Julia Serano / Whipping Girl - new book & tour


Literotica Guru
Feb 28, 2010
I subscribed, not long ago, to Julia Serano's blog Whipping Girl, in which she's been promoting her new book "Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive". Her recent blog post "Considering Trans and Queer Appropriation" was very thought-provoking. She seems to have many other interesting things to say and is touring North America through December. I haven't read her first book but will probably pick it up when she comes to town to read from the new one.

Thanks for that link. I've been pondering similar issues recently, and her take on it has given me a lot of food for thought.
Yea that's going to make an interesting read and oddly enough, an excerpt in that first link put me in mind of this, that just popped up on my Tumblr

I found Whipping Girl was a great read for the first 75% but then she ended up repeated herself a bit but I will read it again some time

Tried to order this through Amazon but they gave a December delivery... grrrr
Aha! I cancelled, re-ordered and now they say 14th Oct :rolleyes:
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Yea that's going to make an interesting read and oddly enough, an excerpt in that first link put me in mind of this, that just popped up on my Tumblr

I found Whipping Girl was a great read for the first 75% but then she ended up repeated herself a bit but I will read it again some time

Tried to order this through Amazon but they gave a December delivery... grrrr

"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people."

Jane, I'll have you know that women have been legal persons in Canada since 1929. Admittedly, it was long after corporations had been granted personhood, but, still, it remains that women are legally people in my country! :eek:

"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people."

Jane, I'll have you know that women have been legal persons in Canada since 1929. Admittedly, it was long after corporations had been granted personhood, but, still, it remains that women are legally people in my country! :eek:

Ooo that looks an interesting read Tio, thanks.

Serano has a knack of breaking down prejudices into their components parts and identifying their source - like forensic sociologist, if that title doesn't already exist? She does it in a way that still forces the reader to think and understand how those prejudices came about and is bold enough to suggest the ways to dismiss them. A jolly good read for any aspiring feminist :)

I'll just have to be patient and wait till her new book is more widely available
Serano has a knack of breaking down prejudices into their components parts and identifying their source - like forensic sociologist, if that title doesn't already exist? She does it in a way that still forces the reader to think and understand how those prejudices came about and is bold enough to suggest the ways to dismiss them.
I agree. She's also patient with the reader and lays her arguments out very clearly.
I had the pleasure of attending Julia Serano's book launch appearance at Glad Day Bookshop in Toronto last night along with 40-50 other people. She's a good speaker who definitely knows her stuff and is able to clearly articulate her position verbally as well as in writing. She was engaging and funny and somewhat self-deprecating but her presentation was well-done and well-received and she fielded some excellent questions from an audience that was clearly intelligent and very educated on the topics of racism, sexism, feminism and trans issues.

She did her 'Performance Piece' and also some readings from her new book, "Excluded", on double standards. She also talked about how she feels it's important not to rebel against double standards by inverting them but to abolish them altogether.

I'm afraid I can't do her justice except to say that it was an event definitely worth attending. She's nearing the end of her tour but still has appearances in Portland & Seattle in December.
Wow - how jealous am I?! But so glad you made it to the launch - I'm chuffed for you. I'm halfway through her latest book and quite glad it is broken up into bite-sized chunks as I've never in a position to do books cover to cover without a break.

Ooo - thanks for that Haurni - it makes the book even more alive :) :)