It's 10:10, and I need a nap


roosevelt dime
Feb 20, 2002
Mondays after a sundrenched day at the beach are the worstest types of Mondays around. I repeatedly find myself blankly staring at my puter screen in a semi-catatonic state.

Lest this become a whining thread, I must say that the root cause of my present catatonia, my day at the beach, was an absolute BLAST. It had been years since I'd been to Corona Del Mar, and I'd forgotten what a nice beach it is. When we got there, the entire coast was blanketed by a fairly dense hazefog, which lingered just long enough to ensure that the day wouldn't get too hot. It also kept us cool during our marathon bout of frisbeeing (it's amazing how sore one's right arm can get simply from tossing a small plastic disk around). When the haze burned off, a nice cool sea breeze blew in, right on cue. The waves had a perfect little curl to them, just right for bodyboarding. The population density was perfect for people watching, without becoming overwhelming. A small but significant portion of that population consisted of delicious bikini clad volleyball girlies with spectacular twitching derrieres, which were prominently displayed by the customary sand volleyball readiness posture (hint: to be able to move quickly in either direction whilst playing in sand, one needs a low center of gravity... you do the math).

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What did you say? I am sorry, but I can't think enough to read what you wrote.

It is monday, for fuck sake! :)
I hear ya, fishie.

In my current state, I sure as hell wouldn't read through all that nonsense either.

Visual Aid

Customary sand volleyball readiness posture:


Actually, the knees are generally more bent. My view was usually from the rear.

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wow - this pic came up in google search for nude

okay my volleyball funnies....dangit.....<smiling and kissing you>....hope you had a great lunch.....i'm zipping back to bed with my weepy, sniffly lil miracle....i'll call when we wake up.....

you might need this:


ily :heart: