Just another lonely guy looking to chat


May 3, 2013
Just another guy looking to chat

Just signed up to these forums after it was recommended by another website.

At the moment really looking for a female to have casual chat (not necessarily sex related although maybe eventually)

Really just an online buddy who I can share opinions, flirt with, and generally have fun times. I'm quite into erotic fiction as well as RP but I'm not assuming that everyone is interested in the either so its all good.

Yes I'm one of many guys on here so I guess the forums are ever so slightly over subscribed with guys looking for female chat company!

I like to think of myself as polite and courteous to anyone I speak to online and like to treat virtual friends with the same respect as I would in real life.

If anyone wants to reply please do so, would love some online company and we'll perhaps exchange IM details and get to know each other.

A pen pal for the 21st century!
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