It's Freedom Fries, not French Fries!


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002

Can I get some help from Nuze readers? Hey .. if the socialists and anti-American crowd can use the Internet to get millions of myrmidons out on their anti-American marches over the weekend ... why can't we use the Internet to make a REAL change in America?

It's very simple. Nothing complicated. We want restaurants and fast foot joints to rename their French fries. Same potatoes. Same ingredients. Same grease. Same carbs and calories. Just change the menu. From now on they are Freedom Fries, not French Fries. Every time we load up on this junk food we can honor that which makes America great .. not that which demeans and dishonors America. Which "F" word do you like the most? "Freedom" or "French"?

Clip --- paste -- e-mail --- forward --- print --- do it however you can, but spread the word! Let me know when restaurants in your neighborhood pick up the cause!
Fatty Fries?

or how about just fries.... are there any other type?

or you could just call them chips like the cultured peoples of the world :D
Yes there is a growing movement in America to Boycott everything French (sp?) has reported a 15% decrease in sales.

WWII is when Frankfurters were renamed hot dogs.

The Peaceniks also need to take note that the more Anti-American they become, the more hard-line we become and they then begin to unite us thus furthering the cause of war...

Most of the former Eastern Bloc countries support the US.

So Mr Chirac tells them that by doing so they risk their future membership of the EU.

Go for it guys.
You know, the Crusade got derailed...

Anyone up for sacking and looting Paris?

We can start surrender negotiations now!
I mean Jauques is obviously harboring Saddam who harbors...

France has WMD's!

You could make a good case.


Or take one...
Starblayde said:
Fatty Fries?

or how about just fries.... are there any other type?

or you could just call them chips like the cultured peoples of the world :D
Good name!
Did I see correctly that France and Iraq have been doing business since the war? Didn't we have imposed sanctions against Iraq? Ah, well, not to get political, simple yes or no will do, I just thought I saw that somewhere.
All we have to do is threaten sanctions and they will offer us Corsica...
After first sinking their navy so it would not fall into enemy hands...

They would then have to figure out how to fly their airforce over to Germany for safe-keeping!