Jack and Jill party in San Diego 03/10 or 03/11/03...UPDATE


Mar 5, 2003
Jack and Jill party in San Diego 03/10 or 03/11/03

I can host a Jack and Jill in San Diego on Sunday 3/9 or Monday 3/10 in a hotel room in the downtown area. Would prefer an even match of M and F and can accommadate up to 8 people. If we do it Sunday I prefer an afternoon session, say 2-6. If we do it Monday, I think 7-11 works best.

If you want to participate, send me an email at rick1151p@excite.com. I will respond with particulars. Let me know your gender and which session works for you.
I would like to report that it was a wild masturbaton party and a good time was had by all. Unfortunatley no one wanted to come to the party. Maybe the next trip will be more successful. I think the short notice is what killed it.
train115 said:

I think the short notice is what killed it.

Bingo. If you expect people to take you seriously, you need to get to know them! I can't speak for everyone at Lit, of course, but I am sure there are a good amount of people who agree with me that they won't "crawl into the sack" with people they don't know. Or, for that matter, won't meet people in a sexual light if they don't know them...

Give people enough time to read your ad, get to know you, and decide if this is the kind of thing they're looking for.
31 year old very athletic, good looking guy here, in San Diego - would love to attend such a party as long as there's some semblance of a boy/girl ratio ;) kadesant@yahoo.com is my email. Look forward to hearing from ya ;)