judge disqualifies W.VA Senate candidate

for failing to meet the 'lived here 5 years' rule

no plans to appeal

but WHY did they think they could try for the position when the law says 5 years and they didn't have that to start with? republican, naturally :rolleyes:

Why would seasoned politico Mark Meadows register to vote in several states? Because he thought the administration he worked for had successfully corrupted the system to accommodate "important" people like him.
Here in Idaho, we have an issue with these carpetbagger politicians, the majority of them from California (although some from Arizona or the midwest) who move here and then, sometimes not much more than a couple years later, immediately want to run for office. Typically as a Republican- which is one thing, but they will usually run as a far-right, Klannish extremist Republican. Coming here from out of state, to tell Idaho conservatives how to think and how to vote. And some people actually fall for this crap!

Yes, Idaho is conservative, but up until recently it was moderate and reasonable conservative- anti-government spending, low taxes, anti-bureaucracy, pro buisness, you know, the things reasonable republicans used to stand for. None of this extremist, anti-democratic racist garbage. These newcomers want to turn Idaho into their version of a white-nationalist Handmaid's tale dystopia, and sadly, not enough voters have the guts to stand up to them. I mean, for example, in a state where the majority of people love to camp, hike and hunt in the outdoors, we have newcomers seeking office here who say "We should get rid of all public lands and sell them to Texas billionaires so they can make everything no tresspassing." These people simply don't get it, they dont know the local culture or local traditions, they expect people will simply see the "R" next to their name and not know any better- and in some cases it works!
Reminds me of Julian Bond at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention (which I attended). He was on an alternate Georgia delegation and his name was put into nomination for vice president. He was all enthusiastic about that until someone told him it was just ceremonial. He wasn't old enough (28) to run for president or vice president.