Jobs that are sexy to you, and why


Kink Lord
Apr 9, 2015
Are there some jobs that are particularly sexy to you, either in a character in an erotic story, or in a real-life partner? What's sexy about the job to you and why?

Do you like firemen? Men (or women) in uniforms? Fitness instructors? Librarians? Teachers? Are you turned on by jobs where people work with their hands or their muscles? Or in offices? Are you turned on by what you know from every day experience, or by fantasies of what you do not experience on a day to day basis?

For me: I'm interested in characters who have jobs that typically require a certain amount of decorum or restraint, where the overt expression of sexuality is not encouraged. The hot teacher or librarian trope. Women who work in offices where a significant level of decorum is expected, but where decorum is set aside or overcome because of desire.
personal trainers, military men, construction workers (men, of course). I guess I like them because they are in shape and can be aggressive.
Serious answer: jobs that allow people to show their talent. I'm attracted to smart, talented people, so anyone who is very good at their job and does it in a way that I know is better than I can ever hope to do it is sexy. That could be a bartender, a musician, a mechanic, a software engineer, a teacher, it doesn't really matter, as long as they can easily and preferably visually demonstrate their skill I'd find that hot. It's probably why my exes include photographers, artists, dancers and musicians.

(My wife and I were both journalists when we met. She was and is way better than me at every aspect of the role which I find incredibly sexy. She's also a way better guitarist than me too. Juggling is about the only thing I surpass her at.)
I've told my I-got-sexually-aroused-by-the-dentist story in another thread :oops:

Also, librarians. rawr.
Also coders. Anyone who can help me organize the folders and files on my computer is inherently sexy. (My husband is a coder.)
(female) university professors. Teachers in general used to attract me but not so much anymore since I became one.
Also, stewardesses are just plain hot.
I have a competence kink. So any job where the person is good at it qualifies.

I have a whole raft of characters who are scientists in the biomedical field, not so much because the job is attractive but because of the opportunities people have to meet new colleagues, acquire friends with benefits, have handy lockable rooms in the workplace, etc. So far, I honestly don't think I've got as filthy as real life, probably because I don't write about drunk unplanned cheating nor planned cheating, which both happen in huge volumes (besides the consensual friends with benefits and sex parties).

Other characters have been youth workers, technical drawing guy who rises up to project manager for architectural projects, a well-regarded fire safety engineer, and a few generic guys 'in marketing' or 'in IT' who look good in suits.
Seconding the uniform/suit thing, on men and women!

Personally I have a thing for a boiler suit. Especially if it's a bit dirty. Mmm.
I own a farm and am always turned on by women who are tough as nails farmers.

Know a few of them.

Or women in “traditional male” roles like mechanics, truck drivers, farmers, lumberjacks, welders, cops, etc.

As some of my stories indicate, I’m also turned on by female medical professionals… acting all cold and medical while they are doing something erotic to me, like giving a prostate massage. Once IRL, I had to have my balls scanned w an ultrasound. The female tech was amazingly hot and I had to to try try try to not be aroused…
Call me quirky, but I've always found pole-dancers sexy.

I think it's because they remind me of clumsy firemen, who are also sexy a.f.
(female) university professors. Teachers in general used to attract me but not so much anymore since I became one.
Also, stewardesses are just plain hot.
I have slept with nurses, teachers, and one flight attendant. All hot in different ways. Something about traditional female professions, especially those that require nurturing.

They often smell nice. Like motor oil and metal.

Oh yeah. :0

Specific skills are hawt, like fixing cars and paramedics. Artists and musicians, their skills make them much hawter. I wrote a romance novel about a daring race car driver (fans self). Musicians have to be my number one though. piano, drums, guitar, singing, anything. (swoon)
Oh yeah. :0

Specific skills are hawt, like fixing cars and paramedics. Artists and musicians, their skills make them much hawter. I wrote a romance novel about a daring race car driver (fans self). Musicians have to be my number one though. piano, drums, guitar, singing, anything. (swoon)
Yes, artists and musicians are right up there for me, too.

A coder who can play guitar, fix cars, and sing would be kryptonite to me. The calloused fingers, nice voice, earthy smell, intelligence and ability to write me programs that organize "finalfinalfinalcopyforreal33" along with all files with similar names into a single folder to make it easier for me to find out which version actually is the fucking final copy would absolutely win me over (if I weren't married. But I am, so I just have to convince my husband to learn guitar, singing and car fixing.)