It's Just Politics (Closed for heartofcourage)


Literotica Guru
Jan 24, 2009
Character appearance:

Congressman Shane Daniels took one final look at himself in the mirror. Yes, he looked the part of the powerful politician. He had on his red power tie. He had his American flag lapel pin centered and aligned perfectly.

He was ready.

As the majority whip in the House of Representatives, it was his job to get the majority party, in this case the Democratic Party, to fall in line and vote the way they should.

Daniels was one of the best.

He kept the speaker of the house happy and he was able to maneuver things in such a way as to give him more power.

The reason for his ability to do this job so effectively was that Shane Daniels really had no morals or sense of compassion. He had the ability to do whatever he had to do to advance his position and not feel any remorse for people he may hurt doing it. Currently, his sights were set on gaining a cabinet position in the newly elected Presidents administration. President elect Matthew Everett narrowly captured an Electoral College victory and was preparing his cabinet to help turn the squeaker into some serious political capital.
Shane Daniels was now going to meet with the President’s chief of staff, Tad Roman.

The meeting was ostensibly to get an idea for how the President elect wanted the legislative branch to move in the first 100 days. Daniels was prepared, however, to run down the primary candidate, Mallory Ingram, Democrat from Maine, for the position of Secretary of State. Mallory Ingram was actually a good Democrat, who always voted for party before anything else. But Daniels had some things cooking in the background. He had secured a promise from a leading Republican Senator to drag out the confirmation process for him because of some questions about leaks concerning military matters to the media that, it was alleged, came from her office.

The leaks did not come from Ingram’s office. Daniels had leaked it to a media source that owed him a favor. Daniels had foreseen the candidate being in a position for a spot in the cabinet because she and the President elect were friends. At the time, Daniels had been out there every night during that particular news cycle defending her, saying first that the information leaked was not classified. That was a lie, but he also knew the low information voter really did not care. Next he had claimed the reporter might have only been speaking to a low level staffer who did not know what they were doing so we should not level the blame on Ingram strictly. Daniels had claimed that Ingram had cleaned house, she had fired 3 staffers who had had access to the classified information, and that no real harm could come from the information that had been leaked.

Daniels chief of staff, Richie Blair, was waiting in the Lincoln Town car when Daniels got in.

“Alright boss, I have the report from the DoD on the value of the classified information. It is practically worthless to everyone. It’s one of those memo’s that was classified for no reason other than some low level idiot wanted to classify it.” Richie began.

Richie Blair had been with Shane since the beginning and Shane trusted him more than any other person in Washington.

“I also have been doing research into shit our boy, Taylor Bryant, did in his college days.” Blair continued.

Taylor Bryant was a bleeding heart, liberal, do-gooder from Michigan who really went overboard making the extreme left wing happy. He had voted several times against bills that Daniels had introduced, bills that would have created some very beneficial circumstances for Daniels and other congressmen, because the bills lacked proper environmental oversight or did not keep human rights at the forefront.

Daniels felt that it might be prudent to have something to help leverage the Congressman Bryant to vote the right way on some upcoming legislation. Legislation that Daniels did not want slowed down because it lacked proper leftist points.

“It seems that Bryant may have plagiarized his master’s thesis, or at least did not pay the right amount to the author.” Blair grinned.

Daniels nodded and said, “Get on that. We will need it for sure this coming session.”

They arrived at the Hotel where the President elect was staying until his inauguration next week.

Daniels got out of the car and told Blair to hang out. Daniels told him he did not know how long this was going to take but to not go anywhere.

Daniels cleared the Secret Service, received his visitor’s badge, and proceeded to the conference room.

The President elect looked up and smiled as Daniels entered the room.

“Mr. President, congratulations.” Daniels smiled his best political smile and shook the president’s hand.
“I’m not sworn in yet, Shane.” The President elect said with a smile.
“Yes, sir, but I do not care. You are our President now.”

The meeting went smoothly and eventually the topic of cabinet members came up. When the focus was on Secretary of State, Daniels began his speech.

“Mr. President, it is my understanding that you have Mallory Ingram in mind.”
“That is correct.”
“Well, sir, I have it on very good authority that the Republicans in the senate intend to slam her in the hearing. They are going after the leaked classified documents.”
“I thought that was handled?”
“It was but they are going to bring it back up and, unfortunately, it might stick around for a while.”
“Where are you getting this?”
“I am getting it from Senator Roscoe Fields.”

