Isolated Blurt Thread

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rgraham666 said:
How's the little one?

Wow! I am so late replying. Sorry 'bout that --caught up in mommyhood. ;) Thanks for asking about AppleBaby. :) He's doing great! Growing like a weed! Last doctor visit, he was 19 1/2 lbs. and 26 inches long! :eek: (He's only 4 mos old!) I asked the doc, "So, do we have a pro wrestler on our hands, or a linebacker?" He said, "Maybe both!" :eek: :D

So, how's Rob? :rose:
AppleBiter said:
Wow! I am so late replying. Sorry 'bout that --caught up in mommyhood. ;) Thanks for asking about AppleBaby. :) He's doing great! Growing like a weed! Last doctor visit, he was 19 1/2 lbs. and 26 inches long! :eek: (He's only 4 mos old!) I asked the doc, "So, do we have a pro wrestler on our hands, or a linebacker?" He said, "Maybe both!" :eek: :D

So, how's Rob? :rose:

Rob is good. :)

I was at a Lit-together a couple of weekends ago. That was a lot of fun. I've been smiling ever since. :)
AppleBiter said:
Wow! I am so late replying. Sorry 'bout that --caught up in mommyhood. ;) Thanks for asking about AppleBaby. :) He's doing great! Growing like a weed! Last doctor visit, he was 19 1/2 lbs. and 26 inches long! :eek: (He's only 4 mos old!) I asked the doc, "So, do we have a pro wrestler on our hands, or a linebacker?" He said, "Maybe both!" :eek: :D
whoa, super baby! my kid was like that too. I think he weighs the same now as he did when he was a year old, he's just taller. ;)
Mrs DL not DL himself...

*steals hubby's settings to post*

I hate it when people stop by and act as if you were best friends, all to get a damn ride too. Not only did you not like me when I was your sister's friend but you only stop by when you want something. Not only that but you can't make up your mind on who you want to have a kid by, makes it worse when you had your first kid at 15 and now you're pregnant with your third and you only had your second a year and a half ago and you are due in a month. We never got along, there's no reason for you to stop by my house, then you ask for my number as if we are friends...? Stupid me gave it to you too because I didn't want to be rude...*sighs*

From what I remember you never liked me, well you did when you wanted a ride to go see some guy and I had my lisence and you didn't. I was in the bathtub shaving, something I haven't done in I don't know how long, so that I could take some pics for the hubby. But you kept on banging on the door, hubby was out so I didn't answer because the only people that I know would come in, them I welcome.

I understand you are pregnant, but you have a cellphone and it's good weather outside other than the clouds. God you're so fake, pretending to be my friend and asking for a ride. Not only did I not get done shaving, which pisses me off because I don't usually do it, but now I have no time to do the things I wanted to do, because by now most of them would have been done.

Neither of us wanted to give you a ride, yet we did anyways. We're going to use $5 in gas that we don't have right now and for what? Someone who honestly doesn't give a shit and wants nothing but to use us?

So no photos tonight, from what I saw when DL left he wasn't really in the mood. Which sucks is because I was all gungho for this, I don't like having my pictures taken often. Why couldn't you just have used your damn cellphone to call your ride? Why the hell did you have to stop by and ruin our evening? We don't get much quality time together, more than we used to since I switched work schedules but still...

For once I wish I could have been a bitch and he could have been an asshole, if it wasn't for the fact that you had your little girl and little boy with you I may have been able to. Not only that but your daughter doesn't listen worth shit, when someone tells you to leave the dog alone you leave the dog alone and don't antaganize her and wind her up.

Long and short of it don't talk to me if you are only going to be fake, don't put me on a guilt trip and make me feel sorry for you. I'd like to think I am a nice person but for once I'd love to be a bitch just to get rid of the people that take advantage of our (mine and hubby's) good nature...
AppleBiter said:
Thanks for asking about AppleBaby. :) He's doing great! Growing like a weed! Last doctor visit, he was 19 1/2 lbs. and 26 inches long! :eek: (He's only 4 mos old!) I asked the doc, "So, do we have a pro wrestler on our hands, or a linebacker?" He said, "Maybe both!" :eek: :D
AppleMama! It's wonderful to see you around. :rose:

Holy cow, 20 pounds already? Sumo indeed! Or perhaps, football lineman. :D
"One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
You'll find a god in every golden cloister
A little flesh, a little history
I can feel an angel sliding up to me

One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
Not much between despair and ecstasy
One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel the devil walking next to me"
Five months and 11 days, I can have steak and bread again. . .*sigh* but the urge is there now, damn it!
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Hopefully we'll still be able to do photos tonight...*sigh*
And Mrs, I don't mind being the badguy, I just need to know that I have the right to be...I had no idea who they were, just knew that they knew you from the old days...let me know and I'll certainly play the asshole next time :kiss:
I find myself oddly attracted to an attorney who works in the office next to me. I think he's attracted to me, as well. Today, I asked if I could use his tape measure. I think he blushed --which was fine, because I blushed too.

Oy. What am I, twelve?
RedHairedandFriendly said:
Five months and 11 days, I can have steak and bread again. . .*sigh* but the urge is there now, damn it!

Hugs, kisses, and support. :rose:
Roxanne Appleby said:
AppleMama! It's wonderful to see you around. :rose:

Holy cow, 20 pounds already? Sumo indeed! Or perhaps, football lineman. :D

Thank you, sweets! :rose: It's good to be back in, when I can steal a minute here and there.

I know! He's my gentle giant. :) How's you?
To McKenna: Isn't that fun? It makes you feel young and alive. :) :rose:

To AppleMama: Me's good, thanks for asking. :rose:

To Dampy: Dampy, you are very beautiful. Thanks for the current av. (Very beautiful, sticky or not. :D ) :rose:
AppleBiter said:
Thank you, sweets! :rose: It's good to be back in, when I can steal a minute here and there.

I know! He's my gentle giant. :) How's you?

Hey, there, Apple. How are you? :cool:
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