and don't you dare tell him.....shhhhhh.....
A baby Nutria Rat!
cool idea, huh?......they're so plentiful down here....and he's a pets....he really could use a lil buddy.....I can just see the snuggly rat racing to the front door when he hears turtle's car pulling into the garage....his thick, bald tail justa wagging....those lil buck teeth chomping, so the fat, frisky rat readies for his master to get home.....
they'll have loads of fun together....reading...napping....turtle might even be able to take him camping.....definitely swimming.....
i might get a lil rhinestone collar....or perhaps one of those spike jobs.....and a leash of course.....turtle's going to be very proud of his baby.....and want to take him on long walks around the neighborhood.......
and the super plus of it all is.....if by some misfortune....his nutria rat passes away......turtle can cook him!....there are nutria rat recipes galore.....i'm thinking turtle will want to "smother" him and make a delicious gravy.....
remember.......mum's the word!

A baby Nutria Rat!
cool idea, huh?......they're so plentiful down here....and he's a pets....he really could use a lil buddy.....I can just see the snuggly rat racing to the front door when he hears turtle's car pulling into the garage....his thick, bald tail justa wagging....those lil buck teeth chomping, so the fat, frisky rat readies for his master to get home.....
they'll have loads of fun together....reading...napping....turtle might even be able to take him camping.....definitely swimming.....
i might get a lil rhinestone collar....or perhaps one of those spike jobs.....and a leash of course.....turtle's going to be very proud of his baby.....and want to take him on long walks around the neighborhood.......
and the super plus of it all is.....if by some misfortune....his nutria rat passes away......turtle can cook him!....there are nutria rat recipes galore.....i'm thinking turtle will want to "smother" him and make a delicious gravy.....
remember.......mum's the word!