Fields was a wet fart Republican from Georgia who was the definition of a RINO, Republican In Name Only. Daniels had been using him for information for a couple of years now. It did not take much to convince him to increase the heat in the confirmation hearing. It would make him look good to the conservative base that elected him and would not rankle the establishment republicans who kept the campaign money flowing into the coffers.

“Well, who do you have in mind then?” The president asked.
“Not you Shane.” Tad Roman spat
“Absolutely not, I have a more important job. It’s going to be the speaker and me who gets the legislation passed in the first 100 days”

Daniels said. He was playing them. That was what the President wanted to hear, but when the time came, he would see that Shane Daniels was the only choice he had. That was only if he could shut down Tad Roman. Daniels had a plan for that when the time came. Tad’s sister, his drug dealing sister, might get caught in a undercover sting, and since Daniels was a close, personal friend of the Police Chief he had the ability to make little things like that go away, of course, in exchange for a favor, like backing Daniels for the Secretary of State appointment.

The meeting finished and the President said he would not be attending the gala event at the National Museum of Art. He had decided to spend some time with his family instead.

Daniels was not happy with it. That was going to be the time he was going to be the President’s ear.

Daniels went home and started getting his tuxedo on. His wife would be coming with him, but only so she could look at the hot military officers and secret service agents.

They were dressed to impress and got into the Town Car for the ride to the museum.

On the way, Daniels was thinking about how this political wheeling and dealing was just too easy.
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Character Apperance:

Katrina Dobreva looked in the mirror one last time and assessed her appearance. She almost didn’t recognize the girl looking back at her. She wasn’t the kind of woman that liked to dress fancy and go to parties. No, her life had been more about hard, bone breaking work and a good sense of right and wrong that had made her the youngest investigative reporter that the Washington Branch of her paper had ever seen.

Her family had fled hardships in Russia for a better life in the United States. Her brother, Alexander, was a successful neurosurgeon. Her sister, Nina, was a prima ballerina with the Washington Ballet. That just left Katrina…and her parents had begged her for something more out of life. At 23, she was happy with her decisions and never looked back.

In fact, she had it on very good advice that a recent leak uncovered in the office of Senator Mallory Ingram hadn’t come from her office at all. She smiled to herself in the mirror, fixing the top of her strapless black ball gown one more time before she turned to leave the bathroom.

The newsroom was dead that time of night. She could hear a distant conversation as the war correspondent talked to his sources over in the middle east. Her boss, Bureau Chief Thomas Mastra, was burning the midnight oil in his office when she approached and knocked on his door.

Glancing up, Thomas let out a sigh and tossed her the credentials that would get her into the gala at the National Museum of Art. “I’m going to trust that you’re not going to be like Frank and fuck this up. If anyone asks, you tell them that you got this pass from Senator Ingram. Her chief of staff will vouch for you.”

Katrina nodded, scooping up the pass and looping it around her neck. There was an unspoken rule that journalists, unless extremely well known, didn’t go to this gala. She was doing Ingram a favor. After Frank Billion had been arrested on a rape claim last week, news came out that he was the confidential source that had leaked the information from a Senator involved with Ingram. It had caused a massive headache for Thomas and threatened a lot of jobs. Three had already been fired from Ingram’s staff and Katrina was going to make sure that she got the full story.

“Don’t worry, Thomas. I got this.” She said with a grin before she turned and left the office, her heart hammering in her chest as she thought about what she was about to do.

Once in the parking garage, she slid into her little BMW. It had seen better days and she’d bought it used after her first assignment on corruption in the DC school distract had hit it big. It was her pride and joy despite the dents and dings and made her feel like she was really coming up in the world.

The drive to the Museum of Art took longer then she would have liked. Traffic going to the gala was backed up for miles and when she finally did arrive and allow the valet to take her keys, she watched a swarm of well dressed men and women entering the building en mass.

“You can do this, Katrina.” She whispered to herself, picking up the skirt of her dress so her smart black heels wouldn’t snag the fabric and started in herself.

A short security check at the door, the guard barely looking at her credentials and she was inside. Dear God, she was inside…

Dress: Bodice V Neck Black Evening Dresses 2012.jpg
Shane’s Tuxedo:

Megan Daniels appearance:

Their car pulled to the front entrance of the museum. The doorman opened the rear doors as Milo Hill, Daniels’ driver and close protection security agent moved to the back and stood by while Shane and Megan exited the vehicle.

