Character appearance:
Congressman Shane Daniels took one final look at himself in the mirror. Yes, he looked the part of the powerful politician. He had on his red power tie. He had his American flag lapel pin centered and aligned perfectly.
He was ready.
As the majority whip in the House of Representatives, it was his job to get the majority party, in this case the Democratic Party, to fall in line and vote the way they should.
Daniels was one of the best.
He kept the speaker of the house happy and he was able to maneuver things in such a way as to give him more power.
The reason for his ability to do this job so effectively was that Shane Daniels really had no morals or sense of compassion. He had the ability to do whatever he had to do to advance his position and not feel any remorse for people he may hurt doing it. Currently, his sights were set on gaining a cabinet position in the newly elected Presidents administration. President elect Matthew Everett narrowly captured an Electoral College victory and was preparing his cabinet to help turn the squeaker into some serious political capital.
Shane Daniels was now going to meet with the President’s chief of staff, Tad Roman.
The meeting was ostensibly to get an idea for how the President elect wanted the legislative branch to move in the first 100 days. Daniels was prepared, however, to run down the primary candidate, Mallory Ingram, Democrat from Maine, for the position of Secretary of State. Mallory Ingram was actually a good Democrat, who always voted for party before anything else. But Daniels had some things cooking in the background. He had secured a promise from a leading Republican Senator to drag out the confirmation process for him because of some questions about leaks concerning military matters to the media that, it was alleged, came from her office.
The leaks did not come from Ingram’s office. Daniels had leaked it to a media source that owed him a favor. Daniels had foreseen the candidate being in a position for a spot in the cabinet because she and the President elect were friends. At the time, Daniels had been out there every night during that particular news cycle defending her, saying first that the information leaked was not classified. That was a lie, but he also knew the low information voter really did not care. Next he had claimed the reporter might have only been speaking to a low level staffer who did not know what they were doing so we should not level the blame on Ingram strictly. Daniels had claimed that Ingram had cleaned house, she had fired 3 staffers who had had access to the classified information, and that no real harm could come from the information that had been leaked.
Daniels chief of staff, Richie Blair, was waiting in the Lincoln Town car when Daniels got in.
“Alright boss, I have the report from the DoD on the value of the classified information. It is practically worthless to everyone. It’s one of those memo’s that was classified for no reason other than some low level idiot wanted to classify it.” Richie began.
Richie Blair had been with Shane since the beginning and Shane trusted him more than any other person in Washington.
“I also have been doing research into shit our boy, Taylor Bryant, did in his college days.” Blair continued.
Taylor Bryant was a bleeding heart, liberal, do-gooder from Michigan who really went overboard making the extreme left wing happy. He had voted several times against bills that Daniels had introduced, bills that would have created some very beneficial circumstances for Daniels and other congressmen, because the bills lacked proper environmental oversight or did not keep human rights at the forefront.
Daniels felt that it might be prudent to have something to help leverage the Congressman Bryant to vote the right way on some upcoming legislation. Legislation that Daniels did not want slowed down because it lacked proper leftist points.
“It seems that Bryant may have plagiarized his master’s thesis, or at least did not pay the right amount to the author.” Blair grinned.
Daniels nodded and said, “Get on that. We will need it for sure this coming session.”
They arrived at the Hotel where the President elect was staying until his inauguration next week.
Daniels got out of the car and told Blair to hang out. Daniels told him he did not know how long this was going to take but to not go anywhere.
Daniels cleared the Secret Service, received his visitor’s badge, and proceeded to the conference room.
The President elect looked up and smiled as Daniels entered the room.
“Mr. President, congratulations.” Daniels smiled his best political smile and shook the president’s hand.
“I’m not sworn in yet, Shane.” The President elect said with a smile.
“Yes, sir, but I do not care. You are our President now.”
The meeting went smoothly and eventually the topic of cabinet members came up. When the focus was on Secretary of State, Daniels began his speech.
“Mr. President, it is my understanding that you have Mallory Ingram in mind.”
“That is correct.”
“Well, sir, I have it on very good authority that the Republicans in the senate intend to slam her in the hearing. They are going after the leaked classified documents.”
“I thought that was handled?”
“It was but they are going to bring it back up and, unfortunately, it might stick around for a while.”
“Where are you getting this?”
“I am getting it from Senator Roscoe Fields.”
Fields was a wet fart Republican from Georgia who was the definition of a RINO, Republican In Name Only. Daniels had been using him for information for a couple of years now. It did not take much to convince him to increase the heat in the confirmation hearing. It would make him look good to the conservative base that elected him and would not rankle the establishment republicans who kept the campaign money flowing into the coffers.
“Well, who do you have in mind then?” The president asked.
“Not you Shane.” Tad Roman spat
“Absolutely not, I have a more important job. It’s going to be the speaker and me who gets the legislation passed in the first 100 days”
Daniels said. He was playing them. That was what the President wanted to hear, but when the time came, he would see that Shane Daniels was the only choice he had. That was only if he could shut down Tad Roman. Daniels had a plan for that when the time came. Tad’s sister, his drug dealing sister, might get caught in a undercover sting, and since Daniels was a close, personal friend of the Police Chief he had the ability to make little things like that go away, of course, in exchange for a favor, like backing Daniels for the Secretary of State appointment.
The meeting finished and the President said he would not be attending the gala event at the National Museum of Art. He had decided to spend some time with his family instead.
Daniels was not happy with it. That was going to be the time he was going to be the President’s ear.
Daniels went home and started getting his tuxedo on. His wife would be coming with him, but only so she could look at the hot military officers and secret service agents.
They were dressed to impress and got into the Town Car for the ride to the museum.
On the way, Daniels was thinking about how this political wheeling and dealing was just too easy.
