Journey Forward - (Closed for Shadowlace)


Honorable Scoundrel
May 29, 2012
Tavust Vekklin looked over his armor after camp had been setup. The son of a noble family from Brexion he was tall with short cut blackish blue hair with some stubble forming around his cheeks from the traveling. His bright eyes scanned the armor, looking for any rends or cuts in the shoulder or breast plates.

He wanted to be ready. Currently he was on a quest to find the dreaded creature known as Xorgidan, an ancient demonspawn he had vowed to kill to honor his country and his father. His mother had begged him not to go and his father had said nothing as his son left with a company of men and women from Brexion.

'I shall back the head of this beast, as you never could father.' He had shouted at his father before mounting his black stallion and setting off towards the wagon convoy for the neighboring country of Ylsst. Now a few weeks later, about a few days after the border crossing he brooded near the camp fire.

He would be lying if he said he didn't miss some of the creature comforts. Sure enough he had his family servant and he knew how to make a fire and hunt but living in a regal manner had made him used to finer conditions. But he had to be tough. At only seventeen many saw him as young and impulsive and he had entered into a country renowned for hard men and women, bounty hunters, justicars and other hard individuals committed to laws and justice where regions were full of bandits. So he made sure his armor was ready and his hammer felt easy to swing in his arms. He could not afford to fail in his task.
Zya walked the road her bag slung over ones shoulder and another in her right hand. The exotic woman was a bounty hunter, and a good one, a very good one. She had just taken out the head of the Wyvernrot bandits. One Thom " the Rotten"! Whose head rested in the sack in her right hand.

Zya was from the desert lands to the south east. She was a beauty there like no other. She was pampered and spoiled, her room covered in the finest of silks and jewels. She craved adventure and secretly trained in the mastery of swordplay. She excelled beating many a man in her fathers camp.

Her father found out and tried to chastise her. Zya however challenged him to a duel. She picked out her swords. Three swords. She had mastered a unique style of three swords. She fought him, easily disarming him. She had won her freedom, but was kicked out immediately. She had just her clothes and her swords.

The 14 year old thus went out and learned how to survive. The brunette girl with the exotic green almond shaped eyes with her rich almond skin, was well feared. She was know as the Black widow her charms nothing compared to her fierce bite.

Zya in her cloak, tunic and simple skirt.She saw a fire ahead and gingerly walking towards the camp. She walks up to your retainer and flashes her three distinct blades.
" I am Zya, I have been walking for a while and wish to make camp with you and your master ?" she asks as she flashes a smile.
Tavust's retainer, a barrel chested tall veteran named Cestus looked at the girl who had been brought in by some of the guards. He looked over her for a moment and then seemed to give a little grunt to the pair before he guided her a bit closer to the camp. Dressed in leather armor and chainmail the old man was armed with a dagger and a shield across his back.

"I've heard of you a few times when we've made camp near a village. The Black Widow. Why exactly would you want to make camp with a group of foreign soldiers moving through your land?" He asked her calmly as he moved along the path towards his master's tent.
"Well isn't it obvious," she says as she giggles" I come for food, booze and shelter. I mean you do know the travelers code right". Zya ran her hand over one of her blades and sighs."Seriously, wow, okay So as the code of the Traveler you come to a camp and offer your blade and what ever you have for the night for food and shelter, and mutual protection. That is it" she says as she looks to her escort.

"I bet you have a heavy grip, maybe a decent cleaver style of sword play, take a limb, a head with brutal strength? if not i am impressed a man of your muscle tone and nation fighting with finesse would be fun to see? maybe a dance later? i would love to go blade for blade, yours against my three?" she says smiling a feral smile.
Cestus seemed curious about the girls word. He had heard of this traveler's code once they reached Ylsst. Her study of his skill and swordsmanship was even more interesting to him. It left him with a fair assumption that he didn't really need. People who got the name Black Widow weren't known for being dainty individuals, or ones who couldn't deliver on serious threats.

Guiding her to a tent that rose from the middle of the camp with two guards with sabres and bows across their backs he paused and extended out his hand.

"Lord Velkin will see you. But only after I get your arms I'm afraid." Cestus said before he heard the tent open up. The young noble appeared in a black and blew outfit, it had the cut of a soldier's uniform from their home but with minor changes to the arms and legs.

His sharp eyes under his unkept blackish blue hair studied Zya.

