It's only life, after all...

Lines from this CD I want to dedicate to litsters.

"Hey little girl..." Amelia

"This place is of the sun." Sunstruck

"And I tried to make this place my place." Laurel

"And I'm calling you from ten thousand miles away..." Nora

"Light my fire with yours..." Cybergirly

"In the chance of love's discovery..." Ducky

"Like silence screaming in a dream..." Morgaine La Faye

More to come...
"I'm missing you now...woman alone and you're givin' it out..." Perky
Eumenides said:

If I pack anymore, I won't be able to wipe my ass, feed my face, or be clothed.

Pfft. Like you need clothes?
New CD, New thoughts

Moxy Fruvous

"Make up your mind and go for it..." Summery

"I'll hold your hand if you just need a friend..." Debbie

"You know that it's true, when I hold you, there'll be no secrets..." anonymous dedication.

"I'll hold your breath if that won't make you blue..." PV
"How can I refuse you?" Girly

"He doesn't care if you're punctual, even if he's an early bird..." TheDr4ke

"Start out straight, but I got to meander..." Glam

"Au revoir, well then, hola." Yayati
Eumenides said:
Lines from this CD I want to dedicate to litsters.

"Hey little girl..." Amelia


hi! (i'm so tired..i need a hot bubble bath..come..bathe me :))
amelia said:


hi! (i'm so tired..i need a hot bubble bath..come..bathe me :))


Eumenides said:



really! and the offer still stands... ;)