They were greeted by gushing representatives of the museum and given tall glasses of champagne.

Shane turned to Megan and said, “I am going to mingle. Try to wait for at least an hour before you take today’s chosen boy toy back to the bedroom.”

Megan smiled. It was the standard game they played when they went to these types of functions. Shane wanted to locate those who could help him advance his political position, and if that turned out to be a young female intern, then he would sleep with her if that was what was needed. Megan just wanted to have a young guy fuck her brains out.

It was their relationship and they both knew what everyone was doing. Neither one of them really cared what the other was doing.

Shane first located the representative from South Carolina’s 6th district. He was the only Black congressman from that state and the only Democrat.

“Ricardo, it’s so good to see you my friend!” Shane put on his best vote gaining smile.

Personally, Shane despised the man. Ricardo Walker was actually not that bright and was easily led. He once had stated that his main concern about the assignment of 20,000 Marines to the island of Diego Garcia was that he feared the island may capsize. The people of South Carolina were too stupid to be embarrassed by his complete idiocy.

It was, however, a complete embarrassment to the party. But, again, the low information voters that Shane relied on to make things happen cared for about 12 minutes then they wanted to watch Honey Boo Boo, so it worked out.

“Shane, I really want to get you on board my legislation this upcoming session. I am writing a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour. I could really use your backing.”

“Ricardo, have your office call mine. Let’s schedule a sit down and let me hear your plan.”

There was no way Shane was going to back that plan coming from him. It might be a good plan, but there was no way anyone could move that out of conference coming from the congressman who, during his last re-election campaign, at a fundraiser held by a women’s rights organization, stated that women had so much to lose with this election. He finished by saying, “If you think rape should be legal, then vote for my opponent or don’t vote at all.”

As it turned out, his gerrymandered district was going to vote for him no matter what stupid ideas came out of his mouth.

Daniels greeted the Speaker of the House. Then spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The general had a young captain walking behind him as an assistant and Daniels was sure, somewhere out in the crowd, his wife was circling the captain like a bird of prey.

Daniels moved to speak to Representative Sonja Padilla, the chair of the Democratic National Committee. He wanted to touch base with her about the direction the committee was headed as far as funding for campaigns in 2 years, specifically his re-election. He had managed to convince her to release enough money to run his famous campaign commercial during his last campaign after a wild night of raw sex with her in her home in Florida. Her husband, a trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol, had been working that night, so the wine took over, at least that was how Sonja justified fucking another man in her and her husbands bed.

He was imagining that night as he moved towards her.

Shane was sliding between and around people, moving towards Sonja Padilla when a glittery twinkle caught his eye. The bracelet that sparkled was worn by an absolutely stunning young female in a very fashionable dress.

She was breathtaking to look at. Shane immediately pegged her as early 20’s so she was not a politician. She could be someone’s daughter. But if that was the case, Shane certainly wanted to meet her mother.

No, she had a slight look of uncertainty. Maybe she was a new staffer, or maybe someone working with the museum.

Either way, Shane Daniels could not look away from her.

Thinking that the chair of the DNC could wait, Shane casually moved in the direction of the beautiful young lady.

She needed to meet Representative Shane Daniels, he decided.
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Completely unprepared for the number of people that were crammed into the galleries of the National Museum of Art, Katrina stood on the outskirts of the room. She could watch the politicians mingling, talking amongst one another, deciding what the important events for the next session would be.

She was way outside her comfort zone, she decided as she took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, giving the man a smile as he continued on his way. Sipping the fruity drink, she sighed softly and tried to focus on the task at hand. She needed to talk to these people, get them to spill their secrets, and figure out just where the leaks of information were coming from.

Taking another sip from her glass, she noticed a man staring at her. He was certainly handsome, she thought, and slightly familiar. She looked him over with a flick of her dark brown eyes, turning to enjoy a large painting by Monet behind her as she tried to jog her memory. Who was the man that was coming towards her? Why did he seem so familiar?

“There you are, Katrina!” A voice sounded next to her. Definitely not the mystery man who was still making his way towards them. Turning towards the voice, she gave a smile to Jacob Dellany, the chief of staff for Senator Ingram.

