It's Time To Reign This Shit In...



It's Time To Rein This Shit In...

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Bush administration pushes for expansion and deepening of police state

By Larry Chin

Global Research, April 15, 2007

15 April 2007

Region: USA

Theme: Police State & Civil Rights


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The George W. Bush administration seized the White House in 2000 by way of an openly stolen election, then cemented its criminal power into place with the unprecedented 9/11 mass murder, and its two resulting abominations: the fabricated “war on terrorism” (the pretext for endless global war), and the USA Patriot Act (the full-scale destruction of the Constitution, and the militarization of the US homeland).

The deepening of the war and security state continues unabated and relatively unopposed, in spite of meager posturing of (largely complicit) congressional Democrats. Nothing has been done to stop, reverse or undo the Bush administration’s boundless criminality, its wide open corruption, or the absolute and systematic rape of law itself. Few if any of Bush’s criminals have been brought to justice.

Three new examples leave no doubt:
◾ In yet another attack on the separation of powers, the Bush administration is pushing for a “war czar”, giving the White House even more centralized war power, over and above the power it already wields through the Pentagon, the State Department and the CIA. Through the concocted war and intelligence “czars”, the White House inner circle—Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc.—wields total dictatorial power, and the power to bypass and silence any hint of opposition from the rest of the government.
◾ Mike McConnell, the National Intelligence Director (intelligence “czar” himself) is pushing for greatly expanded power to spy on US citizens and potential “terrorists”. McConnell is requesting more warrantless wiretapping and surveillance of US citizens, and more spying without Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court approval or other court orders.

McConnell is also demanding that telecommunications companies receive immunity from civil liability for “cooperating” with the Bush administration. Two companies, AT&T and Verizon, now face lawsuits for handing phone records to the NSA. AT&T’s “secret rooms” provided the Bush administration direct access to the lives of US citizens.


“Bush administration caught red-handed spying on US citizens”

The Bush administration wants not only the full legal authority, but the permission, to violate and destroy the lives of anyone it targets.
◾ It is a fact, detailed in a new investigation by Jeremy Scahill, that Blackwater, the private mercenary firm, manages and runs many aspects of the Bush administration’s criminal wars all over the world, as well as domestic “security” operations (such as police operations in the post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans). Blackwater, one of the many poison-fanged corporate military faces of Bush-Cheney’s neocon political apparatus, headed by hardwired Bush-connected neocon military-intelligence figures, is above the law—not controlled by either the US military or the US Congress. Blackwater, which is thriving, and building new facilities all over the world, including the United States, is the face of the new international and homeland security state—a criminal state.

As written by Mike Ruppert in Crossing the Rubicon, “American fascism is something different now. It’s not just private, elite control over the legal system, nor private evasion of the rule of law. It’s a crisis-induced transition from a society with a deeply compromised legal system to a society where force and surveillance completely supplant the system.”

Consider the system supplanted.
ha ha ha ha ha

Thread fail from title alone. And it's irreversible.

Thanks I appreciate that. Seanh thinks grammar is more important than the institution of tyranny.

Blame your Republican brethren who didn't have the balls to rein it in.
Thanks I appreciate that. Seanh thinks grammar is more important than the institution of tyranny.

Ah, so you agree with the thread linked above, then? And it's not grammar, retard.
NSA knows too much about the RINOs, so it will never get with the program.
Actually the House did try to rein it in but Obama is threatening a veto.

Republicans in the House just voted by a 40-vote party margin to continue the program.

Democrats voted against it.

Why do you detest reality so?
Republicans in the House just voted by a 40-vote party margin to continue the program.

Democrats voted against it.

Why do you detest reality so?

If Vettebigot shot himself in the foot this often when he was in Nam, he'd have needed a new pair of boots every twenty minutes.
Apparently the repeal effort led by Republican Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan to rein in the NSA domestic spy operation was defeated in the House by twelve votes, after a concerted effort led by the Obama administration and followed by a fear mongering Boehner and enough RINOs to swing the vote in their favor. Lady Liberty and the Constitution weep for the future of America.

Stop it, you're killing me here.

*can't breathe for laughing*
Apparently the repeal effort led by Republican Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan to rein in the NSA domestic spy operation was defeated in the House by twelve votes, after a concerted effort led by the Obama administration and followed by a fear mongering Boehner and enough RINOs to swing the vote in their favor. Lady Liberty and the Constitution weep for the future of America.

Its over in America.

Nixon shoulda shot every college student in the USA back in 1969.
I'm on record repeatedly on this Board for tagging vetteman as a total partisan hack...

...but I do not recall one single instance of him championing "This Shit".

Perhaps I'm mistaken...

...and someone in this thread who is charging vetteman with issuing his Party a pass on this specific topic can provide any kind of evidence to back-up their crap that he is - in any way - tolerant of the federal government's draconian surveillance of its citizens?

How 'bout it... the nads to back-up your bullsh!t, SeanH?

And, while you're at it...

...point out to me where LIT's socialists/progressives/liberals have riled against the Democrat president's assassinating American citizens without due process, the Democrat president's insistence that he alone can apprehend and detain indefinitely American citizens without due process, the Democrat president's demanding that Assad must go, instigating and flaming war against a UN-recognized leader, and now moving stoutly to arm "rebels" who've proclaimed America is their biggest enemy of all?

vetteman sucks a big one because of his partisan hackness...

...and you other partisan pigs slurp right along with him.