Judge Says It’s Ok for Muslim Violence Against Christians


Jan 23, 2011
Judge Says It’s Ok for Muslim Violence Against Christians

But of course:cool:

If you want to experience the Middle East, you only have to travel as far as Dearborn, Michigan. This western suburb of Detroit has a population of close to 100,000. Over 40,000 of them are Arab or of Arab descent, giving Dearborn the distinction of having the largest Muslim population of any city in the United States.

The Muslims have been taking over many of the cities elected positions and have instituted many Muslim friendly ordinances. In fact the Muslim influence is so strong in Dearborn that the local high school held a girl’s only prom, since their religion does not allow girls and boys to dance or socialize together. If any other school in America did something similar based on Christian or Jewish beliefs, the ACLU and other groups would be circling the school waiting their turns to file lawsuits for violation of church and state. But these legal groups were nowhere to be seen in Dearborn.

Every year around June, the Muslim community holds an annual Arab Festival. For several years, some of the Christian pastors and their followers have stood outside the festival trying to hand out water bottles and tracts as they witness to the lost. A number of the Muslims have responded with violence, throwing garbage, rocks and other items at the Christians. When the police showed up, they made arrests, but it wasn’t the ones carrying out the violence that were arrested, it was the Christians.

A number of lawsuits have been launched against the city and although a couple were actually won by the Christians, that didn’t stop the violence against them. When they did win, the city appealed and most of the rulings were overturned.

Several of the Christian pastors filed a lawsuit against Wayne County, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department and two of deputies for refusing to protect them from the Muslims that were attacking them. The deputies not only refused to protect them, they threatened to arrest them for disorderly conduct if they continued talking about Jesus and the Bible in the presence of the Muslims. Such talk was deemed to be offensive to the Muslims who felt justified in responding with violence.

On Tuesday, US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Judge Patrick J. Duggan dismissed the lawsuit when they granted the county’s motion for a summary judgment. The American Freedom Law Center argued the case before Duggan and also asked that the court bar the sheriff’s department from violating the Christian’s First Amendment rights of free speech and religion by interfering with their right to gather on public property outside the festival. In typical liberal fashion, Duggan refused to the motion.

In his ruling, Duggan stated:

“The Court finds that the actual demonstration of violence here provided the requisite justification for [the Wayne County sheriffs’] intervention, even if the officials acted as they did because of the effect the speech had on the crowd.”

In other words, the Christians were at fault and that the violent reaction of the Muslims was justified and the cops acted appropriately in arresting the Christians.

Robert Muise, Co-Founder and Senior Counsel for the American Freedom Law Center commented on Duggan’s dismissal saying:

“The First Amendment was dealt a severe blow today as a result of this ruling. Indeed, this ruling effectively empowers Muslims to silence Christian speech that they deem offensive by engaging in violence. And pursuant to this ruling, the Christian speakers are now subject to arrest for engaging in disorderly conduct on account of the Muslim hecklers’ violent response to their speech. In short, this ruling turns the First Amendment on its head.”

David Yerushalmi, another Co-Founder and Senior Counsel for AFLC said:

“This fight for our fundamental right to freedom of speech does not stop here. We have filed an immediate appeal of this ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. While Judge Duggan may have been the first judge to rule on this issue, he won’t be the last. Indeed, we are prepared to take this case to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary because it is imperative that our free speech rights not be subject to mob rule. This is the United States, not Benghazi.”

Since when does anyone’s speech justify acts of violence? Where in the Unites States Constitution or Bill of Rights does it say that speech of any kind, especially religious speech can be stopped because someone or group of people are offended?

Time and again I see where the rights of Christians are being violated because someone else is offended. The saddest part in all of this is that many Christians are just rolling over and letting their rights be stripped away. When will Christians wake up and start fighting for their actions? When will Christians start filing lawsuits against Muslims or gays because of what they say and do is offensive to us?

Christian students are being bullied and harassed by teachers because they wear a Christian message on their t-shirts. Shouldn’t we be offended when we see t-shirts with an evolution or atheist or Muslims message on it? Then why aren’t we standing up and turning their own weapon against them?

Christians need to stop listening to Peace in the Valley and start listening to Onward Christian Soldier. Like it or not, we are in a war and right now we are losing that war big time and it’s our own fault.

Let me ask you a question. Is there anything in your life that you feel is worth fighting for? Our nation? A loved one in danger? Your property? How much more valuable is your Christian faith? So why aren’t you fighting to save it? I hope you realize that the only one you have to blame for losing your Christian rights and freedoms is you, because chances are you haven’t done a single thing to fight for them. Shame on you!

