Ishmaels paddle concession


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Seems like spanking is the rage today. Everyone wants to be spanked, or do the spanking.

Being the enterprising capitalist that I am, I hereby announce the opening of ----


From fine hand crafted ping-pong paddles to the state of the art "Boards of Education". I have them all.

Holes drilled to order and hand grips of all textures and colors. The selection is without peer and all implements of pleasure or pain are in stock and available.

Visa and Master Card accepted.

ok, you clearly need a sales rep. i'd be willing to travel and do demonstrations. i'll be spanked in every state! :p
bunny bondage said:
ok, you clearly need a sales rep. i'd be willing to travel and do demonstrations. i'll be spanked in every state! :p

Uhhhhhhh, OK. The pay isn't great but it's made up for in the bennies. :D

bunny bondage said:
ok, you clearly need a sales rep. i'd be willing to travel and do demonstrations. i'll be spanked in every state! :p
I think I could help with those demonstrations and have a proven sales record.:D :devil:
SINthysist said:

I think you should be grateful I'm here ....


Oh yeah? What the hell you buying?

I mean look at this shit. I open a paddle store and the only two customers so far want feathers and brass knuck's.

The rest want in my wallet or free samples. :D

Ishmael said:

I mean look at this shit. I open a paddle store and the only two customers so far want feathers and brass knuck's.

Okay ... I'll buy one of those foam rubber paddles with the powder puff in the center.
Ishmael said:
I mean look at this shit. I open a paddle store and the only two customers so far want feathers and brass knuck's.

I'll take them....and the paddle! :D

HI, this is J_CARVILLE here and I want to recommend my very special friend ClosetDesire’s book, Closet Desire, which has been published and is available in the US and the UK on, and others. Closet Desire II, featuring stories by us and other Literotica members now out. Closet Desire III should be out in September 2001.

Don’t forget for sex toys, J_CARVILLE recommends you shop first!
KillerMuffin said:
Which is better to use on a Sony VIAO?

The blunt spikes Miss. They punch through the plastic without the case sticking to the knucks. More effective on thicker skulls as well if your looking for a dual purpose 'toy'.

We have them in stainless steel as well.

I'll take a set of those.

I've been having so much scintillating fun doing my homework that I even went into my own personal house of hell and answered all my email. All stacked and packed 168 pieces of it. It needed to be done, but my email scares me anyway. I figure that if I can't get it to work, I'll intimidate it into working.

Muffie is having a bad night.

Cherry said:
Okay ... I'll buy one of those foam rubber paddles with the powder puff in the center.

Would you like that gift wrapped and cash or charge? :)

Ishmael said:
Would you like that gift wrapped and cash or charge? :)


Delivered, preferably ...
just throw out any other kinds you find in the Big Guy's hiding spots, too.

Ishmael said:
Would you like to take that with you, or have it delivered? :D


Ooooh! Delivery boys can be fun!! Send one over!! :p