“Hello, Jacob. Thank you very much for allowing me to come.” Katrina said, smiling at him in the disarming way that she had schooled over the years. “It’s a lovely party.”

Jacob was in his thirties, recently divorced, and just getting back into the world of dating. Katrina saw the appreciation in his eyes as he looked at her, but as sweet as he was, she wasn’t interested. She’d known Jacob from her hometown. It was a little known secret that Katrina’s sister had dated Jacob briefly in high school before he had married Miss Angela Collins, the homecoming queen.

“Hey, anything for my favorite Russian beauty.” He said back, running a hand through his thick black hair. “So…uh…have you heard from Nina lately?”

“Just yesterday, actually. She’s on tour through New York and should be back next week. How about I give you her number? I think she’d love to talk to you.” Katrina reached into her clutch, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen, writing Nina’s number down on the little white paper and pressing it into his palm. “I’m serious. She would love to talk to you.”
Shane was casually moving towards the ravishing beauty when from his right he saw Jacob Dellany approach her.

They started talking to each other and Shane held back, watching.

“Congressman Daniels, how are you?”

It was Mayor Jamar Dorsey, the mayor of Washington D. C.

“Mr. Mayor, it is good to see you.” Shane said with a smile.

The mayor was always getting in tight political spots with prostitutes and Shane had helped him out of potential trouble many times.

They talked about local matters that Shane really could not care less about but he had to entertain to keep the mayor in his pocket.

He eventually finished with the mayor and moved on towards the young woman who had captured his attention.

Shane just walked right up to them.

“Jacob, I am glad I caught you. I need to get with Mallory on some legislation that will be coming up. Although, it might be a moot point as she is probably going to be the next Secretary of State.” Shane chuckled. Shane had a very good ability to make his laughs sound so sincere.

“Congressman Daniels, as it turns out, she needs to talk with you as well. We are learning that the Republicans on the confirmation committee are intending to really rake her over the coals over this leak thing. Mallory is concerned.”

“Well, I think we all knew she was going to take some heat for it. But I really think it’s a done deal, as long as they stay focused on the latest leak. We need to make sure that there is nothing more explosive out there. Jacob, what we need to do is get me all of her email, everything that was sent and received from that office. Let me get some of my people working on it and if there is anything we can stamp it out quickly. Jacob, are you aware of anything else?”

“No…there is nothing. In fact, the current scandal is fucking bullshit. That did not come from us.”

“Jacob, the Republicans are desperate. They will do or say anything to embarrass this President. Just get the emails to my office.”

Jacob Dellany appeared to be thinking about that. His gut was telling him that was not a good idea. Sending the emails to Daniels before he had a chance to go over them could be dangerous. Dellany knew that Daniels appeared to be an ally, but he was also a very good Washington politician and Dellany was not sure he wanted to give him any more power than what he already held.
Shane saw him hesitating. That was alright. In the end, Shane knew they had no alternative but to get the material to him.

“Jacob, you tell Mallory that I think that is the best course of action. If we find anything we can handle it before the confirmation hearings next month.”

Shane then turned towards the beautiful young woman.

Her seductive brown eyes held Shane’s for a second, and then he glanced down at the cleavage of her breasts before just as quickly looking back up to her.

“Jacob, please introduce me to this beautiful young woman.”

Shane smiled at her, holding out his right hand...
Katrina watched Jacob’s lips part as he was about to say something else when they were interrupted. Turning her gaze to the man that seemed to light up the entire room, she schooled her features upon learning that this was Congressman Shane Daniels. She’d never seen him in person, but she’d heard many stories about the secrets that went on behind the closed doors of his offices.

Power and greed corrupted many people and it seemed that Daniels certainly made the rounds with the ladies as well. None of the accusations ever stuck though. It was also very interesting that he was so concerned about Senator Ingram. He was laying it on thick and heavy, letting her office hear what they wanted to hear. It was all a line of bullshit, Katrina thought as Jacob bought into the bait.

Then he turned his attentions towards her. She didn’t miss the way that his eyes slid from her face to her chest and then trailed back up again. In fact, it made her smile slightly. This man was most certainly a piece of work.

“Oh…umm…This is…” Jacob was stammering, a flustered look on his face as the congressman extended his hand towards her.

