It is snoooowing!!!


Feb 19, 2002
First snowfall here, I am thrilled...and I dont even ski...whats wrong with me!
I can loan ya my snowboard if ya want. I don't plan on using it this year.
I am soooooooo jealous Kitte!!!
Thank you for snapping that picture and sharing it.
I just love snow and we don't get much, if any at all.
Kitte said:
First snowfall here, I am thrilled...and I dont even ski...whats wrong with me!

always great to have that first dusting of snow on the ground! makes things look different again for the first time!;)
PepperminTrish said:
I am soooooooo jealous Kitte!!!
Thank you for snapping that picture and sharing it.
I just love snow and we don't get much, if any at all.

Well you are welcome up anytime Trish, we can bundle up and go for a walk and make snow angels, then come back in for hot cocoa and a snuggle:) My favorite snowy day activity.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Build a cool snowperson and post the pics. I miss snow sometimes.

Dont know if we will have enough for that...but as soon as we do I will!

btw... you must know how tempting that DONT CLICK is..........

evil evil man.
Kitte said:

evil evil man.

No....Bert is Evil

Kitte said:
Well you are welcome up anytime Trish, we can bundle up and go for a walk and make snow angels, then come back in for hot cocoa and a snuggle:) My favorite snowy day activity.

Hot chocolate, snow angels, and snuggling with Kitte??
Now that's my kind of invitation!!!!

It sounds like a perfect way to spend a snowy day.
The only reason I want it to snow this year is that I want to build a very anatomically correct centaur. I am soooooo nasty! But that will keep the carolers the hell out of my yard this year.
Shit you didn't say SNOW!!! Damn we don't have any and I'm not more than an hour and a half away...gawd soon though I'm sure. Fuck.
Its all rain in my area...god, keep the snow away as long as possible..i really dont wanna commute to school in the snow.

It should only be allowed to snow over holidays. Thanksgiving week is a good one, but that won't happen. And of course, all the time before Christmas.

I hate snow.. horrible, detestable snow! ahhh!!

*hides back under his warm blankets in bed*