Jared Kushner "looks like a mannequin, and he writes like one."


Your Best Friend
Aug 22, 2013
Critic Dwight Garner:

“Breaking History,” is a “peculiarly selective” examination of the Trump administration, ignoring “the chaos, the alienation of allies, the breaking of laws and norms, the flirtations with dictators, the comprehensive loss of America’s moral leadership, and so on.”

Unsurprisingly, as Garner notes, Kushner seems to be entirely unaware that he landed the gig in the White House for one reason only—and it’s not because he’s a boy genius. Garner says that Kushner “writes as if he believes foreign dignitaries (and less-than dignitaries) prized him in the White House because he was the fresh ideas guy, the starting point guard, the dimpled go-getter,” and “betrays little cognizance that he was in demand because, as a landslide of other reporting has demonstrated, he was in over his head, unable to curb his avarice, a cocky young real estate heir who happened to unwrap a lot of Big Macs beside his father-in-law.” He appears to be totally oblivious as to why people who were actually qualified for their jobs—or, y’know, sort of qualified, with this being the Trump administration, after all—couldn’t stand him. To boot, he “almost entirely ignores the chaos, the alienation of allies, the breaking of laws and norms, the flirtations with dictators, the comprehensive loss of America’s moral leadership, and so on, ad infinitum.” And despite the fact that the former first son-in-law and Ivanka Trump are reportedly distancing themselves from the former president, Garner reports that “Kushner’s fealty to Trump remains absolute.”

According to young Kush, the matter of him being denied a top secret security clearance, until his father-in-law reportedly intervened, was no big deal. (Perhaps the concerns of the intelligence officials who reportedly didn’t think he could be trusted should be reviewed again, given recent events.) He also still apparently believes that it was totally unfair for his father, Charles Kushner, to be prosecuted so harshly by then U.S. attorney Chris Christie for (1) tax fraud and (2) hiring a prostitute to sleep with his brother-in-law, filming the encounter, and then mailing it to his sister as retaliation against his brother-in-law for cooperating with federal investigators. (Kushner the Younger previously insisted, according to Christie’s 2019 memoir, that such things were “family matter,” and not something for the government to stick its nose in.) And if that doesn’t upset you, in reflecting on his relationship with Mohammed bin Salman, Kushner at one point tells readers that he wasn’t willing to turn his back on the Saudi crown prince over one measly kidnapping and dismemberment.

Kushner delivers a mixture of news and cringe. He does not extract Trump from his present morass.

Then comes Breaking History, Kushner’s White House memoir. It sits at the intersection of spin, absolution and self-aggrandizement.

“What is clear to me is that no one at the White House expected violence that day,” Kushner writes of January 6. Cassidy Hutchinson says otherwise.

Kushner adds: “I’m confident that if my colleagues or the president had anticipated violence, they would have prevented it from happening.” DC police tell a different story.
Breaking History, does read like one long résumé. Kushner has a way of assuring the reader of his accomplishments that makes you doubt everything he says.

he has no eye for character or flair for dish, and his whole schtick was that when the going got crazy, he was off in Dubai, or sucking up to Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi prince who according to the CIA ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi (and this spring invested $2 billion in Kushner’s fledgling private equity firm, a deal currently under investigation by the House Oversight Committee).

This is primarily a dishonesty of omission. Whenever Trump or his minions screwed up or behaved badly—by, say, minimizing the threat of the coronavirus, or attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election—he simply fails to discuss it. In classic Slim Reaper style, Kushner extracts himself from Trump’s shadiest activities, claiming that he was off somewhere else working on something more important.

Who's the publisher? They're gonna take a real bath on that baby unless they have a rich friendo buy a batch in bulk.