Jon Stewart demolishes transphobic legislator rutledge with simple, actual facts


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
rutledge's opening gambit was 'saving the children from experimental surgeries and drugs'
Stewart asked Rutledge how many children had received such surgeries in the five years prior to gender-affirming care being banned for minors in Arkansas. Rutledge did not know. But Stewart did. “In our research, it was zero. So it definitely hasn’t happened,” he said, showing that laws such as Arkansas’s are protecting children from threats that aren’t really there. After all, trans kids don’t get transition-related surgery except for in rare cases, and only then is it top surgery for those who were assigned female at birth — a practice that is backed by major medical organizations.

Rutledge then said the law is mainly to protect kids from gender-affirming medications — not surgery, but hormones and puberty blockers. But these drugs are not experimental. They’ve been used for many years and continue to be studied extensively.

“I think a lot of people might say, including myself, it’s surprising that the state would say ‘we want to make a decision for your family and your child to protect them even though the American Medical Association, the American [Academy] of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the American [Psychiatric Association] all recommend a certain set of guidelines for children that are expressing gender dysphoria,’” Stewart said.

It's an interesting concept to deride someone who wants to outlaw something that's arguably a very bad thing, on the basis that it hasn't happened to anyone yet.

It makes me wonder about people sometimes.
It's an interesting concept to deride someone who wants to outlaw something that's arguably a very bad thing, on the basis that it hasn't happened to anyone yet.

It makes me wonder about people sometimes.

So do you support curtailing liberty and privacy to prevent something that is not happening?
So do you support curtailing liberty and privacy to prevent something that is not happening?
Happens all the time. (Wait, isn't that part of a song?)

Maybe, under your vision, we shouldn't outlaw human cloning because it hasn't happened and it would be curtailing the liberties of the body snatchers.
Happens all the time. (Wait, isn't that part of a song?)

Maybe, under your vision, we shouldn't outlaw human cloning because it hasn't happened and it would be curtailing the liberties of the body snatchers.

So, yes? You do want politicians to decide what medical care doctors can perform?

Ban cloning? Do you want a blanket ban on the technology? Are you against all cloning including tissues? Or just organisms all together?

Is this a religious stance or are you against it because you can’t wrap your head around any possible benefits?
So, yes? You do want politicians to decide what medical care doctors can perform?
Ban cloning? Do you want a blanket ban on the technology? Are you against all cloning including tissues? Or just organisms all together?
Did I say that? Of course not. So instead of actually acknowledging the point you went all hyperbole and decided to include the entirety of the universe to show how impracticable I'm being.

Not that it helps you in any way, but you tried. Congratulations.
Is this a religious stance or are you against it because you can’t wrap your head around any possible benefits?


Did I say that? Of course not. So instead of actually acknowledging the point you went all hyperbole and decided to include the entirety of the universe to show how impracticable I'm being.

Not that it helps you in any way, but you tried. Congratulations.


Look Harpy,

You have undermined any credibility your words here should carry. Why should anyone believe you are being truthful and sincere about anything?

You are an accomplished liar and denialist.

In your own words you claim to be an attorney. You claim that attorneys are supposed to provide the best possible representation for their client whatever the facts may be.

Your clients, your job, and therefore you livelihood have sometimes depended on you obfuscating reality and trying to sell an alternative narrative.

Why should anyone believe that you would argue anything in good faith?
Look Harpy,

You have undermined any credibility your words here should carry. Why should anyone believe you are being truthful and sincere about anything?

You are an accomplished liar and denialist.

In your own words you claim to be an attorney. You claim that attorneys are supposed to provide the best possible representation for their client whatever the facts may be.

Your clients, your job, and therefore you livelihood have sometimes depended on you obfuscating reality and trying to sell an alternative narrative.

Why should anyone believe that you would argue anything in good faith?

Oh goody, the Ad Hom loser's speech.

Face it, the position you've taken can't be supported by your own words.
Oh goody, the Ad Hom loser's speech.

Face it, the position you've taken can't be supported by your own words.

Oh what position is that?

Ad hominem? It sounds like I hit a nerve. Are you saying there is nothing valid to what I said in post #8 ?
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Maybe, under your vision, we shouldn't outlaw human cloning because it hasn't happened and it would be curtailing the liberties of the body snatchers.

How does this non-sequiter apply to anything I’ve said? What is my ‘vision’ you are referring to?
Oh what position is that?

As hominem? It sounds like I hit a nerve. Are you saying there is nothing valid to what I said in post #8 ?

You lost your temper and, consequently, the debate. Attempting to return to it is stupid. You know where you went wrong, why you went wrong, and that it's not me who is wrong.

Face it and deal with the fallout.

You lost your temper and, consequently, the debate. Attempting to return to it is stupid. You know where you went wrong, why you went wrong, and that it's not me who is wrong.

Face it and deal with the fallout.

Lost my temper? :LOL:

I’m having breakfast with my paralegal wife, laughing at your lack of acuity.

You lost your temper and, consequently, the debate. Attempting to return to it is stupid. You know where you went wrong, why you went wrong, and that it's not me who is wrong.

Face it and deal with the fallout.

Are you not an accomplished liar?
The anti-trans crowd is fighting to give politicians more power over people and less privacy for everyone.
I can't see how privacy comes into play, when Trans people are the most demonstrative and vocal self-induced victims out there. Add to this that they want public medical coverage for elective surgeries...
Lost my temper? :LOL:

I’m having breakfast with my paralegal wife, laughing at your lack of acuity.
Ummm, yeah.

In California it's 10:30am on a Monday morning,
and you're right now having breakfast,
with your paralegal wife,
talking about me...

And you say I'm the one with a credibility problem.

I can't see how privacy comes into play, when Trans people are the most demonstrative and vocal self-induced victims out there. Add to this that they want public medical coverage for elective surgeries...

Privacy comes into play because limiting healthcare requires government oversight.
Ummm, yeah.

In California it's 10:30am on a Monday morning,
and you're right now having breakfast,
with your paralegal wife,
talking about me...

And you say I'm the one with a credibility problem.


Having a late brunch. ;)
I have a huge problem when a male...goes through puberty...then decides to become female with one year of hormone treatments and immediately competes as a female in sports. isn't fair. It only harms the Trans movement towards acceptance. Of course, they will say it doesn't matter...but that isn't what science says and it isn't what the eyes say. If it didn't matter, why have different teams for sports?

If a child's brain is not physically and emotionally developed enough to make a decision on who they can have sex with...why would one expect their brain to be physically and emotionally developed to deal with a decision like this?

I am totally for adults being allowed to make decisions for themselves. But where is that line?
I have a huge problem when a male...goes through puberty...then decides to become female with one year of hormone treatments and immediately competes as a female in sports. isn't fair. It only harms the Trans movement towards acceptance. Of course, they will say it doesn't matter...but that isn't what science says and it isn't what the eyes say. If it didn't matter, why have different teams for sports?

If a child's brain is not physically and emotionally developed enough to make a decision on who they can have sex with...why would one expect their brain to be physically and emotionally developed to deal with a decision like this?

I am totally for adults being allowed to make decisions for themselves. But where is that line?
This, right here.
I have a huge problem when a male...goes through puberty...then decides to become female with one year of hormone treatments and immediately competes as a female in sports. isn't fair. It only harms the Trans movement towards acceptance. Of course, they will say it doesn't matter...but that isn't what science says and it isn't what the eyes say. If it didn't matter, why have different teams for sports?

If a child's brain is not physically and emotionally developed enough to make a decision on who they can have sex with...why would one expect their brain to be physically and emotionally developed to deal with a decision like this?

I am totally for adults being allowed to make decisions for themselves. But where is that line?

It’s interesting that this one issue of sports is one of the few rallying cries against trans rights.

Do you think that the rest of the problems people have with trans are just as valid?
Well, viewpoints aside, the key takeaway for me is that Jon Stewart shows up & he does his research. He never meant to be a TV personality with opinions only, but he actually acts on what he believes is right. Whether you agree it's your definition of right, doesn't alter that fact. And, I have zero formed opinions on this topic beyond that observation.
I have a huge problem when a male...goes through puberty...then decides to become female with one year of hormone treatments and immediately competes as a female in sports.
There's simple tests that can be performed to show hormonal levels and those can be used as a gate for anyone who wishes to compete, from what I understand. For upper tier sports, this is a must.
It’s interesting that this one issue of sports is one of the few rallying cries against trans rights.

Do you think that the rest of the problems people have with trans are just as valid?
I think if this didn't happen...the media attention wouldn't be what it is. When people want to sit there and say....but that hasn't happened...i have to point out this has happened.

People hate (or maybe the correct word is fear) what they don't understand and what is forced on them. This isn't fair. But it is reality. Understanding this is the key to having real, meaningful discussions