Janeane Garofolo has a big fat ass

Problem Child

Feb 21, 2001
Celebrities who use their money and fame to go on CNN and wax intelligent about national defense and foreign policy piss me off no end because they aren't any brighter or better informed than anyone else, they just have more money and are famous, hence the average movie-going, tv-watching dumbass believes whatever they say when they're on Larry King.

Maybe Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn are just doing their moral duty and providing much-needed counterbalance to the massive right wing conspiracy in the media.

Yeah, that's it.

Problem Child said:
Celebrities who use their money and fame to go on CNN and wax intelligent about national defense and foreign policy piss me off no end because they aren't any brighter or better informed than anyone else, they just have more money and are famous, hence the average movie-going, tv-watching dumbass believes whatever they say when they're on Larry King.

Maybe Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn are just doing their moral duty and providing much-needed counterbalance to the massive right wing conspiracy in the media.

Yeah, that's it.


She's also not even remotely funny.
Problem Child said:
Celebrities who use their money and fame to go on CNN and wax intelligent about national defense and foreign policy piss me off no end because they aren't any brighter or better informed than anyone else, they just have more money and are famous, hence the average movie-going, tv-watching dumbass believes whatever they say when they're on Larry King.

Maybe Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn are just doing their moral duty and providing much-needed counterbalance to the massive right wing conspiracy in the media.

Yeah, that's it.

I don't think so. Celebs use their fame to get money from suckers like CNN and Larry King.

And I'll wager Ms. Garofalo was pretty cheap, too.
the average movie-going, tv-watching dumbass posts here, and I don't see a groundswell of support for the opinions of actors here
I agree though, PC.

I don't mind that they're on the shows, but it bothers me when they're treated like experts on a subject.
PC, that was the second longest sentence in the history of Lit.

From the song "If I Were A Rich Man"

When you're rich they think you really know.
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CelestialBody said:
Is she meditating with a cigarette in her hand? What the hell?

She's a comedian, hun. She's spoofing someone, I'm quite sure.

And a general note to this thread... I LOVE Janeane Garofolo.. I think she's funny, and a very strong-willed woman. I enjoy her interviews and her personal ideas about the world.
vixenshe said:
She's a comedian, hun. She's spoofing someone, I'm quite sure.

I really don't think so. I believe that she is a Buddhist (I apologize if I spelled it wrong).
sunstruck said:
Good point.

I still think you'd do the same thing though. lol (as Janene, not me).

Maybe, but I'd like to think I wouldn't.

On a side note, I've noticed that some of these news outlets have taken to digging deeper and deeper in the "military expert" barrel for guests to interview.

On CNN I saw an ex-sergeant and an ex-private, both gulf war vets, giving their opinions on whether or not we should invade Iraq. I wonder where these guys got there masters degrees in international affairs from.
RawHumor said:
I really don't think so. I believe that she is a Buddhist (I apologize if I spelled it wrong).

She is. But the whole cigarrette thing.. *grin* It's a publicity shot.. oh, and it struck me that maybe her cigarrette is supposed to be her form of incense? *grin*

Maybe she was just making light of her own beliefs?

I find the pic funny, not insulting. And not funny that it mocks Buddhism, but funny that the pose, the cig are just very much a part of her..

like I said, I like that woman.
Problem Child said:
On CNN I saw an ex-sergeant and an ex-private, both gulf war vets, giving their opinions on whether or not we should invade Iraq. I wonder where these guys got there masters degrees in international affairs from.

Now there I totally agree with you. My husband was IN Storm and Sheild and he's seen a few interviews like that and says the people are totally talking out of there asses.
Problem Child said:
Maybe, but I'd like to think I wouldn't.

On a side note, I've noticed that some of these news outlets have taken to digging deeper and deeper in the "military expert" barrel for guests to interview.

On CNN I saw an ex-sergeant and an ex-private, both gulf war vets, giving their opinions on whether or not we should invade Iraq. I wonder where these guys got there masters degrees in international affairs from.

How many "experts" did they dig up on who the DC sniper was?

It's all about filling the 24 hours worth of time slots for their "news" channel.
On the other hand, why shouldn't a bright, informed and active citizen give voice simply because he once did a movie where he said the word "Booger"? People get too pissed about actors doing anything other than making the popcorn taste better. They're people too. If you prick them, do they not charge you with sexual harassment?
RawHumor said:
How many "experts" did they dig up on who the DC sniper was?

It's all about filling the 24 hours worth of time slots for their "news" channel.

I understand why they do it Raw. It was a comment, not a question.

Personally I like my "military experts" to have command experience and knowing about foreign affairs or military strategy on something like a divisional level is nice .

Privates and sergeants are great people (I used to be both) and I'll listen to what they have to say about their military experience, but they're not qualified to comment on national policy, IMO.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
People get too pissed about actors doing anything other than making the popcorn taste better. They're people too. If you prick them, do they not charge you with sexual harassment?

When can we expect you to be testifying before Congress on the Constitutionality of Campaign Finance Reform?