J981 tries something new

*sits in the front row and waits patiently*

Very nice start J
Fantastic start!! :D

And kudos to you for trying something new. You should know that we are here for you. Anytime you feel the need to post a pic, we shall do our best to ogle.... I mean support you. ;) :kiss:
Well, after a lot of deliberation I have decided to pull the trigger.

Feel free to comment, PM or whatever you like. There may be more to come...


You have no idea how excited I was to see this thread pop up.

More please. :)
I opt for a nice slow tease. But that's just me.

I'm also partial to a man's hands and forearms, so.... :D
Pulls up a chair to watch the progress. A very nice beginning. :)
Well, I believe I have a new favorite picture thread. Excuse me a moment I need to *ahem* well......yeah.
well, hellooooooooooooo there!!!! *fans self* what a nice view!


pwease? ;)
A well deserved bump for thus gorgeous body, I'd love to see more!

Come on girls I think he needs a little encouragement!