Jesus H. Jehosaphat, it must be 90 outside!!!


roosevelt dime
Feb 20, 2002
"And a melee ensued, in which an enraged horde of long-suffering snowbound unfortunates brutally pummeled a hapless, shorts and t-shirt clad Southern California reptile."

Stirring up trouble all over the place?!
Bad tortoise...

I'm rotten to tha core, I tell ya!

But I have a nice tan, so....

NOT fair!

Its 20f here....and we are LOADED with snow....and more to come....sigh....I wanna be in S. Cali.....:(
tortoise said:
"And a melee ensued, in which an enraged horde of long-suffering snowbound unfortunates brutally pummeled a hapless, shorts and t-shirt clad Southern California reptile."

lol i just flashed to this studly turtle with lil sandals on his back feet.....pulling his wifebeater tee back and forth at his chest, fanning himself, taking a swig of his budweiser....lil perspiration going....crudely muttering, "it's hot as fuck here".....<giggle>

bless your big lil terrapin heart....;)
Yeah, it was close to 80 here in Phoenix today. Sometimes I wish it was colder here in the winter to make up for how hot it gets in the summer!

It's going to be -20 here tomorrow. Got any room in that turtle cave for a poor chilly Canuck?
It's the same temperature it always is here, miserable. THat's Mierable Farenheit, not Miserable Celcius.
Ginny said:
lol i just flashed to this studly turtle with lil sandals on his back feet.....pulling his wifebeater tee back and forth at his chest, fanning himself, taking a swig of his budweiser....lil perspiration going....crudely muttering, "it's hot as fuck here".....<giggle>

bless your big lil terrapin heart....;)


That's me to a T, sugarbritches!
