I've decided what I'm getting tortoise for Christmas...


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
and don't you dare tell him.....shhhhhh.....


A baby Nutria Rat!

cool idea, huh?......they're so plentiful down here....and he's a bachelor....no pets....he really could use a lil buddy.....I can just see the snuggly rat racing to the front door when he hears turtle's car pulling into the garage....his thick, bald tail justa wagging....those lil buck teeth chomping, so excited....as the fat, frisky rat readies for his master to get home.....

they'll have loads of fun together....reading...napping....turtle might even be able to take him camping.....definitely swimming.....

i might get a lil rhinestone collar....or perhaps one of those spike jobs.....and a leash of course.....turtle's going to be very proud of his baby.....and want to take him on long walks around the neighborhood.......

and the super plus of it all is.....if by some misfortune....his nutria rat passes away......turtle can cook him!....there are nutria rat recipes galore.....i'm thinking turtle will want to "smother" him and make a delicious gravy.....

remember.......mum's the word! :)
Problem Child said:
They had lead paint on the walls of her home as a child. It's not her fault.


Ok that's just weird because I was trying to come up with a lead paint involving remark, but all I could see was a rat in a rhinestone collar wagging it's tail.
sunstruck said:
but all I could see was a rat in a rhinestone collar wagging it's tail.

It's an indelible image, isn't it? Freakishly huge rats are the cutest thing EVER!

Goofy just rocks. Life is far too short to not be silly.
Thanks, you two. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
I think the nutria rat might need a friend, though. It's a little known fact, but nutria rats and armadillos get along famously:


Artist: Lee Moyer

Also, nutria rat and armadillo stew is an absolute delicacy, or so I hear...
<smiling at my love>.....i got distracted by the Poo-Poo Bandit barging into my office to tell me how much trouble she's having finding a wallpaper border to go with her 5 piece shag carpeted toilet cover set....talk about having to stifle a snort.....anywayyyyy....i am indeed brain damaged as PC pointed out....just call me Special.....;)

i can so see that wirey haired thang curled up in the crook of turtle's arm....late at night as he reads....turtle's hand absentmindedly rubbing the rat's poochy belly....buck teeth a going (the rat's, not mike's).....as his eyes get heavy...and the giant rat falls asleep.....justa snoring in his master's arms.....:)

:heart: my baby....Merry Christmas! ;)
Coyotes and Moles are also quite chummy...

"What we chiefly need," the Coyote cried, "is a better bunny trap!
All we seem to catch are worms and flies. What the heck's up with that?"
"I've grown fond of worms," the Mole replied, "they really are quite the treat.
And flies are quite yummy when served on the side, a snack that can't be beat."

"You are clearly nuts," the Coyote snarled, "and your palate is quite tweaked
From spending time among roots that are gnarled; the sun is what you should seek!"
"Well, to each his own," the Mole opined, "and to thine ownself be true.
Do really think what I had in mind, was a stupid lecture from you?"

"But hares are the stuff," the Coyote whined, "with which to make a fine feast.
On tastier fare you never have dined, a truly delectable beast."
"Oh, rabbit's fine," the Mole softly sighed, "for a predator like you."
Our tastes can be infinite and wide, is what I wish to construe."

"Oh hush, dissident," the Coyote scoffed, "I've had my fill of nonsense.
You have no brain, and your taster's off, if I may offer two cents."
"Oh, offer away," the Mole did yawn, "your views are fascinating.
While you're whining and carrying on, my down pillow is waiting."

"Oh, and by the way," the Mole muttered, "your mind it is not feeble.
However, you, with every word uttered, make me think you are febrile.
Your views on me you wish to impose, you say my views are insane.
The world would improve should your mouth close as thoroughly as your brain."

"I never once said," added the Mole, "you're wrong to dine on rabbit.
Yet my choices you shoot full of holes, a most troublesome habit."
"You are annoying," the Coyote yelled, "and all of my friends agree!"
In all our days we never have smelled a fouler creature than thee!"

"And on that fine note," the Mole did laugh, "I wish to bid you goodnight.
We seem to have come to an impass, where each is sure he is right."
"You know I am right," the Coyote barked, "that's why you have given up.
Go return to your home in the dark, and on your foul bugs do sup."
tortoise said:
Also, nutria rat and armadillo stew is an absolute delicacy, or so I hear...

Also, Nutria Rat and Armadillo would make a great superduo comicbook.
Ginny said:
i can so see that wirey haired thang curled up in the crook of turtle's arm....late at night as he reads....turtle's hand absentmindedly rubbing the rat's poochy belly....buck teeth a going (the rat's, not mike's).....as his eyes get heavy...and the giant rat falls asleep.....justa snoring in his master's arms.....:)


You paint quite a beautiful picture, my love. I'm actually sorta starting to want one... ;)

my love and his army of pet roadkill.....<beaming>

Roadkill Offspring.........BAND NAME!
Hamletmaschine said:
And many parts are edible.

what's your favorite part, Dr. H?

i like the tail......battered and deep fried....they take a chunk of the buttflesh off with the tail....mmmmmmmmm good eating.......;)
RawHumor said:
Also, Nutria Rat and Armadillo would make a great superduo comicbook.

"The Unseemly Adventures of Nutria Rat and Armadillo Boy"
Ginny said:
what's your favorite part, Dr. H?

i like the tail......battered and deep fried....they take a chunk of the buttflesh off with the tail....mmmmmmmmm good eating.......;)

I like the legs and thighs in jambalaya, myself. Tastes sort of like owl, don't ya think?
Ginny said:
what's your favorite part, Dr. H?

i like the tail......battered and deep fried....they take a chunk of the buttflesh off with the tail....mmmmmmmmm good eating.......;)

Why, whichever part is the least tire-besmooshed, naturally!
Hamletmaschine said:
I like the legs and thighs in jambalaya, myself. Tastes sort of like owl, don't ya think?

<nodding>....owl......with a touch of.....gator....must be the swamp water....kind of seafoody taste......
Hamletmaschine said:
I like the legs and thighs in jambalaya, myself. Tastes sort of like owl, don't ya think?

With just a hint of roadrunner, especially the gizzards.