
Hmm, my jokes are usually lame.

I think I will leave it up to someone who can tell a punchline
4laterer said:
I'm never up to date with jokes. I get them from the moron who sits behind me at work. He rarely makes me laugh intentionally (I often laugh AT him) but this was an exception

there was another, but not sure of youd get it, as its about brit politics

I may not get it, but I would try. If you like it, pop it out. I am game!
4laterer said:
so I hear......

anyway, the other joke

Whats the difference between Edwina Currie and Maggie Thatcher?

One fucked the majors, and the other fucked the miners.

would you like me to explain it?
Nope, I got it!!!

So you, no mercy.
4laterer said:
Good lord! An american who knows of affairs outside of the US?

(and *those* affairs)

here, have a medal.

*is shocked*
I accept this medal on behalf of those who are more intelligent than a turnip.

Thank you.