“Katrina. Katrina Dobreva.” She said, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. “And you’re most certainly a man that needs no introduction, Congressman Daniels.”
Shane felt her warm, soft hand in his and it was electric.

Shane liked that she did not wait for the flustered Jacob to introduce them. She charged ahead and did it herself.

Shane liked confident women. As long as they did not interfere with his objectives.

Shane brought the hand to his lips and he kissed it softly between the knuckles of the index and middle fingers.

"Mrs. Dobreva, it is indeed my honor to meet you." Shane smiled a relaxing smile at her.

"What brings such a beautiful young woman to a this cocktail party full of gross old people?"

Shane felt,from the moment she took his hand, that Katrina Dobreva was on a mission.
Katrina hated when a man smirked like he owned the world and it seemed that Mr. Daniels was one of those kinds of people. He smiled easily, talked sweetly and charmed his way into any situation that he desired. She watched as he bent over her hand and kissed her knuckles, his handsome eyes turning back towards hers as he asked what had brought her to the party.

“I’m a guest of Senator Ingram.” She said with a smile tipping the corners of her lips. “And how could I turn down an invitation to mingle with the rich and powerful of this country?”
Shane really liked that she held his eye contact.

“I’m a guest of Senator Ingram.” , she answered. Her follow up made Daniels chuckle.

“And how could I turn down an invitation to mingle with the rich and powerful of this country?”
Yeah, she was up to something. Her attempt at flattery indicated she was trying to gain favor. But Daniels was not ready to give it just yet. Not until he knew what her motivation was.

"Well, Mrs. Dobreva, I see my friend, Congressman Ingram chooses only the finest people for friends." To Dellany, Shane asked, "Jacob would you mind greatly if I borrowed Mrs. Dobreva? I would like to get her a drink." Shane never looked away from her.

Of course, Dellany was not going to interfere with Daniels.

"Mrs Dobreva, could I interest you in some a good red wine? Oh, I am being very rude. I would like to invite you for a glass of wine...only if your husband will not mind as well." Shane made the show of looking around the crowd for her husband.

If he could get her aside, he was going to get to the bottom of who she is. There was clearly a motive for her being here. He wanted to know what it was.
“There is no Mister.” She said casually as he pulled her aside and invited her to enjoy a glass of wine with him. “It’s simply Miss Dobreva.”

Smiling at this handsome man, she dared to reach out and place her hand on his arm, squeezing it slightly. “But please called me Katrina.”

He was a smooth operator, that much was clear. Katrina would have to use all of her highly honed skills to get information from him without seeming like she was digging too deep. She followed him towards a bar at the back of the room, taking the glass of red wine that was poured and nodding towards the Congressman before she brought it to her full lips and took a sip.

“I always liked a man that enjoyed a good red wine.” She commented as she turned to look over the rest of the room. If the people of this country only knew what kind of deals were being made here tonight, they most certainly would shudder she thought to herself.

“And it seems that your wife does as well.” Motioning towards the middle of the room, she saw the Congressman’s wife laughing with a handsome Captain, a glass of red wine in both of their hands. “Don’t look so surprised. You’re still wearing your wedding ring and I’d be a fool to not know just who you were, Congressman.”
“There is no Mister.” She was single. She did not act nervous, like a new intern. She clearly was not someone's daughter, otherwise she would have announced that just after advising she was not married.

“I always liked a man that enjoyed a good red wine.” More flattery that was followed by pointing out his wife seducing the Army captain. She knew his wife.

Shane drained his glass of red wine and then switched off the smile.

"Tell me, Katrina. Do you work for a newspaper, a blog, a magazine? Who are you a reporting for?" He let that hang for a breath then added, "Do not worry. I can always use media contacts."

Shane paused to watch her response.
Katrina heard him guess who she worked for and she casually played it off. Another sip from her glass as her eyes slowly turned from his beautiful wife trying to seduce the army captain. She smiled at him and shook her head slightly.

“Now where’s the fun in telling you the answer?” She asked him, quirking an eyebrow at him as she grinned. “I’m sure that with all of your contacts you’ll know soon enough, but I think I’ll keep that answer to myself for the moment.”

She watched the look cross his face that told her he was a man that was use to getting his answers. “Maybe I’m a girl who’s playing with fire, but I like to live dangerously.”
“Maybe I’m a girl who’s playing with fire, but I like to live dangerously.”

