Jayce, Koba, Avg.Joe, S.Genius, Clu, BJ, Sea T., Vassago, W'nE, P.x35, Count, Rusher


Clandestine Sex-pressionist
Feb 17, 2000
These are the people who, at the time of this posting, have a request for feedback on this first page of the Story Feedback section.

Congratulations on posting a story. It's a great feeling, isn't it? You should be proud at that accomplishment. It's a courageous thing to put your work out there for public consumption. It's even braver to ask for feedback, good and bad.

You'll probably have already gotten feedback on your thread from the_bragis, kristydoll, Big Texan or Madame Manga. These people (and please please please forgive me if I neglected to name any other regular contributors) are the GODS AND GODDESS to us all. And if you HAVE gotten feedback from them, you'd better be damn sure to thank them. It's the very least you can do. It takes time to read a story, analyze it for strengths and weaknesses, and then write it all down in such a way as to not offend the tender feelings of the writer. You owe them some gratitude. I'll even go so far to say that I think you should thank them publically and not in PMs, so other people get the idea and so you don't look like a selfish ingrate. ;)

Now, I'm not finished.

Yes, you've written and posted your story. You've posted a thread here asking for feedback, and in doing so, exposed your literary jugular. But don't stop there.

I encourage, implore, and even order each of you to go forth and GIVE feedback to someone else who asked for it. It doesn't have to be the detailed type of feedback that the_bragis so generously gives. It can just be a sentence or two, an impression, a reaction, an general observation. Something. Anything.


--This will balance the karmic feedback scales. ;)
--This will make you a better person. (Seriously! The spirit of giving and all that, you know.)
--This will probably teach you a little more about writing too. (It's often easier to analyze someone else's writing than you're own, because you can be objective.)

So, as Nike says, "Just do it!"

Okay. Shutting up now.
Thanks WS for your tender encouragement. I do thank the people who post to my feedback threads AND I do put in my 2 cents for feedback on other's stories, why it isnt every single one listed I do offer my opinion on some that I get he chance to read.
Trying my best...

Hi Whispersecret,

Thanks for bringing this up. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said.

Eversince I started posting here I attempted to return some of the favor of getting great feedback. So, I do try to read every story posted here for feedback, and try to say something that might be useful to new writers (like me).

Furthermore I use the feedback, let it play a role in the way I change a story, and I thank every person who took the time to feedback me.
It's a lot of work, but it's both worth it and the least one can do in return for others taking so much time to seriously read your own contribututions.

Once we'll have like ten people regularly supplying feedback, this board will do perfectly, I think.

Cheers to all,

LOL. Was that gentle encouragement? ;)

Wicked and Paul, I commend you. You are part of the reason why this board isn't completely a wasteland of beggars. I hope that others follow your example!

Well? What about the rest of yous guys? Maybe you ain't been as on the ball as Wicked and Paul, but that is easily remedied!

Go forth and give feedback.

I want to thank all for feedback I have gotten. It does make one feel good when feedback is given. I do try and send feedback the majority of the time. I hadn't realized before how important it was nor had I taken the time to vote on stories.

I now see the importance only if it is in the writer's eyes. I will continue writing and praying for feedback and votes, as well as voting and feeding back lol. It's not so much I wanted positive feedback as constructive criticism (SP) and pointers.

I feel so reconized now. I will do all I can to assist others. Pay it forward time......

Whispersecret said:
LOL. Was that gentle encouragement? ;)

I assume this was a response to the "will do perfectly"? :)
When I read it again, I realized it may be interpreted in a different way I wanted it to sound.
The Dutch equivalent is supposed to express "will work very nicely". The literary translation into English adds a touch of "ten is enough", doesn't it?
That was not my intention, as I hope you were guessing :)

tender encouragement
Sorry WS it was meant to be sarcastic LOL. Last night when I first read your post here it sorta pissed me off that you had singled me out into this group. I wanted to be nice with my reply to you but sarcastic at the same time. After thinking on it and re-reading it I understood why you put me in here, I think, so now I'm apologizing for being sarcastic.
No worries, either of you. Paul, my comment was actually directed toward W'nE. ;)

W'nE, I addressed the post to everyone who asked for feedback on the first page at the time of the posting. I was hoping that by doing so I'd AVOID singling out anyone in particular. LOL.

