I've got.... (no brag, just fact)....

Uber Sparky

Literotica Guru
Jul 9, 2002
6 guitars - a tabbaco sun-burst Tele, 2 mid-60's Silver Tones, a Takamine accoustic, a sun-burst semi-hollow-wide-body jazz Bass and a semi-hollow-body-thinline Gibson Shereton.

And I want more. You can never have enough guitars.

What'a you got?

We wanna know.

I've got a ZRX1200R motorcycle - will probably do 150mph easy - the quater in eleven and change.

I love that beast so much - can't wait for the snow to go away.

And I've got....

A bit of a bunch of guns - I love them too....

A vintage 1953 Remington .222 with a Bushnell scope. A cheap yet well built, short 26 inch double barrel 12 gauge painted in black/flames and laughing skulls, a Springfield XD in .40 S&W, a Ruger .22LR, a Marlin .22LR rifle w/scope, a Sig Sauer 226 in .375 Sig and a tiny KelTek semi-auto in 9mm.

Guns too - I can't ever have too many

I am.

In fact just got a new guitar today - a Fender Resonator.

Been playin' it all day - sounds great with a glass slide.
All I got is old Ibanez , shitty amp, and a distortion/overdrive pedal
I 'get into' my hobbies...

Guitars are very much like women to me - all different, all fun to play with for a while, then this simply seem to go a bit stale - and it's on to the next one.

Motorcycles too.

I like rotation. And I record too - I like the different sounds of different guitars.

I've got so many freakin' pedals it's insane.
Re: And I've got....

Uber Sparky said:
A bit of a bunch of guns - I love them too....

A vintage 1953 Remington .222 with a Bushnell scope. A cheap yet well built, short 26 inch double barrel 12 gauge painted in black/flames and laughing skulls, a Springfield XD in .40 S&W, a Ruger .22LR, a Marlin .22LR rifle w/scope, a Sig Sauer 226 in .375 Sig and a tiny KelTek semi-auto in 9mm.

Guns too - I can't ever have too many

Now, that's bragging.
Hmmmm? Don't get it.....

Why are the guns - bragging? And why aren't the other hobbies?
But surely not as much as....

your AV.

I just want to know what other people have. I thought I'd go first.

Don't you want to know what other people have?

Most people do.
You can show your ass... most people are interested in that :D
Okay, Sparky. My guitar collection:

Dobro resophonic guitar, square neck, Quarterman cone.
Gibson lap steel. circa 1961
David Webber, acoustic. Rosewood OM with a spruce top.

Those are pretty much what I play.

My husband has a 1962 Fender Jazzmaster that I play if I want to goof around with an electric. I prefer the acoustic for the guitar and I prefer the dobro for everyday playing.

There you have it.
No guitars, no motorbike, no weaponry, no moisture causing voice.

Just an old King oboe, a 1997 Datsun, I'm good at darts and I can yodel.


I'm totally envious.

No shit - I try - but it sounds so, so...

Not yodelling.

Maybe I need more echo.
Re: Yodelling?

Uber Sparky said:
I'm totally envious.

No shit - I try - but it sounds so, so...

Not yodelling.

Maybe I need more echo.

I'd teach you but I'm not sure how I do it, it just happens.....sometimes when I don't want it to...:eek: