It occurred to me tonight

I think who the character is in any given story also factors in.

Going back to Jenna. I have a long running series named specifically after her. So no, I'm not going to reuse that name in a different story, even if it's a completely different character.

Because most of my readers would probably still associate that name with my series. (And yes, I realize I'm not the only writer to ever use the name Jenna. Im talking strictly within my own story catalog. )

In another story, a character mentions "my boyfriend, Bob." He never comes up again, doesn't actually appear in the story.

So I certainly don't feel that restricts me from EVER using the name Bob again.

I think if we give a character a LAST name, it's probably best to keep that name exclusive to that character.

But if we're just throwing first names around, we'll, there's plenty of John's and Bob's and Mary's and Sue's.

In the story I just submitted, I needed a name for a side character and went with Madison.

Then remembered I'd just used that name in my Nude Day story for another side character.

I decided to keep it anyway. One, because I liked it and it fit, and two, because as the story went on I decided to drop a few other Easter Egg references to a few of my other stories in, just for fun and to see if any readers catch them.

They probably won't. But they amuse me anyway.