Interesting to see who has responded to this thread so far. I haven't been able to get to the board in the last day or so to check, but have we seen any upsurge in feedback AT ALL from this???
That's what I had thought about this post after the re-read. LOL I have noticed some upsurge in feedback, still not as good as it could be and I must admit I havent been much help. I need some time to sit and read! Past few days I've had barely enough time to get on here and check post and that's it.
I'm off to read one right now though, it sounds interesting, everyone has said "it's not their cup of tea". So now i'm curious:cattail:
That damn no named person feedback.

Yes, I momentarily forget how to spell anonymous, I recieved very good feedbacks all morning on the last chapter of the story I am writing. Then I received two no namers, just "YOU SUCK." and "terrible, get a job."

Why must people feel the need to belittle us as writer's? I for one don't do much feedback on the bulletin board but I do in each of the stories I read now. I know this is a constant gripe of us all. We can receive numerous great jobs and keep it up or even some constructive help. But those negative one kind of drag you down.

I am just venting, so far I have only gotten three negative feedbacks but, eventhough I normally have a tough outter shell those ones that tell Me the story is awful, umm bug Me.

Should I just brush it off? Yes, and I will, but only after I vent.:D

Just a quick question here now as well. I have a lot of stories still waiting to be published, 8 at the moment I think. Do any of you find this have the problem that Laurel just has too many submissions to keep up with us lol. I guess I just write fast and have lots of ideas.

No by the way I am not looking for feedback on My stories or going fishing here just needed an open forum to express My anger.
Koba, Avg.Joe, S.Genius, Clu, BJ, Sea T., Count, and Rusher are the ones who never responded to this thread. That's not really a problem, but did anyone notice them giving feedback? Increased feedback was my goal.

I'll have to admit that I started this thread to test out a theory. I have come to the conclusion that many of the "baby birds" who cheep and cheep for feedback never bother to look at any threads other than their own.

I thought that maybe if I put their name in the title of the thread that would get their attention, but perhaps they rely on the board to notify them by email when someone posts to their thread, and therefore can ignore the board completely unless someone posts a reply.

How sad and selfish.

I have to agree Whisper, I think it is sad and I must admit I had given feedback some before, but you made Me more aware of the issue and I am trying to dutifully at least vote at all times now.

I want to say that when I posted the first thread about My stories I hadn't wanted feedback per se. Just peer suggestions. I hope that makes sense. I got a few and they really helped.

Whisper you are one of the reasons I reply to this board, you shoot from the hip and tell it like it is. There are others and I dont want to leave them out. You were the leading inspiration to may formative ideas thus far with your essays on how to's.

SO with no further kissing ass, which I know it sounds like, THANK YOU.
Feedback in PM's


I have been guilty of providing feedback in PM's. I guess that I was less than confident in providing feedback that would be surrounded by the likes of the Earl, Big Texan, Thesandman and The_bragis - Alex. I'm overcoming my stagefright but it is a slow tedious process. Of course then again there's ronde and Rumple who's technical knowledge makes me feel as if I should go back to Lit 101 and really brush up on my grammar skills. With people like that and their amazing skill and knowledge it isn't any wonder that some of us are less than prolific in our public reviews.

I have vowed to take my public floggings and do a better job of posting reviews instead of sending them by PM or Email. I that overall it will affect the volume of reviews but, I'll do my part. Thanks for the heads up.

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nothing wrong with pm reviews

There is nothing wrong with sending feedback by pm in my opinion. If that is what you are most comfortable with then that's the way you should do it, (as in so many other things in life).

I'm not sure I have ever been a firm believer in the you do mine I'll do yours school.

As with so many other things in life I prefer the act to be voluntary. I like to think that somebody was so moved by my story that they wanted to write.

Ask for feedback by all means. Some will give it, freely, voluminously. Others will show it by their vote. Don't forget the first rule of marketing, stand out from the crowd. Give a reason in your story for people to want to give feedback. It's not a right.
Hey, Master V. I like having my ass kissed as much as the next girl. Any time you feel like doing it, I'll bend over. ;) Seriously, thanks. It's nice to be appreciated.

Rusher! Come back! I feel bad. I didn't get to see your post before you edited it. I should have waited longer to see who would respond. Damn.