She was good.

"Oh, I am sure you do. But here is how this works...Katrina...I have something you need. Something that I could be willing to trade for certain...favors. What you have to learn is that I can get those favors from any number of the Washington press corps. They give me what I desire and I give them information. Information that other reporters do not have. Information that will get them the scoop, information that will allow them to be the first to report things. As you can imagine, there many media types who would gladly give me what I desire so they can be the first."

Shane knew that most reporters coveted information. It was information that got Woodward and Bernstein the pulitzer prize. For a young reporter like Katrina, landing a huge story could get her in the White House press corps.

"Who do you work for, Katrina?"
She listened to him talk, her features very carefully schooled as he went into a detailed speech about how the partnership would work. She had been around men like him before and she was very proud to say that she hadn’t sold herself out yet and as long as her will held strong, no one would ever be able to buy her.

“Hmmm…” She said, taking another sip from her wine glass before she placed the now empty glass on the bar and turned to look at the Congressman for a long moment. “Perhaps I should know what you desire before I divulge that information.”

The comment was made off handedly, a smile on her face as she watched so many different emotions cross his handsome face. “The need to know is killing you, isn’t it, Congressman? If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my short career is that a girl like me can be swallowed whole by this city. It’s in my best interest to hold my cards close to my chest until I know that our relationship is truly mutually beneficial.”

At the mention of her chest, she watched his eyes slowly start to trace back down her dress until he briefly glanced at her modest curves. Again, she smiled.
"...If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my short career is that a girl like me can be swallowed whole by this city."

She was playing it cool, but was very aware of the culture of D. C. She had been taught well, that was for sure.

The grin returned to Shane's face.

Shane decided to take in the view of her breasts again. Then he looked back up into her eyes.

"I bet you are a wild thing in the bedroom, Katrina."

He watched her eyes for any response.

Then Shane reached into the inside pocket of his tux coat and pulled out a small note pad and a black ink Monte Blanc pen.

He wrote the number to one of his phones.

He handed the paper to Katrina, saying "If you decide you really want to play this game. If you are prepared for everything about this game, including the pain, you text that number. I will then tell you a location and time for you to come and meet. I will have something for you."

Shane then said, "Katrina, it was a pleasure to meet you."

He turned and made his way back through the crowd.
The paper was pressed into her palm and she looked down at his neat handwriting. Was he really offering her a chance to gain access to his inner circle? She didn’t believe for a moment that he was the kind of man to help someone out of the kindness of his heart. Still, she was there for a story and she supposed that she could play the game for a while to get the information that she wanted.

She watched as he turned and made his way back through he crowd, on to meet and greet more people that could further help his political career. Another glass of wine was placed at her elbow and she glanced at the tender with a smile and a nod, leaving a $20 on the counter for his troubles.

As the evening wore on, she met a few people and made a few contacts, but her thoughts kept going back to the piece of paper that was tucked into her clutch. Did she really have the guts to call it? Did she really have the guts to take him up on his challenge?

As the evening wore on towards midnight, she excused herself. A few apologies to Senator Ingram’s team about the short evening and she escaped out into the crisp Washington evening. The city twinkled beyond the steps of the gallery and as she handed her ticket to the valet, she pulled out the piece of paper that the Congressman had written on.

“Why not?” She murmured to herself, pulling out her iPhone and pressing in his number, listening to it ring as she pressed it to her ear.
Shane continued to mingle. There really was no one he wanted to be around. They all had nothing he needed or wanted.

He sat silently when the awards were handed out.

Then they gave the Platinum Friend of the Arts award to Shane Daniels. There was much applause and Shane gave a short speech focusing on keeping the federal funding for the arts flowing.

When he was done, he noticed that his wife was no where to be found.

Shane hoped the young captain had kept up his cardio training because Megan was going to test it.

Just as he was about to call his driver, another phone rang. It was the number he had given to the ravishing young beauty, Katrina.

That did not take long at all. She was already chomping at the bit.

Shane let it ring. Soon, it stopped ringing and she was listening to the automated reply telling her to leave a message.

Shane was beginning his training of the young reporter.

Lesson number one, she needed him way more than he needed her.
Katrina frowned when the phone rang into a voice mail, the Congressman’s voice sounding on the other end and telling her to leave a message. She shook her head and hung up, no message left behind as the valet came up to the steps with her BMW. She thanked him, tipped a $10 and then slid into her front seat.

