Job Corps...


Literotica Guru
Nov 27, 2002
Just curious if anyone out there has been to Job Corps either visiting or as a student. I was a student at Pine Ridge Job Corps from 3/02 through 11/02.
I'm a jobbie

Tongue Point Oregon, 19 months, Clerical, 1984

And I still know people I met from there.

For those of us to poor to go to college Job Corps is a wonderful alternative to experience campus life.

Oh, and they teach you stuff too.
I took clerical as well although it has been renamed as Business Technologies LOL

I am marrying a man that I met there so I guess it isn't all bad. As of yet, I still keep in pretty good contact with some people that I met there.

I was grateful that I got the opportunity to be a part of it. It was a wonderful experience in my opinion. I will cherish the memories always...:D
It's one of the few federal programs that actually work. Taking disadvantaged youth and training them to go out and get jobs and become tax payers.