"Come in my dear." Tavust said in a welcoming tone that ignored any caution he knew Cestus might be having. The noble kept the tent flap open for Zya to come through.
"Why thank you M'Lord" Zya curtsies and steps in side with the raven haired man and smiles. She looks over at her shoulder at Cestus and shrugs. She steps into this posh tent and looks about.

" I see you foreigners travel light!" she says with a small quip as she unburdens her self of her packs and than takes a seat on the floor. She looks at the man and his sway and his weapon. she than looks about the posh decore'.

"So what brings a little lordling all the way out here to the land of the misfits and the unclean. I mean the government here is a joke and the lands teem with monsters, bandits and goblinnoids! I mean you must have some agenda here, or did you get disowned like Pervicval the self proclaimed lord of Castrovel the next town."she says as she takes off her cloak and folds it before her.

She sits peacefully and calmly as she looks at you her green eyes looking you over calculating. She than removes her shoes and than looks at you again."Any tea? maybe booze?"
Tavust looked at the girl and tried to keep any curiosity from his gaze while also not staring. She was quite a sight, beautiful and deadly and he had to remain focused on his charge and not simply stand around gawking.

He had heard some about this Pervicval but not much. A lord without a holding, disowned for whatever reason. It wasn't really his place to try to take the man's lands but he didn't seem to be doing much good for the people under his charge.

Tavust had always been told that those who ruled should always work to keep their people safe and free from harm. But this wasn't his land. He moved over slowly and poured a glass of Beraxian whiskey for the Black Widow in a small cup and handed it to her.

"We have a strong brew outside with our chef Ramson. As for why I'm here I'm traveling through Ylsst on my way to Fordis Vah. Somewhere there I've heard that the foul creature Grona has set up a small kingdom of terror and malice." The young noble said with a sneer.

"I intend to free the people there and bring Grona's head back to my father." He said astutely and proudly figuring it might impress the girl in his tent.
" Oh so a noble going on a Noble quest.... how noble of you" she says giggling a bit as she takes a sip of the brandy and smiles." Decent booze you have there in my home land we have Al'Ekal, a drink made of berries, barely, and honey. It is potent and sweet" she says smiling as she sits her movements simple yet precise.

She takes a minute and looks at your weapon and than at you. She than smiles and leans back on her hands. her breasts perky and pointing at you." So M'Lord the Hammer, a good choice for shattering through scale and breaking bones. A good beast hunters weapon, but what of his minions? how do you fare with a blade, I mean any man can beat off opponents but do you have what it takes to grab your sword and strike a hard firm stroke to ones weak point?"
Tavust rested their for a moment, listening to the Black Widow's words about striking at an opponent's weak point and suddenly he thought of something far from anything to do with monster hunting. In that moment his eyes were drawn to the warrior girl once more, his eyes sweeping over her pert breasts as they extended towards him somewhat.

"I have been trained since I was ten in the arts of combat. I hold no qualms about driving a sword or striking my hammer down against anyone who would threaten innocents, in my country or any others." He said doing his best to sound strong and indomitable. He had set off on a very difficult task, there was little room for uncertainty.
Zya smiles and looks you over from feet to head and smiles" So have you danced the Dance of Death? or the Dance of Love?" she asked as she pulled her blades from her belt and set them on the floor of the tent and smiles.

" I mean to kill a man is a horrible experience, but eventually you get used to it. i though have enjoyed a few dozen dances of the latter my self. Oh some were to get close to my targets, others mere nights of embrace meant for nothing deeper than that connection right then and there." She smiles and looks at the youth and than sighs.

" Though I would like to come with you on this journey it sounds like a fun journey" she says smiling.
Tavust watches Zya for a moment as he watches her slowly removes her blades to the ground and watches him. Her words intrigued him though he wasn't sure what to make of these connections given they seemed quite strange. He had enjoyed flattering flirtation along with a quiet affair that he would not talk to Zya about any time soon.

"I have not danced the death though I have danced the dance of love you could say." He raised his glass slowly while his eyes looked at her for a moment and then grinned as he took a drink. He enjoyed her smile.

"I'm not sure how fun it will be but it should be a great adventure all the same. I look forward to having your skills by my side in whatever may come."
"Oh so you are experienced in the dance though" she says as she pops to her feet from her position and smiles."Good to know"

She says as she gets her self a some more of the brew and than turns to pop her hip. She had taken off her cloak to reveal her taught well toned body. Her shirt was a low V cut of soild white and her skirt a long ankle length deep dark green. She took a drink of her brew and smiled.

