It wasn't me...


Come What May
Jun 20, 2000
Do you tell people you are chatting online with.......

It wasn't me? .........

when it wasn't me,

or do you just say Never?

This is mostly an inquiry of Englanders........they seem more devious and shifty about things like this.
seXieleXie said:
um... what?

I would have to agree with the 2 ladies, what the hell are ya saying. How is it that anyone else understands?:confused:

This is opaque, muddy, murky and unclear. Actually, much like listening to Bob Dylan.

Carry on.
This was a test, if you didn't understand, that's quite alright.

It's my fault.
Just type Never.
I was never one of the cool kids. Now that I'm older I understand it's better that way. Sometimes being cool is its own punishment.

Now, sexielexie. Just type Never.

Try it. You might like it.

I am, in no way, mocking you or anyone else who didn't understand the beginning post. It was obscure at best.

That said, it wasn't me. Though this time it was.

Just type Never.
Really, try it sometime.

Association, of sorts. Nothing life changing, but focus will observe miniature differences.
I like your avatar as well.

You're an odd case.

Good answer. I found the use of silver a pleasant touch.
Please note any satisfying reactions and repeat as necessary. This technique can be used when engaged in any online discussion, even if it wasn't me.
Never said:
You're an odd case.

It takes you two years?

You think you have a corner on oddness or something?

(Fuck I miss your Never siglines)
Generally I say you didn't do it. I can support my own actions.
The siglines were of a certain place and time. It is doubtful that they shall ever return.