Isolated Blurt Thread

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Ok small plan of action formed...resume up...waiting for a couple of people to finish reviewing it...start praying.
Chloe on 24 is a MILF now? When did that happen?

The cable box in my room picked tonight of all nights to die on me, so I had to force the rest of my family to watch it, just to get back up to my room and find my cable box working again. Very strange :confused:
There once was a chick by name of Misty
Who’s choice of shorts was a little bit risqué
Dampy at her butt made a pass
which made Grace threaten the lass
in case Misty dropped her drawers and got frisky!

Ahhhh the Odd- Off I was hilarious :D

Not a bad addition to the ode-ing, Safety Susie Betsy. :)

I took some cute pictures of her when Dampster and I were reBUTTing each other :D
Ahhhh the Odd- Off I was hilarious :D

Not a bad addition to the ode-ing, Safety Susie Betsy. :)

I took some cute pictures of her when Dampster and I were reBUTTing each other :D

You took some pictures, but did not share
But you can now make amends by being fair
and posting pics of Misty sans underwear
that show bare booty or boobage - we do not care.
Sheesh worn out already courtesy of headhunters calling me this morn. LOL talking my damn ear off...
Sorry for double post but got to blurt!

Blurt: Why did either of them think I CARED!
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