Jesus. At last George has risen from the dead...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
"Waa'l if ya don' support us", he said to the UN." we got no choice but to form our own Coalition"...

What fucking Coalition can George organise?...

He can't even organise sleeping on the sofa without nearly choking to death...

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Your animosity toward President Bush blinds your recognition of facts, PeePee.

There is an existing coaliton working currently (against terrorism) which was in fact organized by President Bush.
Cherry said:
Your animosity toward President Bush blinds your recognition of facts, PeePee.

There is an existing coaliton working currently (against terrorism) which was in fact organized by President Bush.


Name them...

Peepee, can you go one week without posting about Bush, the US, the Middle East, Jews, or drinking?
miles said:
Peepee, can you go one week without posting about Bush, the US, the Middle East, Jews, or drinking?

Now that you and PC have cloned again I can talk about anything...

As long it's to do with the US, Middle East. jews and drinking...

With a nod to that other big corrupt capitalist Henry Ford...

p_p_man said:

Name them...

Currently in Coalition for a new strike against Iraq in the fight against terrorism:

US, Britian (troops), Australia (troops), Bulgaria (airspace, Sarafovo airpost), Romania (airspace, airbases), Bahrain (Headquarters of U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet and 4,200 U.S. troops), Qatar (permitting U.S. forward command center, bases, heavy armored brigade), Kuwait, Oman (bases), Italy, Spain, Poland, Netherlands (political and moral support), Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Canada (expected to join once the U.S. enlists the full force of its military)...

More to come. And this doesn't count the nations who are already working with us elsewhere to fight terrorism, like France, Morocco, Senegal, Japan, Yemen, and more...

Now that I've proven you wrong, you are free to say "Bulgaria! That doesn't count!" and try to worm out of this by making it a question of degrees.
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p_p_man said:
Now that you and PC have cloned again I can talk about anything...


That's the point. You CAN'T talk about just anything. It's called narrow focus.
miles said:
That's the point. You CAN'T talk about just anything. It's called narrow focus.

At least you mentioned the word focus in relation to myself...

Unlike many people in Bush's America...

They're just told to have a focus and Hey Presto! they have it...

p_p_man said:
At least you mentioned the word focus in relation to myself...

Unlike many people in Bush's America...

They're just told to have a focus and Hey Presto! they have it...


Have a bite 'o me crank, guvnah.
ODWTTMPBTDUD- Organization of Dorks Who Think They're More Progressive Because They Don't Use Deoderant
What do you think the United States is, a television show? We can't agree on which Star Wars movie is best, you think we're all going to jump left at the same time because Bush says so. You have an eight year old Pokemon view of our country. It's not even a country in your mind, more like a Sim City game full of pixelated "characters" controlled by arrow keys. You're silly.
The ugly Americans

Dicks, Bastard Child, and inches are all perfect examples of the ugly Americans. Smug, arrogant, selfish, abusive bastards. Most Americans are NOT like them. In fact, they are dinosaurs who will soon be tossed onto the toxic waste dump of history.

Hi, p p man.
It's three on two...

Red Rover Red Rover send Hanns right over...

Then we'll have a six-pack of trolls...
Re: The ugly Americans

Dicks, Bastard Child, and inches are all perfect examples of the ugly Americans. Smug, arrogant, selfish, abusive bastards. Most Americans are NOT like them. In fact, they are dinosaurs who will soon be tossed into the toxic waste dump of history.

Hi, p p man.

Actually, while I obviously disagree with the "smug, arrogant, selfish, abusive bastards" label (you left out fascist and racist, you fucking perezoso slacker) most Americans are just like us. You're in the minority, monsieur "Commie Cocksucker". That's why you hate the "U.S.", remember?

Gawd you really love that self-portrait.

Started any good slander suits lately, moron.
Let me make this claim, some of us MORE American that those three descendants of European Barbarity...
Repetition is the key to success.

How's the application process for the high school gig...

We know you like the little girls with tony arms...

Sorry guys, Dixs will now need to go masturbate so it's back to two on two.