It's that time again to talk like a pirate.

and I've never hoist the mainstay
and I've never swabbed the poop deck
and I've never veered starboard, cause I've never sailed at all
and I've never walked the gang plank
and I've never owned a parrot
and I've never been to Boston in the fall
This is the only day I can say "I'd like to shiver your timber" while sounding a little less geeky.
Arrr, that ain't pirate talk. Is that a parrot in your panties?

I prefer modern pirate talk to archaic and probably-never-used-outside-of-Hollywood pirate talk.

Things like: Higher Taxes for the Rich! A lower Fed Rate will spur Hiring! Invest with Madoff!
I prefer modern pirate talk to archaic and probably-never-used-outside-of-Hollywood pirate talk.

Things like: Higher Taxes for the Rich! A lower Fed Rate will spur Hiring! Invest with Madoff!

You're about as much fun as termites on my peg leg.
Settle down, butterbean.

Don't eat me.

Take your bullshit fluff to the playground, cunt.

Your suggestion will be given all the consideration it deserves. Have a nice* day.

*hate-filled and bitter
Little Johnny dressed as a pirate for Halloween.

The sweet old lady down the street says...oh how sweet...a pirate...where are your bucaneers
Little Johnny says...arrrr under me bucan hat:D