She had plans to stop at an all night burger joint and get something for dinner. Then her favorite pair of sweats and a good book were calling her name. It was time to give up her little fairytale evening and go back to real life. Somehow the thought didn’t bother her all that much and as she pulled away from the gallery, she wondered briefly if the Congressman was a man of his word.

Her conscience told her no, but her gut told her that she was in for a wild ride…
The next day Shane was on the hill early.

He expected to meet with sponsers of a bill called the Taxpayer and Gas Price Relief act, which would remove many tax loopholes for the top 5 biggest oil companies.

But Shane was interrupted by his Chief of Staff.

"We have a problem." Richie announced coming into the inner office.

Shane looked up and waited.

"Fuckin Rosario is folding on the tax loophole bill. He just told me he was going to vote against. it."
"What the fuck!"
"He would not tell me, so that means the oil lobby paid him off."

Ian Rosario was a representative from Texas and it had been thought that he was easily bought off by big oil.

"Ok, I think I got a plan. Richie, start trying to find out everything you can on a Katrina Dobreva, she is a reporter but I do not know for who yet."
"I'm on it boss!" Richie said as he walked out of the inner office.

Shane then pulled the phone he had directed Katrina to call.

A check of the incoming calls showed hers from last evening.

Shane dialed the number.
After her late night, Katrina was enjoying a lazy morning. She had woken late and taken her time with her rare day off. After breakfast, she had pulled on her workout clothing and gone for a run through the city. She loved the way it felt to run without limits and to be alone in her own little world for a while.

Leaving her apartment building, she made her way through the National Mall and by Capital Hill. She was circling around the Jefferson Memorial when she heard the chirping sound of her phone. Drawing herself to a stop, she pulled out the iPhone and looked at the screen, frowning slightly when she saw who was calling her.

So…Daniels was returning the call that he had ignored the night before. Should she answer or should she let it go to voice mail like he had? Shaking her head, she wanted to reject the call but she soon found herself pressing the button that would answer it.

“Hello?” She asked as she brought it to her ear.
"Katrina, be at the Saint's Bourbon Street Seafood restaurant 1:25 this afternoon. Its at the intersection of Hamlin and Rhode Island Avenue. I have something for you." Shane hung up before she could reply.

Shane then got Richie in the office.

"Richie, I am going to use that shredded oil company memo."

When they started working on this bill, Richie had been sent on a trash pull and found a memo that Rosario tried to shred. It had not been completely shredded it was just long strips that could easily be put back together. The memo was actually not damning of anything other than Rosario was communicating with a lobbyist for the oil company. But, it was a communication from him, and Shane knew the low information voters would not care there was nothing actually in the memo, just that a politician was communicating with an oil industry lobbyist.

Next, Shane called his contact with a major oil company and cashed in a favor. He would say that he had spoke to Rosario by telephone about some possible campagin funds in exchange for not voting for any bills attacking the tax loopholes.

Shane had spoke to the Dean of a major university and got his oil company contact's daughter accepted to the university.

Next, he called some other representatives who he knew were taking the oil company money and tried to see if any could confirm Rosario was taking the money also.

Rosario was in no danger of losing his seat, but it was going to be next to impossible to get his bills passed as soon as the extreme left wing environmentalist learned of his relationship with big oil.

He could only get one representative to say, "Well, I do not know for a fact, but I know he was told by others that something good might come his way if the bill died."

That's all he needed.

At 1:00, Shane got his driver to go to Saint's.

He went in and ordered a beer, then took a seat in a booth where he could watch the entrance.

"Alright Katrina, let's see if you want to play." Shane thought to himself.
“Wait…” Katrina said, a little put off as he hung up after he’d barked the directions at her.

He had something for her? What was that suppose to mean? She shook her head and placed her phone back in its holder before she turned to jog back home. Running up the stairs of her apartment building, she was inside her little home and quickly showered. She only had enough time to pull on a pretty little sundress and dry her hair, a quick swipe of lipstick before she slid into a pair of black heels and was back downstairs and sliding into her car.

She was running late thanks to traffic and after she parked, she ran down the sidewalk as fast as her heels allowed her to. She didn’t know why she was hurrying so much for the infuriating Congressman, but curiosity told her that she really wanted to see what he had. If it was good then she could write an article. If it wasn’t, well then it was really his time that he was wasting.

