It's times like this that I'm really feeling my lack of friends in my area


Sep 13, 2001
I have tickets to the circus tomorrow night and no one who can go with me.

This bites.
lilminx said:
I have tickets to the circus tomorrow night and no one who can go with me.

This bites.

I'll go as long as I can buy you some cotton candy. Haven't been to a circus in years. :)
Yuck- I don't like cotton candy. I don't really like clowns either. Why did I take the tickets when they were offered? Now I'll feel guilty if I don't go.
Try to sneak back stage and get some pics of naked clowns. I'll pay big money for 'em!
i love going to the circus, but clowns just freak me out.

See, now you get to see the trapeze people, and the high wire, and those girls that spin around ropes by their toes.

I really need to go again. :D
Is there a "Big Sister" program in your area? Some little girl who has never been before might like to go. Just a idea. :)
lilminx said:
Yuck- I don't like cotton candy. I don't really like clowns either. Why did I take the tickets when they were offered? Now I'll feel guilty if I don't go.

Ok...what DO you like in a circus then?
Romial said:
Ok...what DO you like in a circus then?
I don't really know- I can't remember the last time I've gone to one.

Marksgirl, that's a really nice idea. However, I think tomorrow night would be too soon if I joined a program like that. I'm sure it would take a while to process everything, no?

I should have brought the tickets to work today and seen if any of the parents wanted to take their kid, but I forgot them. I'm a schmuck.
lilminx said:
I don't really know- I can't remember the last time I've gone to one.

Marksgirl, that's a really nice idea. However, I think tomorrow night would be too soon if I joined a program like that. I'm sure it would take a while to process everything, no?

I should have brought the tickets to work today and seen if any of the parents wanted to take their kid, but I forgot them. I'm a schmuck.

If you can't find anyone, and are not sure you even want to go, rather than signing up for the program on short notice, drop them by the Big Brother/Sister office. I'm sure they can find a group who can use them at notice.
Gilly Bean said:
If you can't find anyone, and are not sure you even want to go, rather than signing up for the program on short notice, drop them by the Big Brother/Sister office. I'm sure they can find a group who can use them at notice.

That's a good idea if you really don't want to go anyway. :)