It's just pouring out of me!


Jul 27, 2012
hi folks...

I'm new to literotica... I only stumbled across the site a little while ago.

(Crowd: Hello DT!)

Since I arrived here I've exchanged stories with six of seven people and had one amazing interaction with a couple.

And then I bumped into my muse, and now words are just pouring out of me, to the tune of almost 25000 words this week alone. One day I just sat down and wrote ten pages of an ongoing story. Ten really good pages. Stuff that I couldn't believe I typed.

Does this happen often here? I've never produced like this before. I had one story previously that I got just past 10,000 words in about 18 months and this week I've put out 150% more in just seven days.

Is it the story? The person I'm collaborating with? The atmosphere? Does this sometimes just fucking happen?

thoughts anybody?

hi folks...

I'm new to literotica... I only stumbled across the site a little while ago.

(Crowd: Hello DT!)

Since I arrived here I've exchanged stories with six of seven people and had one amazing interaction with a couple.

And then I bumped into my muse, and now words are just pouring out of me, to the tune of almost 25000 words this week alone. One day I just sat down and wrote ten pages of an ongoing story. Ten really good pages. Stuff that I couldn't believe I typed.

Does this happen often here? I've never produced like this before. I had one story previously that I got just past 10,000 words in about 18 months and this week I've put out 150% more in just seven days.

Is it the story? The person I'm collaborating with? The atmosphere? Does this sometimes just fucking happen?

thoughts anybody?


It happens. Try National Novel writing Month in November, better known as NANOWRITMO or NaNo for short. there will probably be a thread around the AH. The objective is to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

When on a roll, I can put out 3-4000 words in 5 or 6 hours. And then sometimes, it's a line here and a paragraph there.

The story and how into it you are seems to help.

Practice and setting aside time to write each day helps also.
It happens. .... The objective is to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

I know I'm not the only one who's done this at random on a whim when no contest was involved :D

When on a roll, I can put out 3-4000 words in 5 or 6 hours. And then sometimes, it's a line here and a paragraph there.

The story and how into it you are seems to help.

Agreed, and unintended offshoots can slow you down. Try and have a plan of some kind, at least an ending.

Practice and setting aside time to write each day helps also.

Disagree, this only works if you carry around a note pad.
hi folks...

I'm new to literotica... I only stumbled across the site a little while ago.

(Crowd: Hello DT!)

Since I arrived here I've exchanged stories with six of seven people and had one amazing interaction with a couple.

And then I bumped into my muse, and now words are just pouring out of me, to the tune of almost 25000 words this week alone. One day I just sat down and wrote ten pages of an ongoing story. Ten really good pages. Stuff that I couldn't believe I typed.

Does this happen often here? I've never produced like this before. I had one story previously that I got just past 10,000 words in about 18 months and this week I've put out 150% more in just seven days.

Is it the story? The person I'm collaborating with? The atmosphere? Does this sometimes just fucking happen?

thoughts anybody?

Welcome to the AH. :)

It happens. Try National Novel writing Month in November, better known as NANOWRITMO or NaNo for short. there will probably be a thread around the AH. The objective is to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

NaNo also has two summer challenges called Camp NaNoWriMo. This year they were in June and August.
And then I bumped into my muse, and now words are just pouring out of me, to the tune of almost 25000 words this week alone. One day I just sat down and wrote ten pages of an ongoing story. Ten really good pages. Stuff that I couldn't believe I typed.

Does this happen often here? I've never produced like this before. I had one story previously that I got just past 10,000 words in about 18 months and this week I've put out 150% more in just seven days.

Is it the story? The person I'm collaborating with? The atmosphere? Does this sometimes just fucking happen?

thoughts anybody?

Can't say what's causing it obviously (story, collaborator, atmosphere), but it happens to me.
Late last summer I finally decided to try some 'serious' (I'll give all of you time to stop laughing...) writing. It was a fantasy story in a Norse setting. I had about twenty chapters plotted and managed to write three of them and then...and then...blah.
I decided to try something different and looked around the net. I found Literotica and a couple of other sites and thought: 'it would be fun to just write an adventure where adults could do adult things'.
I typed about 70 000 words in about three weeks (I must have types about 15 000 words in one day - it was easily the first half or part 2). Submitted it here (my first story). Since then I've found most of my stories were similar in the amount of productivity.
Maybe it is the atmosphere here on this site...or the people...
Whatever it is, keep it up and enjoy it!
Perhaps 'keep it up' is the wrong phrase to use on an erotic writing website. Sigh.