It's Fez Time!

Omg! How did you know!?
I have a tmbg one, i love the fez!!!
The cat's are cute too.
I get real excited about Fez(es)ii sp? I've been talking about em all day.

Ok, now I seriously need to find kitty-sized fezzes with which to torment my babies.
i want slg to take a pic of me with that fez on..and if she needs to put her hand on my chest like that to get me in the right position..that's ok.
what a wild shop that is. I was in one in Seattle a few years ago.
ty ty, SLG! I love the description:

Everyone knows that a monkey looks good in a Tiny Fez, but why should monkeys have all the fun? Most people find that wearing a Tiny Fez makes them feel light-hearted and jolly, while animals display a frisky enthusiasm with the fez propped on their head. Get one for you and your pot-bellied pig! Each Fez has an elastic strap.
That's why I go here, because nothing turns me on more than a cat in a fez.
aly, do you know about Hothead Paisan Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist? She's a character in a graphic novel by Diane Dimassa (you must read it if you haven't) and her cat, Chicken, wears a fez! You'll love it. Go check it out!

aly* said:
Omg! How did you know!?
I have a tmbg one, i love the fez!!!
Yeah, the fez supposedly originates from the hats the muslims soaked in blood when they pillaged a Christian held city during the Crusades.
Ok, Amelia. I'm in. We'll do it, for art's sake! :D

amelia said:
i want slg to take a pic of me with that fez on..and if she needs to put her hand on my chest like that to get me in the right position..that's ok.
Everyone knows that a monkey looks good in a Tiny Fez, but why should monkeys have all the fun? Most people find that wearing a Tiny Fez makes them feel light-hearted and jolly, while animals display a frisky enthusiasm with the fez propped on their head. Get one for you and your pot-bellied pig! Each Fez has an elastic strap.

everything good has an elastic strap on it....or a suction cup