ISO Thread: "CHA$E (a sex game show) Females needed


Really Experienced
Apr 29, 2013
(I wish I could claim this as an original concept, but it was actually tried by another writer and, apparently, failed. Let's see if we can make it work.)

Seeking: 4 or 5 female writers (and later, some male writers)


A Role Play/Turn-by-Turn Game in which contestants (the writers' characters) compete for cash and prizes by navigating a real world game board -- Alcatraz Penitentiary -- performing sexual acts for a worldwide internet audience.


Game Format

Game Board (location)
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  • Inspired by the short lived SyFy game show, "CHA$E.
  • Contestants must navigate a playing field called the "Game Board", accumulating resources, accomplishing missions, and earning cash and valuable prizes.
  • In the television version, the Contestants had 1 hour to reach a finishing point and win.
  • Also in the television version, the Contestants had to avoid the Hunters -- "Men in Black" looking men and women -- whose job it was to capture contestants, thus ending their pursuit of victory.
  • In the RP version, the Contestants have 1 hour to accumulate cash and valuable prizes. They can return the following week to compete again or even become a Hunter.
  • As in the television version, the Contestants will sometimes want to avoid the Hunters, but other times -- because they possess valuable tools and resources, as well as cash and prizes -- the Contestants will want to seek out the Hunters.
  • How do the Contestants get these valuable tools and resources? SEX!
  • The only way to attain what the Hunters have is to fuck or suck them, before an international, internet audience of millions!
  • Later, it becomes possible to gain what the Hunters have through other means, but since the big cash and valuable prizes come from "sexual performance", the Contestants have to make a decision about whether to put out or go without.
Game Format
  • Initially, until we are sure that this is going to work out, I will write the male Hunters and male contestants.
  • Once we are up and running, I would like to find a dedicated female writer to write one (or more) female Hunter(s), as well as other male writers to write either or both male Contestants and/or Hunters.
  • Because I expect that writers will flake out -- it always happens so I won't be surprised -- we will employ a technique that we used to use on a gaming RP site I once used:
    • The Game Thread will include the game action in which all players are part.
    • When just two players are involved -- such as a Hunter-Contestant sex scene -- those two writers will begin a separate thread and link it to the Game Thread. Doing this allows them to finish their thread at their own pace without holding up the rest of the writers/contestants.
    • Writers may continue on in the Game thread with a character who is "engaged" in a Sex Thread. I will explain that more later when we are actually writing.
    • Characters who writers flake out on us will be "eliminated" by getting captured, unless the host or another writer wants to write the character. (Just another reason for the Sex Thread: abandonment doesn't kill the rest of the RP.)
"Game Board"


Our first location is going to be the former Alcatraz Penitentiary. It is a location that, because of its history, offers a seemingly infinite number of photographs, which will lend to the reality of the game.

Don't expect a totally authentic, perfectly historically setting, though. I'm not going to spends weeks studying the floor plans and examining thousands of pictures to create a flawless Game Board. I am simply going to use pics to give a sense of understanding to the descriptions in the Game Thread. The "Game Board" and the players' actions on it will both have a considerable amount of flexibility and vagueness. After all, the setting isn't the story: the contestant's performances are.

Don't feel that you need to research Alcatraz because -- simply put -- it won't do you any good. The options available to the Contestants will be spelled out in the Host's posts. Writers will always be encouraged to offer alternatives to the Host, to liven up the RP, but simply injecting an alternative into an IC reply without a heads up and clearance will be a dead end for you, as it will be ignored. That's sort of like making up your own rules so that you can will the game, don't you imagine?

More later.
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