Here's my take on PM/email feedback.

If a person asks for feedback here on the board, you should give it here on the board.

If you read a story and are independently moved to send feedback, choose your method of sending. Some people may not like seeing criticism in public, if they did not ask for it. (Although personally, I think that if you're posting a story here, you ought to be prepared for public response.)

I think that it's best to post feedback here. It fosters a creative environment. It makes us more of a community. It helps everyone.
You wouldn't have liked my response WS

It was mainly me grousing...that's why I took it down. I just think you should have taken a few minutes to look on the forum to see if any of the people you referred to as "selfish and sad" had been giving feedback here before you made that response.

I also think that referring to people who ask for feedback as "cheeping and cheeping" is just making a generalization that doesn't necessarily fit the situation.

Anyway, I've been trying to give some feedback. However, I found myself being too harsh about some of the stories I was critiquing so I'm still working on my "bedside manner" or whatever you call it for a critic.
:) Glad you see you came back, Rusher.

Hell, this whole THREAD is grousing, if you really think about it. I think you should go ahead and grouse.

Yes, I am sure I should have gone to see if the people I mentioned gave feedback, but I was too damned lazy. You know how many feedback threads there are?? Geez. It would have taken more than a few minutes.

Yes, the cheeping thing is a generalization, but I'll stand by it fitting in the majority of cases. (KM coined the term "baby birds," though.)
I was just being a big baby

That's why I took the reply down originally. Taking things too personally. I agree with your premise. If someone wants and expects people to give them feedback, then they ought to be willing to take the time to do it themselves. It doesn't take that much time, and it's just common courtesy.
checking in

Sorry it took a while for me to respond. I have a job that requires me to be away for anywhere from 1-2 weeks at a time, so I'm sporadic about my time here.

How sad and selfish. <-----not me!

I'll be a good boy and provide some feedbacks.

TheCount ^o^
Unaccustomed as I am to posting in threads (yeah right) I try to give feedback if asked specifically but I can only really do this on stories that I can read from start to end. If I'm reaching for the back button at any point or skimming then any feedback given would be unfair both to me and the author.

And I'm always frightened that I'll be flamed for saying something is wrong when it is technically correct or vice versa (it HAS happened)

As an afterthought, I always try to include praise as well as criticism.

But I will remain forever

Just_John 1

Like anyone who posts here...sends feedback, or simply PM's John. What you have to say....feel...share, is important to the author regardless of whether it's good...bad...or ugly. Sure, we as writers enjoy being stroked...but we don't improve the quality of the orgasm if we don't improve the quality of the technique. Without other talented writers as well as readers to share with us the constructive critisisms, opinions...we'd all be going along on the same old track.

It's people with guts....like you, Whispersecret, Paul C, Wicked <wink> and many others who's posts...emails...are enriching, enlightening...challenging to that ego stroking I mentioned, and yes...entertaining as well.

You're a part of a very elite group of intelligent, thought provoking and talented men and women who make up what I feel Lit is all about.

I remain,
I had a post up asking for feedback to my first story on the 20th November. Since then. I've posted a reply to two other feedback requests, and contributed to a coupla other strands. Some of us ARE good new boys/girls.

That being said, I think posting feedback is if anything harder than writing a story. It requires a totally different approach, and I have got lots of feedback from people who aren't writers. I agree absolutely with the idea that people should be grateful for the feeback they get (and I posted a public thank you for all my support/criticism) but I worry about the idea of people writing feedback out of a sense of obligation. I don't think that is the right motivation for constructive advice.

Your favourite feedback-ing virgin (lit virgin, that is)

In agreement

Natural Born Eros said:
... I agree absolutely with the idea that people should be grateful for the feeback they get (and I posted a public thank you for all my support/criticism) but I worry about the idea of people writing feedback out of a sense of obligation. I don't think that is the right motivation for constructive advice.


The whole idea of this forum revolves around giving and receiving, in that respect it's almost like good sex ;)

Like with good sex, one should only do the things one feels comfortable with, so please, let's not have feedback out of a sense of obligation. I personally find it easier to dissect someone else's writing than I find it to write myself, so I easily give feedabck. But only because I like doing it, and that should be the only reason.

Thanks for this valuable observation.