Stepping into Saint’s about five minutes late, she saw him sitting in a booth, watching her as she walked in. With a sigh, she straightened her shoulders and casually walked towards him, slipping into the booth on the opposite side of the table.

“So…what have you got?” She asked him as the waiter appeared and placed a glass of red wine in front of her. She frowned slightly, her full lips pouting briefly before she looked up at him. He had ordered her drink? Really?
Katrina looked amazing. Even if she was only wearing a simple little sundress.

Shane was drawn to her legs just after looking at her exquisite face.

“So…what have you got?”

Shane noted that she frowned when the waiter brought the glass of wine. She definitely did not like not having control. She would be a tough little girl to break.

Shane smiled at the thought of bending her over his knee and spanking her tight little ass.
Maybe later...

Shane pulled out the zip lock bag with the long strips of paper in it and laid it on the table in front of her.

When she started to move towards the bag to get a better look, Shane snatched it up and held it in front of her.

The smile was gone.

"This is the way it works. If I have something for you, we will arrange to meet somewhere...out of the way. I will give it to you and you do what it is you do, that is write a piece and manipulate the voting public. You get the scoop, and look real impressive to your colleagues and I get the political momentum moving in the direction I desire."

Shane watched her as she absorbed what he had said.

Holding up the bag with the semi shredded memo in it, Shane continued, "This is a memo. What if I told you a leading Congressional Democrat has been dealing with and accepting money from a top 5 oil company. This particular Democrat, though representing an oil producing state, has previously campaigned on a platform of no new drilling. You know, save the planet and all that horseshit. Well it seems this congressman is double dipping, taking money from the extreme environmental left and from big oil."

Shane set the bag back on the table.

"This is what I need, a good story discussing lobbyist and money and influencing votes. As you can deduce, this will really set me up for a campaign finance reform act that the President elect campaigned on."

Shane paused and said "It will also guarantee that the Taxpayer and Gas Price Relief Act is passed, which is another of the President elects initiatives."

Shane thought he saw the wheels turning in the young woman's mind.

When she looked up Shane said in a cold, firm voice, "Who do you work for?"
A zip lock bag of paper was produced and dangled in front of her like a special little treat. She watched him swing it back and forth and wondered what could be inside. As it was placed on the table in front of her, she slowly reached for it and gasped as it was snatched away and held up in front of her again.

He wasn’t amused this time. His frown was serious and his words irritated her in the worst way. Who did he think he was? Did he really see himself as the person that controlled everything? He was basically spoon feeding her information that would be politically advantageous to himself and help her career wise. How did she really feel about that?

She was quiet as the bag was placed back on the table and he continued to talk about how things would happen between them. As her eyes raised back towards his, his voice turned cold and firm, asking her who she worked for.

Playing casually, she pulled the glass of wine to her lips and took a long sip. As she placed it back on the table, she gave him a grin and shook her head.

“I’m sure that you’ll know very soon who I work for, Congressman.” She said softly, her eyes locking on him. “I keep my sources confidential. You have nothing to worry about…from anyone.”
“I keep my sources confidential. You have nothing to worry about…from anyone.”

Katrina was really cool, no doubt. Shane was really starting to like her.

Shane looked away then pulled out his cell phone. He dialed Richie.

When Richie answered, Shane said, "Richie, do you remember the task I asked you about?"
"Shit, Shane, you have given me a number of tasks. I am working on them all. I made contact with Penny Barlow, of the New York Free Press about that new reporter you were asking about. She said she will have something for me by the end of the day."
"Thanks, Richie." Shane disconnected the call and never taking his eyes of of hers, he slid the bag to her.

"You know, I have given you everything and I have nothing in return. I am going to trust that you will give me...something." Shane said softly.

He studied her face, then allowed his eyes to travel down to her chest.

When he came back up to her eye, he said, "You should know what to do with this. If you have a question, send a text to the number that you have."

When he was sure she understood he said, "I want you to meet me at this address." He pulled out a card with the address to the Flats 130 at Constitution Square.

"I'm in 1-0G. Be there around 9 tonight...and Katrina, make sure you come prepared to give me... something."

Shane got up from the booth and paused next to her and stared into her eyes.

He then casually walked out.