went. She turned her face against the pillows, closing her eyes as John branded his lips to her jaw and neck, claiming his stake on her. She skimmed her fingernails against his sides, continuing to inch his shirt up along his washboard abs.
John raised his arms as he kissed Lily, hopefully helping her take his shirt off. He continued to kiss her, marveling in how it felt. His tongue started to explore her mouth again, teasingly enticing her tongue. He was new to this. He hadn't told anyone, but he had never done this. Lily was the first girl he had ever kissed, let alone grope, and it was making him more nervous than he dared to let on. He did well to hide it, but knew it would come out sooner or later. He suppressed those thoughts as he went back to kissing her, letting his body lead the way.

His lips slowly moulded to hers, or hers to his. He wasn't sure, but the kiss got more intense. His tongue glided around her lips and teeth, teasingly tickling. He softly moaned into her mouth, feeling amazing from just this one kiss. He hoped it never ended, but knew that it would when the shirt was going to come off.
Lily quickly pulled John's shirt off the rest of the way, casting it off the side of the bed. For the first time, she was able to take in the magnificent sight of his nude upper body. She ran her fingertips over his lean muscles and leaned back in to his eager kiss. There was still so much clothing between them that needed to come off, but she was hesitant to stop kissing him, as if once they stopped, they'd realize this was a mistake. As their lips rejoined, Lily slowly lowered her hands to the front of John's shorts, brushing her palm over the bulge in his pants.

She parted her lips with ease, inviting his probing tongue into her mouth. Lily slipped her arms around John's sculpted back, lightly scratching down from his shoulder blades. Their tongues danced together, playfully wriggling around as she roamed his body with her hands, hinting to him that it was perfectly okay for him to do the same. "Don't you want to?" She sighed, briefly separating their mouths, waiting for him to further remove her clothes.
John looked down at her, then slid his hands down to her hips. He quickly found the side zipper, before pulling it down. He didn't want to ruin too many articles of her clothing. He lifted her hips as he slid the skirt off of her. He looked down, seeing her turquoise and black panties. He groaned softly, then gently caressed her hips.

John's hands found his belt, quickly undoing it as he pulled his shorts off, leaving them both in their underwear. He lowered himself back down onto Lily, then leaned in and kissed her passionately. His tongue found its way through her lips, teasing and tickling her tongue before massaging it and exploring her mouth. His hands came up and started to knead her breasts through her bra while he ground his pelvis softly against hers every now and then. He couldn't believe what he was doing, but couldn't stop even if he wanted.
Lily was so eager to be with John so couldn't help but pull at his clothes, even as he was taking them off himself. A soft moan escaped her lips as he massaged her hips through her form-fitting skirt, then again once her skirt was out of the way. She lightly bit her lip, looking up at him for a reaction as he gazed upon her matching sexy underwear. By the sound of his moan, it seemed he liked what he saw. She grinned when his warm palms skimmed across her bare hips. Even the littlest touches felt so nice because they were from his hands.

She looked on with lust in her eyes as her attractive assistant made haste in removing his pants. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lily parted her legs wider for John to settle between them when he leaned back down against her semi-nude body. She moaned softly as he kissed her again, pouring her reciprocated feelings into it. John's erection grinding against her through her panties created a firm friction that felt heavenly. She sighed against his warm lips, as he squeezed her breasts through her lacy bra. Pulling her hand down from his neck, Lily slipped her palm between them and inched her fingers underneath his underwear, running her fingertips along his thickening length. "Do you want me to...?" She arched her brow, presenting him with an offer she was certain he'd accept.
John shook his head, surprising himself, and probably Lily. "What I want right now is to be inside you, and I don't know how long I can wait. I've been thinking about this for the past three months. Ever since this crush I had developed into lust, and more. I really want to take my time, but don't know how well that will work. I'm talking too much," John said, blushing.

He kissed Lily passionately, trying to hold himself back. He didn't want to push things, but he really wanted Lily. He wasn't ready to tell her, but he knew that he was falling for her, and falling hard.
Lily was confused when John passed up on her offer. She wanted to please him, and get him really worked up. But she had to admit that she was impatient to feel him inside of her, just as he was to be inside her. She grinned in response to his expressed wish, finding it adorable how he rambled on the more anxious he became. "John...breathe." She teased, slowly pulling her hand out from beneath the waistband of his boxers. "Just don't talk so much."

She giggled when he pulled her close, meshing his lips with hers once again, nearly cutting her off. He certainly seemed enthusiastic about kissing, but for someone who wanted to move so much faster, he wasn't really being as aggressive as she thought he would be. "Come on John," She cooed, running her fingers through his short, soft locks. "Don't pretend like this is your first time. Don't hold back."
John froze up slightly, then looked down at Lily, his face coloring a deep scarlet. He pushed back from Lily. He knew this would happen. Now she wouldn't want to go on. He hadn't pushed because this was his first time. He had no idea what he was doing, but was hoping to just go with what felt natural.

"I'm sorry. I guess I should have told you. This is my first time," he said quietly, the color rising in his cheeks even more. He was scared now. He didn't want to be treated differently, but he didn't want to ruin his chances with Lily. He really did care for her and didn't want this to stop.