Jesse Jackson Jr. likely to resign


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
CHICAGO - Amid reports that he may have misused campaign funds, Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. has hired a lawyer to handle negotiations with the federal government on possible plea deal in which he would resign from the House of Representatives and spend time in prison, media said.

CBS 2 television reported on Saturday and Fox News Chicago on Monday, citing an unnamed source, that Jackson hired Dan Webb, a former U.S. attorney in Chicago who represents defendants in high-profile corruption cases to represent the 47-year-old lawmaker.

Both reports said Jackson, who was easily re-elected to Congress on November 6, may have to resign his seat and serve time in prison under terms of the deal being negotiated.
He could run for re-election while he's in the joint and still win.
Oh please people stop screwing up. Stop stealing and thinking you can get away with it. Stop selling things that aren't yours to sell. I am tired of supporting Illinois polititians with their time in jail. You are not a big shot and you will not get away with it so stop it. Just stop it.
Sometimes it's hard for him to see the screen through the forest of tits at his place.:D

selfish useless piece of shit

he has THAT

and doesnt invite me

WHATS UP WITH DAT????????????????

Hey yo, Koo Koo Bear(ly)There...........FUCK YOU:mad:

I want him to redistribute PUSSY and TITS!

Selfish REPOH PIG that he is:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I have you on iggy every week. :cool:
