James Earl Jones better be in Episode III

I agree ROB,

They should just get the battle over so we can enjoy #3 with some nice Vader action. Right now Anakin doesn't look so menacing. Hell Sam Jackson could open a can of whoop ass on him.
No Jar Jar in Episode III, JEJ would be an excellent transition towards the end of the movie. It's going to be interesting to see the evolution of Anakin's "transformation" from man to machine.
first congrats on reaching 12000 posts and secondly Anakin is a wuss in all the films so far, I would have expected a little more evil in clones....they even glossed over the bit where he massacred all those sand people ?
He had some of the most god awful dialogue... watched the documentaries last night... apparent George did film one scene for part three while in Tatoonie.
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capricious_chic said:
Plus, he couldn't act for shit.
No kidding. The whole scene where he was talking to Amidala was SUPPOSE to be dramatic, but, he was SO wooden, it was FAR less.
Can somebody write some decent dialogue?

No help there, Dicks?

LOL! No, come on, you have to admit, the line, "I don't like sand. it's coarse, &, rough. Not like you," was pretty romantic.:rolleyes:
But what about:

"Don't look at me that way?"

"Why milady"

"It makes me uncomfortable"


Truly a tear jerking scene.
Lemme' tell you what Ep's 1 and 2 were missing.

They were missing the touch of Gary Kurtz. Gary Kurtz was the producer of the first 2 Star Wars movie, and the main writer of the first 3 movies. Lucas couldn't accept the way Kurtz wanted to take "Revenge of the Jedi" so they had a falling out. Kurtz didn't want any sissy Ewok's in ROTJ, and he wanted Luke to actually cross over to the Dark Side in the movie...making the redemption of Vader more meaningful. Instead, Lucas took the reigns and turned ROTJ into a movie that should have been much better.

Lucas thought he could handle Eps 1 and 2 on his own, and has been proven wrong. He has created numerous paradoxes in the story, and has wasted 5 hours of film telling a story that would have taken 1 hour in a Gary Kurtz script. Through his own admission, he says that he doesn't know how he is going to finish the story in just one more movie. The only way he can patch the holes and fix the paradoxes is to redo the first 3 movies...YET again.

**Rumor has it that Lucas is courting (read: kissing the ass of) Gary Kurtz in the hopes that he can salvage what is left of the Star Wars franchise. In an interview recently, Gary Kurtz says that Ep 1 should have taken place when Anakin was 20 or so...and the first 2 movies should have been MUCH darker.
Well let's see...

3 still needs to have Anakin battle Obiwan and have his accident.

The death of the Jedi Knights... except Yoda...

The take over of the republic into the empire....

Palpatines emergence to the Emporer

The pregnancy of Amidala

The birth and seperation of the babies.

Should be good to do in three hours.... plus having to finish off the mess of all the Clone troopers and Count Dooku. :rolleyes:
Ice Cold said:
Well let's see...

3 still needs to have Anakin battle Obiwan and have his accident.

The death of the Jedi Knights... except Yoda...

The take over of the republic into the empire....

Palpatines emergence to the Emporer

The pregnancy of Amidala

The birth and seperation of the babies.

Should be good to do in three hours.... plus having to finish off the mess of all the Clone troopers and Count Dooku. :rolleyes:

Eps 3 and 3.1...3.2 etc...? LOL
Ice Cold said:
Well let's see...

3 still needs to have Anakin battle Obiwan and have his accident.

The death of the Jedi Knights... except Yoda...

The take over of the republic into the empire....

Palpatines emergence to the Emporer

The pregnancy of Amidala

The birth and seperation of the babies.

Should be good to do in three hours.... plus having to finish off the mess of all the Clone troopers and Count Dooku. :rolleyes:

What accident?

Obi is a Jedi Knight he dies in episode 4.

Amidala was pregnant at the end of Episode 2.
HeavyStick said:
What accident?

The accident that turns him into Darth Vader...the machine.

According to the books I read when I was a kid, Anakin falls into some molten metal during a duel with Obi Wan and has to be put into the suit to keep him alive.
Bob_Bytchin said:
The accident that turns him into Darth Vader...the machine.

According to the books I read when I was a kid, Anakin falls into some molten metal during a duel with Obi Wan and has to be put into the suit to keep him alive.

Ice Cold said:
Well let's see...

3 still needs to have Anakin battle Obiwan and have his accident.

The death of the Jedi Knights... except Yoda...

The take over of the republic into the empire....

Palpatines emergence to the Emporer

The pregnancy of Amidala

The birth and seperation of the babies.

Should be good to do in three hours.... plus having to finish off the mess of all the Clone troopers and Count Dooku. :rolleyes:
One of those points is so simple. Been looking at too many spoilers.
i do believe that Ep III will be imediately after the Clone Wars are finished. at least, i hope it is.

you see, i'm a big fan of the novels (up until the New Jedi Order, at least. and no, not because Chewie bit the dust). i hold little hope anymore for Ep III to even come close to fitting in with the other storyline (i.e. the first three movies and the books), but they damn well better not have the stormtroopers be clones. 75% of the Clone Wars involve the Galactic Republic fighting AGAINST the clone armies. the last batch was grown too fast, and they went apeshit. in the end, cloning isn't practical enough to use in a prolonged war on a grand scale. there isn't enough time to grow reinforcements w/o them flipping out. or so the previous storyline went.

of course, that's probably all wishfull thinking. with Ep II, Lucas took the other storyline, bent it over, and raped it, over and over again, with a giant, spiked dildo.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Anakin needs muscle. Just saw "Clones" again. Oy.

Agreed... Anakin is as soft as butter. According to imdb.com he is in the next episode.
Re: Re: James Earl Jones better be in Episode III

kiwiwolf said:
Agreed... Anakin is as soft as butter. According to imdb.com he is in the next episode.
Ah, but, James Earl Jones has already signed on, too. So, fear not. Vader WILL be in the movie. When...?