I've been having the most incredible orgasms lately


Oct 9, 2001

The duration, intensity and pure sweetness of them has been almost overwhelming.

Just thought I'd share.
Rubyfruit said:

The duration, intensity and pure sweetness of them has been almost overwhelming.

Just thought I'd share.

Please excuse me while I let my imagination run wild :)
Rubyfruit said:

The duration, intensity and pure sweetness of them has been almost overwhelming.

Just thought I'd share.

I TOLD you I was worth the wait....:kiss:


It seemed appropriate again.

Liontamr said:
Someone has to say it...

"You're welcome!"


*laughing* I guess that was an easy one. :)

Hey Gilly, after I read what you wrote in another thread, I was wondering if these Gifts From the Love Gods are because I came off Zoloft.
Rubyfruit said:
Heavy's pics.

Or, maybe it's the cannibis.

I'm not sure.

Could be a combination. :)

Ahhhhhhhh! If only I had some! It affects me so that I can go alllllll niiiiight looooong! Like the Erergizer bunny on steroids.


The duration, intensity and pure sweetness of them has been almost overwhelming.

Just thought I'd share.

I doubt it, I really don't see how that's possible without having sex with me. :p
The_Dragon_Tamer said:
Ahhhhhhhh! If only I had some! It affects me so that I can go alllllll niiiiight looooong! Like the Erergizer bunny on steroids.

This is such a wonderful thing.

They should use testimonials like this to legalize pot. :)
Personally I think it's because of your efforts to make Nora jealous, but that's just a hypothesis.
Rubyfruit said:
*laughing* I guess that was an easy one. :)

Hey Gilly, after I read what you wrote in another thread, I was wondering if these Gifts From the Love Gods are because I came off Zoloft.

That very well could be. I had some DAAAAAAAAAAMN wonderful ones right after my zoloft wore off. -sighs dreamily- those were some nice weeks. :D
Rubyfruit said:
I can't wait, DT.

Gilly, don't tell me it's going to end. Please.

It doesn't so much end, as it just feels normal again.

For me, the orgasms felt incredible, but it was mostly my lack of while on Zoloft. For all I know, it was just a good old normal one. ;)
Rubyfruit said:

The duration, intensity and pure sweetness of them has been almost overwhelming.

Just thought I'd share.
I couldn't tell with your thighs squeezing my head like that.

Rubyfruit said:
I can't wait, DT.

Gilly, don't tell me it's going to end. Please.

Waiting makes things so much better when they happen.

Of course, you know that, or this thread would never have begun.

By the way,

Thanks for sharing.