It's pretty sad when a company declines money

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
Akamai Declines to Assist Al-Jazerra Site

I find this story hiliarious.

The Web site of Arab satellite news channel Al-Jazeera was refused assistance this week when it sought help from Akamai Technologies Inc. (AKAM) of Cambridge, Mass., in dealing with hacking attacks and massive interest from Web users.

You know Al-Jazerra has to be a total fucking loser if a company turns down a sure-fire contract with them. Hell, can you imagine how much money Akamai would have made with this contract? It says something when they back down even knowing they'll make a ton of cash.

Editted to make my meaning more clear
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If they have a hosting hontract with Al Jazeera arent they contractually oblogated to assists them.
Akamai isn't a hosting company per se. From what I can see on their site they offer a suite of products ranging from mirroring systems to streaming products. I suspect that Al Jerzera may be using their products, but that still doesn't mean that Akamai is obliged to assist them in preventing or tracking down hackers.

Akamai's obligation is to its product line, which may mean plugging any holes which Al Jerzera might uncover, but thats about it.

While the Al Jerzera's host is obliged to assist them in closing any fundamental holes in the operating system, usually most hosts need to be smacked in the face several times by multiple clients before spending the time and money to install any fixes to the operating system.
With all the Jingos trying to put up their artifacted gif images of the American flag I wouldn't take their contract either - it's gonna be a lot of headaches.
Spinaroonie said:
With all the Jingos trying to put up their artifacted gif images of the American flag I wouldn't take their contract either - it's gonna be a lot of headaches.

Yeah that's the other side of it. With this being the most popular site on the web at the moment, if they fail it will be very well known and very bad for business. Not to mention, they've probably got every hacker taking a pot shot at this site, including the best of the best. Not going to be an easy job.