" So what other beasts have you slain, M'lord." she drinks again and then adds"Be it broad or beast"
Tavust watched her closely and curiously as she removed her cloak. She was proving to be more interesting every moment and he couldn't help but keep his attention entire focused on the conversation as his eyes looked over the curves of her breasts and the smooth lines of her hips.

"I... well I haven't killed any beasts per say. I have bested a number of bandits that we have met on the road. Once when we left my homeland of Beraxia and twice when we arrived here in Ylsst." He said as he took another drink slowly and eyed his empty glass debating whether to fetch more, 'it may be too much to drink for the first meeting' he thought.

"As for other romantic entanglements I do believe you'll have to wait on those till I feel you have earned my trust. We have just met after all and I know so little of you other then your moniker and a liking for Beraxian whiskey." He said with a small sly smile as he held his glass.
" Oh playing hard to get are we" Zya says as she giggles a bit and slips off her boots and let her feet touch the rug. It was nice and soft. She breathed in and than did a quick spin. She looked like some happy little girl enjoying her feet's movements on the rug.

" It been so long since I had decent carpet under my feet, where ever did you get it ?" she asks as she begins to shift her hips side to side as her body begins to contort in some rhythmic style. He was dancing the dance of the southern lands the Savaz'Ere.

" What I wouldn't give to have my own tent and slaves to tend to me. But I gave that up here to fight and can never turn back now, my father would chastise me for sure." She says as she sighs and than turns her hips swaying to the music in her head as she frowns.
Tavust watched her with a lean to his neck and then slowly rose up as he watched the beautiful girl start to dance. It was alluring and sensual and while part of him, his own training care of his father and others wanted to call out such a breech of etiquette he felt drawn to her, mesmerized.

"I'm..not playing at anything my dear. I am merely interested in finding out more about my new comrade." He moved forward a few inches across the rug and watched her, his eyes betrayed a slight worry when she spoke of her father. There was something there to be sure and he moved closer to Zya and though he wasn't sure why his hand reached out and brushed across her cheek as she danced.

"You shouldn't focus on something that brings you sadness. There may be more than enough of that in our struggles ahead. I would have you smile." He told her, doing all that he could to keep the anxiety from his voice. Being so close to such beauty had not been something he'd accounted for this day. And now he didn't quite know what to do.
" I smile rarely, but if i do i hope you will treasure it like a rare jewel" she says as she pulls away and dances over to your chair and than sits. She giggles and than points at you.

" Come Lordling let me tell you a tale of a little girl growing up the Princess to Shiek Amal al'Fasir bin Foruk" she says as she crosses her legs and pats her thigh." Trust me the view is better if you sit in my lap....Unless you want me to sit on yours?" she says raising her eyebrow.
Tavust watched her, his eyes gleamed with interest as she danced away from him. Her giggling and her finger offered up something that he felt he couldn't refuse easily.

"I wouldn't mind it though perhaps we can reach that point as your story develops." He said and took her own chair and moved it over besides her own. The lordling was surprised to hear that she was a princess, or had once been one and while he may have wished to have her cheeks nestled on his legs but he was more curious to hear about her origin.
"Yes I was raised in a powerful Desert clan of Akar Falid or the Desert Tigers." she smiled as she leaned in her lips inches from yours before she pulls back and takes a drink of the brandy.

"Our Clan was a fierce and deadly clan. We were known for our deadly dancing blades, as well as our artists! We never betrayed sacred desert laws of hospitality which seem to have carried over here." she than crossed her legs letting a hint of her actually leg be shown. It vanishes as does her pause.

" My father was the Sheik of the Akar Falid. My father was a fierce man even in his forties. His blade was a weapon of death. He earned the man of Death's Hand Servant by the other clans. We ruled Northern Biket and were a prosperous people." she smiled as she talked of her father and home."I was the eldest daughter of my house. I was also the Eldest child. I would never be Sheik and thus be only good for treaties and breeding stock. I had other ideas."

"So I learned from the servants and slaves we had acquired unique sword styles, fighting arts, even how to ride and craft weapons. All the things women in my land could not do, unless your were of the Cal Vis Allar..or as others call Amazons of the jungle lands in the south east. I would not give up all ties to men. I did learn the seductive arts of My people, and practiced them with the other noble girls in my clan." She took a long pause and closed her eyes as if remembering something of that time. her lips opened a bit and than she let her eyes flutter open. She blushed a bit and than continued.

" On my soon to be 14th birthday, my father had introduced me to my soon to be husband, the old and crippled Sheik Allar Thul bin Follar. He was a pathetic man known to hold his clan in check by his lovely system of rewards and punishments. he would let his most valued men have what ever woman from his harem he wished, he would also maim, brand and tattoo those he found not living up to expectations. My father hated this idea to give me too him but had too as he needed Thul's wealthy backing."