It’s time you make a decision here and now. Either stand up and fight for your Christian faith and freedoms or accept the inevitable persecution that’s coming if you don’t. The choice is yours.

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/10848/...im-violence-against-christians/#ixzz2TamCzzXH
Meanwhile... back on planet Earth

Tensions flared Friday evening at the annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn as members of some Christian missionary groups — including one called the Bible Believers — taunted Arab Americans with a pig’s head and signs that promoted hatred of Islam.

“You’re gonna burn in hell,” one missionary shouted at a group of young Arab-American boys listening to him speak on Warren Avenue, where the festival takes place.

The festival continues today in Dearborn, but the members of the Bible Believers won’t be there because they’ll be protesting a gay festival in Ohio, said Arab Festival organizers.

The three-day festival is the largest public gathering of Arab-Americans in the U.S.; it has drawn Christian missionaries for years, but in 2009, some become more aggressive, leading to arrests and legal feuds. Dearborn has the highest concentration of Arab-Americans in the U.S., many of them Muslim, making it a magnet for some Christian missionaries.

The Bible Believers also protested at last year's Arab Festival, holding up both anti-Muslim and anti-Catholic signs and causing one Arab-American Muslim girl to cry.

About a dozen with the group stood facing the festival on Friday with signs that made bigoted remarks about Islam and its prophet, Mohammed. One of the missionaries had a pig’s head mounted on a pole that he displayed in front of his group. Muslims don’t eat pigs because their faith teaches that the animal is unclean.

Some of the signs the missionaries held read: "Islam is a religion of blood and murder" and "Muhammad (Islam's prophet) is a ... liar, false prophet, murderer, child molesting pervert."

Wayne County sheriffs tried to keep the peace; a few times, three officers on horseback rode by, trying to keep the young Arab Americans at a distance from the Christian missionaries.

At one point, some kids started throwing water bottles and pop cans at the missionaries. Others chanted “Allah-U-Akbar” (God is the greatest). One of the Christians shouted in response “Jesus Akbar.”

At another point, three girls wearing Islamic headscarves yelled back at the missionaries: “Read the Quran,” referring to Islam’s holy book.

A Christian missionary with another group told a group of Arab-American Muslim boys that they are ''transgressing against God.'' One boy then spilled some water on the missionary.

Most of the confrontations were between elderly missionaries and Arab-American kids.

Earlier in the day, a group of Christian missionaries targeted the biggest mosque in Michigan, the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, standing right outside the mosque lawn to hand out fliers during Friday prayers.

In his Friday sermon, the imam of the mosque, Hassan Al-Qazwini, warned parents that some missionaries at the Arab Festival could target their children for conversion: ''Be careful. ... They could be taken (spiritually) from us.''

Other missionaries at the festival were less confrontational, handing out fliers telling Muslims to convert and handing out free Christian books.

One wore a T-shirt that read ''I (heart symbol) Muslims'' while handing out fliers that urged Muslims to ''accept the Lord Jesus Christ.''
Some of the signs the missionaries held read: "Islam is a religion of blood and murder" and "Muhammad (Islam's prophet) is a ... liar, false prophet, murderer, child molesting pervert

100% true

are they ALL the same?


No I just wish for it to be fucking done...I'm sick and tired about everyone pissing and moaning about how their religion entitles them to shit on everyone else's right's because their god commands it.....fuck all of them and their retarded god.

Solution? Kill each other....they either all die or one side destroys the other to make it join the ranks of the other thousands of hokey pile of mythology we call dead religions.

Either way...they stfu up about it.
alrighty... if they all do.. I want you to post some threads about Judaism shitting all over other religons

... your hypocritical comment should be amusing

I'm the one who said they shit one peoples rights.


Let's see what kind of tyrant shit I can dig up in that religion...oh...look...sounds kinda like the old testament, must not be any bigoted or hateful things in there :rolleyes:
STFU with the shit from 3000 yrs ago


Why :confused: that is the religion.....the word of an imaginary sky daddy written down by some ancient idiot who thought the fucking earth was flat, filled with hateful shit from a hateful god.

That is the religion...and the nature of ALL religion is that of control of the masses, which requires adherence to a those words.
I'm the one who said they shit one peoples rights.


Let's see what kind of tyrant shit I can dig up in that religion...oh...look...sounds kinda like the old testament, must not be any bigoted or hateful things in there :rolleyes:

Just look up at Haredim.. they attack other jews for not thinking like they do
I'm curious.... would you be all bent outa shape if it were the other way round?
Muslims handing out tracts of Islam in front of a Christian gathering?