June 7, 2013

Little known fact: my first kiss was an Indian guy in my 7th grade class. My first "boyfriend" was a Mexican guy.
Little known fact:

My first non-innocent kiss wasn't until I was 22.

The first time I had sex, or performed anything sexual, I was 23.

Blah! "was" not "as". His name was Gopal. He and I were smart in English class together. :)
Which part?

The part where you said you don't like white short, chubby hairy men.

Well, the white part.

Or maybe it's not because I'm white, and your a weightist.

Or a hairiest'ist.

Or a beard'ist.

Fuck if I know.
Summary: Laurel has already been down with the brown.

Follow up: Perhaps she'd like a refresher.
Although I hate Led Zeppelin with every ounce fiber of my being...

You've left me Dazed and Confused for so long.

Oh, and although I hate the Doors just as much, and although it's a Willie Dixon song they butchered

I wanna be your back door man. Not *that back door*. I'm not a bottom.
I'm starting to get as uncomfortable with this thread as Laurel was from its onset.
Robert Van Winkle.

When you're born with that name, you're doomed to failure.