Jersey drivers.....


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2005
....what is it about them that makes you cringe besides the nations highest auto insurance rates?
Fuck you, jack off. Jersey can drive just fine without your sorry ass at the steering wheel.
So are the waits at State inspectiom stations.

Is it still that bad?
It use to be corrupt as hell.
If you wanted your car to pass through, just have a female in a low cut blouse and high skirt take it ... BADDA BING
We were dumb enough once to get into the inner lane of one of those traffic circles and no one would let us back out so we had to 'round in circles for a very long time...
As fucked up as jersey and their drivers are, those french speaking ass-holes from quebec are many times worse!:eek:
We were dumb enough once to get into the inner lane of one of those traffic circles and no one would let us back out so we had to 'round in circles for a very long time...

C'mon AJ, fess up. That's not at all true.

Only dumb once....yeah right.