Congressman Shane Daniels took one final look at himself in the mirror. Yes, he looked the part of the powerful politician. He had on his red power tie. He had his American flag lapel pin centered and aligned perfectly.
He was ready.
As the majority whip in the House of Representatives, it was his job to get the majority party, in this case the Democratic Party, to fall in line and vote the way they should.
Daniels was one of the best.
He kept the speaker of the house happy and he was able to maneuver things in such a way as to give him more power.
The reason for his ability to do this job so effectively was that Shane Daniels really had no morals or sense of compassion. He had the ability to do whatever he had to do to advance his position and not feel any remorse for people he may hurt doing it. Currently, his sights were set on gaining a cabinet position in the newly elected Presidents administration. President elect Matthew Everett narrowly captured an Electoral College victory and was preparing his cabinet to help turn the squeaker into some serious political capital.
Shane Daniels was now going to meet with the President’s chief of staff, Tad Roman.
The meeting was ostensibly to get an idea for how the President elect wanted the legislative branch to move in the first 100 days. Daniels was prepared, however, to run down the primary candidate, Mallory Ingram, Democrat from Maine, for the position of Secretary of State. Mallory Ingram was actually a good Democrat, who always voted for party before anything else. But Daniels had some things cooking in the background. He had secured a promise from a leading Republican Senator to drag out the confirmation process for him because of some questions about leaks concerning military matters to the media that, it was alleged, came from her office.
The leaks did not come from Ingram’s office. Daniels had leaked it to a media source that owed him a favor. Daniels had foreseen the candidate being in a position for a spot in the cabinet because she and the President elect were friends. At the time, Daniels had been out there every night during that particular news cycle defending her, saying first that the information leaked was not classified. That was a lie, but he also knew the low information voter really did not care. Next he had claimed the reporter might have only been speaking to a low level staffer who did not know what they were doing so we should not level the blame on Ingram strictly. Daniels had claimed that Ingram had cleaned house, she had fired 3 staffers who had had access to the classified information, and that no real harm could come from the information that had been leaked.
Daniels chief of staff, Richie Blair, was waiting in the Lincoln Town car when Daniels got in.
“Alright boss, I have the report from the DoD on the value of the classified information. It is practically worthless to everyone. It’s one of those memo’s that was classified for no reason other than some low level idiot wanted to classify it.” Richie began.
Richie Blair had been with Shane since the beginning and Shane trusted him more than any other person in Washington.
“I also have been doing research into shit our boy, Taylor Bryant, did in his college days.” Blair continued.
Taylor Bryant was a bleeding heart, liberal, do-gooder from Michigan who really went overboard making the extreme left wing happy. He had voted several times against bills that Daniels had introduced, bills that would have created some very beneficial circumstances for Daniels and other congressmen, because the bills lacked proper environmental oversight or did not keep human rights at the forefront.
Daniels felt that it might be prudent to have something to help leverage the Congressman Bryant to vote the right way on some upcoming legislation. Legislation that Daniels did not want slowed down because it lacked proper leftist points.
“It seems that Bryant may have plagiarized his master’s thesis, or at least did not pay the right amount to the author.” Blair grinned.
Daniels nodded and said, “Get on that. We will need it for sure this coming session.”
They arrived at the Hotel where the President elect was staying until his inauguration next week.
Daniels got out of the car and told Blair to hang out. Daniels told him he did not know how long this was going to take but to not go anywhere.
Daniels cleared the Secret Service, received his visitor’s badge, and proceeded to the conference room.
The President elect looked up and smiled as Daniels entered the room.
“Mr. President, congratulations.” Daniels smiled his best political smile and shook the president’s hand.
“I’m not sworn in yet, Shane.” The President elect said with a smile.
“Yes, sir, but I do not care. You are our President now.”
The meeting went smoothly and eventually the topic of cabinet members came up. When the focus was on Secretary of State, Daniels began his speech.
“Mr. President, it is my understanding that you have Mallory Ingram in mind.”
“That is correct.”
“Well, sir, I have it on very good authority that the Republicans in the senate intend to slam her in the hearing. They are going after the leaked classified documents.”
“I thought that was handled?”
“It was but they are going to bring it back up and, unfortunately, it might stick around for a while.”
“Where are you getting this?”
“I am getting it from Senator Roscoe Fields.”
Fields was a wet fart Republican from Georgia who was the definition of a RINO, Republican In Name Only. Daniels had been using him for information for a couple of years now. It did not take much to convince him to increase the heat in the confirmation hearing. It would make him look good to the conservative base that elected him and would not rankle the establishment republicans who kept the campaign money flowing into the coffers.
“Well, who do you have in mind then?” The president asked.
“Not you Shane.” Tad Roman spat
“Absolutely not, I have a more important job. It’s going to be the speaker and me who gets the legislation passed in the first 100 days”
Daniels said. He was playing them. That was what the President wanted to hear, but when the time came, he would see that Shane Daniels was the only choice he had. That was only if he could shut down Tad Roman. Daniels had a plan for that when the time came. Tad’s sister, his drug dealing sister, might get caught in a undercover sting, and since Daniels was a close, personal friend of the Police Chief he had the ability to make little things like that go away, of course, in exchange for a favor, like backing Daniels for the Secretary of State appointment.
The meeting finished and the President said he would not be attending the gala event at the National Museum of Art. He had decided to spend some time with his family instead.
Daniels was not happy with it. That was going to be the time he was going to be the President’s ear.
Daniels went home and started getting his tuxedo on. His wife would be coming with him, but only so she could look at the hot military officers and secret service agents.
They were dressed to impress and got into the Town Car for the ride to the museum.
On the way, Daniels was thinking about how this political wheeling and dealing was just too easy.
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