Just Bah.


Feb 17, 2002
Ever feel like that?

Like everything is just "BAH"?

What do you do to snap yourself out of it?
Today everything is just Bah - it's the weather, and being tired and sore from canoeing all weekend - I can't seem to get snapped out of it. I'll let you know if I do snap out of it, and what I did to do it!
LadyGuinivere said:
Ever feel like that?

Like everything is just "BAH"?

What do you do to snap yourself out of it?

I find I only get that way when I'm not getting enough sex.


Hey- we could fix two problems at once:D
I usually get out and go for a drive. Turn on some good music and hit the road.
I've felt this way a lot lately...I think the promise of Spring coming soon and/or the threat of war (nuclear or otherwise) leaving will help.

going out for a drive is great, 100 MPH down the highway with heavy metal cranked way up!!!!!!

Playing my guitar works for me most of the time. Music can take care of a lot of things :)
No, that would be "Baaa".

Besides, I'm not into 4 legged animals ;)
Yeah, that would be perfect, but I doubt any of my friends would be willing to drive in minus 20 weather today :(
That's why you need to move to the sun belt, darlin...beautiful blue skies and sunshine and about 5C in BC today. :)

Besides...if you were here, then I would have someone to hang with today.
Don't tempt me.

I'd probably be a bad influence on you though, the way I feel right now! :)
LadyGuinivere said:
Don't tempt me.

I'd probably be a bad influence on you though, the way I feel right now! :)

I think I could deal with that! (Huskie pushing miss Mia out of the way)...... besides it's even warmer than that down here in central NC :)
LadyGuinivere said:
Don't tempt me.

I'd probably be a bad influence on you though, the way I feel right now! :)

If 'bad influence' = trouble and fun...I am there. ;)
huskie said:
I think I could deal with that! (Huskie pushing miss Mia out of the way)...... besides it's even warmer than that down here in central NC :)

Wow, talk about making a girl feel wanted :)

huskie said:
I think I could deal with that! (Huskie pushing miss Mia out of the way)......

Nice try...I am cuter than you. Besides, she uses the same monopoly currency that I do. :)
Mia62 said:
If 'bad influence' = trouble and fun...I am there. ;)

Nice try...I am cuter than you. Besides, she uses the same monopoly currency that I do.

Definately trouble and fun.

She has a point, Huskie, we do have the same pretty colored paper money here ....:)
LadyGuinivere said:
Definately trouble and fun.

She has a point, Huskie, we do have the same pretty colored paper money here ....:)

LG: One of my cats is named Guinivere. (The other is named Vivian). See how welcome you would be here? And I already knew your money was no good here...
Carp said:
LG: One of my cats is named Guinivere. (The other is named Vivian). See how welcome you would be here? And I already knew your money was no good here...

LOL!!! How prophetic is that!

:) :kiss:
drink beer and teach the boys the finer art of wearing a wife beater teeshirt, but only to spook the woman that lives here...
brokenbrainwave said:
drink beer and teach the boys the finer art of wearing a wife beater teeshirt, but only to spook the woman that lives here...

LMAO!!!!! Little penquin, you are too cute. BTW, what's a wifebeater t shirt, is it like an undershirt or muscle shirt or something?