
Aug 14, 2002
The night air was still. The sky cloudless, giving way to a miriad of glistening star, each with it's own story to tell. The forest lay quite. Quite and calm to the rest of the world.

The solitary figure sat as still as his surroundings. Except for the soft blue light that seemed to eminate from him. His long blue hair floated as if caught by a gentle breeze.

His weapons lay at his side. A dark green bow with golden leaflet design sat next to a black quiver with silver shafted arrows with bright green fletching. This bow was practilly his life. In all his long years upon this realm he had constenly been improving his skill. His keen elven senses only hightened this trait. He had not missed a shot in four hundred years.

The other; a glistening golden hilted blade lay next to his bow. This sword was known as "Freo", the ice blade. For when ever it struck an opponent, i fierce burst of cold ice would erupt from it.

These were his physical weapons, but not his only ones. For what was a weapon of great power without a mind to know how to weild it.

The elf's name was Kalon Nightarrow. For 800 years, a child by elfish records, he had wandered the world to disspose of it's evils.

His cloths lay to the side of him by his weapons. Every time a full moon presented itself in the sky, he sat in the forest gathering energy from his only companion.

He had once known love. A strong and power full love. But it ended too quikly...and too tragicly.

The blue light began to dim. Kalon took several deep breaths and calmed himself. He needed to focus. Thoughts of the past would not help him in the present.

Hours he sat still, until at last, a light began to rise in the eastern sky, and the glow slowly faded. Kalon stood. He was slim, but deceptivly so. Years of travel and hardship had strengthened him beyond that of most.

He walked, with a grace only comparable to that of a celestial being, to his possesions. After Putting his cloths on and packing his things, he looked longingly into the eastern sky where the sun had peeked the horizon.
" Why do things turn out as they do?" he asked to the forest. His only answer was a sllight breeze and the cheerful melody of a song bird. "Sandra...."

With out a sound, he dissapeared into the forest...