"I couldn't stand for this and thus in private challenged my father to a duel. I told him if i would win i would gain my freedom and the contents of my tent. He agreed finding it absurd. However I was the better swordsman. I drew blood in three advances. My father in disbelief released me. I was no fool though and quickly grabbed all I could carry, I took my horse and a camel and headed north. as for what happened after that is another story for another day"

Zya smiled and looked at you and waited for any sort of response as she turned the memories in her head and did not hold back at all.
Tavust listened intently to all that Zya had to say. She was a master of storytelling in his mind and he found himself watching her mouth closing for the subtle hints and movements she displayed when going through parts of the story. Once she was finished he watched her as she sat with her legs crossed in the chair she had settled into.

"It appears you are not quite what your legend paints you out to be. You are more, much more." He admitted as his hands folded together. "It appears we'll have a very skilled warrior and agent to aide us if you make it all the way to the final battle. I look forward to seeing your skills in action."
" Oh just my skills in battle..that I can help you with.." she says as she stands and points out to the door she had come from. She was intent. She stood as if ready to strike and her feet firm as she looked from the tent opening to you.

"Out in your band of men is one, Thaddeus Vol." She pulls a wanted poster written in Thanisgarian, a land east of you. " Thaddeus raided and brutally rapped Lady Fesilla and her daughter 6 years ago. he has not one but two bastard children."

She popped up her swords and slide them into her belt as she smiles." I came here at first to take his head along with the others. However when I found you a high lordling I had to see you and see what brings a man of your standing so far from home."

"So Lord Tavust can I Zya, Princess of the Akar Felid, claim the head of one Thaddeus Vol" she says standing a fierce stance as she looks to the door from you and waits.
Tavust looked at her for a moment, keeping his tongue from instantly replying. He felt anger and annoyance that she had lied about her role in joining them. She was just on a hunt, a job and she had used him in a way. He turned away from her for a moment before looking back.

His eyes looked over the wanted poster that she held. "I feel as though you have misled me for your own reasons Zya. A mistake on my part of course and yet now you have me here in a position I wouldn't wish to be in."

"Thaddeus Vol is a competent warrior, one of the best in my company. I will not give him over to you, yet." The lordling said and took another sip of brandy.

"Once I have confirmed this warrant and after we have dealt with the monster that plagues both Beraxia and all other countries shall I let you take him." He said as he turned back fully to her.
" That may be true." she says as she looks at him and than to her blades on the floor. She could easily get them and cut the lordling down, but than she would be unjustified in doing so. This man this Tavust has done knowing what so ever.

" Well there is a contingent that can be made on behalf of your man. If you can get him to turn him self in once this is over with, that should do it. However his bastard daughters will be cast out. Right now they are being held as servants to there mothers' male family members. If you wish to do anything right it is to his girls. they must be taken care of.I was gonna give the bounty..well most of the bounty to them so they could start life anew." She walks over and rests her hand on your shoulder and smiles as she leans in and kisses your lips.

"If you could take them in and raise them proper I do believe all avenues can be cleansed. Your man will answer for his crime, i get my bounty and the girls well..they get the most important thing of all. A life above that of a maid to boorish men who use you" She says as she looks into your eyes and smiles.

"Will this arrangement do?"
Tavust watched Zya closely when she initially replied. He knew a less rational person may very well try to make a move against him when he rebuked her initial offer. But she didn't and he was glad for it.

Her words confused him to the point he figured most were lies. She would be a rare breed indeed if she planned to give the girls the bounty on their own father, bastard born or not. Then when she rested a hand on his shoulder and leaned in for a simple kiss he just looked at her cooly though inside he was quite at a loss for words to describe his surprise.

He did however and he quickly moved his hand around her back to hold her close to him, cutting off her escape though he knew he would be playing with fire. He felt her chest against his as he looked down at her, connecting his gaze with her own.

"Provided that he is guilty as you say I shall do what I can to convince him to return for judgement, with the allowance of exile in my country if he serves the cause well. If he dies under my charge I shall ensure the credit goes to you my dear." He said as he continued to look upon her beauty.

"I shall look into provisions to keep the girls looked after in their home country. What the man did before he joined my cadre is of no importance to me and neither are his children but I shall allow this... as a favor to you for joining me. So long as you tell me why you have kissed me." He told her and a small smile formed on his lips as he watched her.