JMJ's Reading List


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
Here are a couple books I'm reading right now. I want to recommend them, mostly so I'll have someone to talk to about them, because no one in my circle reads this kind of stuff.

"Zen Flesh, Zen Bones", complied and translated by Paul Reps - This is actually a compliation of four separate very old writings about Zen, including the "Gateless Gate" of noted Zen teacher Mumon. It's pretty provocative reading, and virtually every koan in it give you pause to think - not only about what Zen is and what it does or does not do, but also about the nature of your own thinking and behavior.

"Casting the Stones", a collection of ghost stories by MR James - James was a contemporary of HP Lovecraft. Unlike Lovecraft, James' ghost stories are light on the tentacles and cyclopean architecture, and long on style, understated setting, and surprising creepiness. Each story begins like a sedate Jane Austen story and ends like a Stephen King novel. James is the master of keeping the ghost behind the curtain until just the right moment. Virtually any collection of his stories are worth reading. Look for the story "Whistle, and I'll come to ye, My Lad".

"From a Buick 8", Stephen King - I'm re-reading this latest book of the preeminent horror writer of our generation. This is a damned good story, long on understated character development and study and short on shambling monsters. Don't let that throw you. It's still a good creepy story that reads quickly and leaves you pretty satisfied at the end.
"Oh Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad" is the hands down scariest tale ever penned.
That's a good selection, Jim. I think I would like to read "Casting the Stones."

I just bought an older book the other day. "Essential Zen" by Kazuaki Tanahashi and Tensho David Schneider. Interesting reading.
I have a couple different James collections. I picked up "Casting the Stones" from the Sci-Fi Book Club. You can get one of those Penguin paperback classic collections of his for pretty cheap at just about any bookstore and they're plenty thick.

roscoe - I agree with you. That story spooks the hell out of me.

I want to get "Essential Zen". I saw your post on it back when, Summery, and meant to comment on it then. I don't know why I didn't. YOu can get ZF, ZB for pretty cheap at from a variety of sellers.
JazzManJim said:
"From a Buick 8", Stephen King - I'm re-reading this latest book of the preeminent horror writer of our generation. This is a damned good story, long on understated character development and study and short on shambling monsters. Don't let that throw you. It's still a good creepy story that reads quickly and leaves you pretty satisfied at the end.
I've got this book sitting right over there...been meaning to start it. King occasionally dissappoints me so I'm glad to see he comes thru here

*edited to add: why do i keep scrolling up to see summery's 'boys'? i think i just answered my own question *
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I only read one book at a time. I'm not that much of a multi-tasker.

I'd be happy to discuss Buick 8, though.
JazzManJim said:

"From a Buick 8", Stephen King - I'm re-reading this latest book of the preeminent horror writer of our generation. This is a damned good story, long on understated character development and study and short on shambling monsters. Don't let that throw you. It's still a good creepy story that reads quickly and leaves you pretty satisfied at the end.

I felt the same way. It took a second for me to get with the ending but after I thought about what the story really meant and what King was going for, it made perfect sense.
JerseyBoy said:
throw out any spoilers here..

...and i'll kill ya!


Actually, it's kinda hard to discuss Buick 8 without letting a few cats out of the bag. Guess I'll quit now.
you need to start its own thread with a *spoiler* disclaimer at the top

and ill join you in a day or so
I just read a fantastic essay on Lovecraft's influences that mentioned MR James. Are you a Lovecraftian, JMJ?
rosco rathbone said:
I just read a fantastic essay on Lovecraft's influences that mentioned MR James. Are you a Lovecraftian, JMJ?

Since I was a youngish teenager. The first volumes I ever read were the Arkham House collections with the pale pastel-colored covers I checked out of the Library perhaps a gazillion times. :D

I wish after all these years that I had worked something out to keep those volumes. The library had the complete set and now they're collectors' items.
The essay I was reading was in the Arkham House Collected Works Of, which I think is pretty new. Has all kinds of obscure stuff, check it out.

I need to go back and re-read some Steven King. I'm thinking "IT" might have aged well.
rosco rathbone said:
The essay I was reading was in the Arkham House Collected Works Of, which I think is pretty new. Has all kinds of obscure stuff, check it out.

I need to go back and re-read some Steven King. I'm thinking "IT" might have aged well.

I stalk Rosco... but he never notices.
rosco rathbone said:

I need to go back and re-read some Steven King. I'm thinking "IT" might have aged well.
I'm sure it has aged well cept for the ending which was just plain sour...ugh

How about 'The Stand'?
oh i love Lovecraft. Spookiest stuff i've ever read.
JerseyBoy said:

How about 'The Stand'?

Barring the yet-to-be-completed Dark Tower series, The Stand is still the best. And personally, I've always been partial to The Body and The Running Man myself.
i recently picked up a compilation of Letters to Penthouse for a friend... i havent read it, but i'm sure i will get to here the highlights...
honeylick said:
i recently picked up a compilation of Letters to Penthouse for a friend... i havent read it, but i'm sure i will get to here the highlights...

Lucky friend....