January 2009 President Obama signs an executive order to close the Guantánamo Ba


Literotica Guru
Sep 19, 2005
January 28, 2013: The State Department shuts down the office of the envoy for closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Hey Boys you are will be enjoying Gitmo a wee bit longer. :eek: LOL

Shouldn't you two be cheering that he betrayed the left and embraced Conservative values?
Thanks for quoting Sean. It is he who should have learned what we knew all along, that Obama was lying about Gitmo to get the votes of the benighted souls on the far left. Big dummies.:D

Weren't you one of the ones saying that he was a terrorist lover who was going to let all those dangerous mofos go to attack America?
Thanks for quoting Sean. It is he who should have learned what we knew all along, that Obama was lying about Gitmo to get the votes of the benighted souls on the far left. Big dummies.:D

First. He made an attempt and got blocked by Republican Congress and Republican Governors. He tried and failed, I can only hate so much on that. Even if he hadn't I had two choices a man who said he'd close Gitmo and was probably lying, or a man who said he'd keep Gitmo open and was likely telling the truth. Was I suppose to vote for the guy who pisses on my head and tells me it's piss or the guy who tries to convince me it's raining?

None of which changes the fact that you should be over the moon that he ultimately did what you approve of. It's funny how even when Obama is on your side you hate him. The Left rallied behind Bush when he pushed for immigration reform because they hated him for who he was not WHAT he was. What's your excuse?