Ishmael, your voice makes me wet.

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
No it's not a copycat thread.... I spilt my drink today while talking to him. ;)

P.S. Ishmael has have a sexy voice ladies...... whooooo hooooo
Okay, I gotta hear it now.

Ooooh. Brain cramp. I owe him a serious PM. I'm so embarrassed. I'll get to you soon! I promise! Remind me cause I'll forget! I have a bad brain.
P.S This is not a "fluff thread" so you can post in it Ishmael.

Damn... you didn;t say that about me!

mind you, as far as i know, your drink stayed in the cup when we spoke :D
T.H. Oughts said:
No it's not a copycat thread.... I spilt my drink today while talking to him. ;)

P.S. Ishmael has have a sexy voice ladies...... whooooo hooooo

You realise he has all the good looks of Piggy Muldoon dont you.

Re: Re: Ishmael, your voice makes me wet.

michaelmt1 said:
You realise he has all the good looks of Piggy Muldoon dont you.
:eek: That's not nice. Picking on a dead man and then saying that Ish looks like him.... Ish has the looks to go with the voice....
T.H. Oughts said:
I'm sorry but if I said what I was thinking you girly might get upset... :eek: ;) :D

hmmm damn.... true.... but then ya didn'ttell me in private either ;)
Sneaking into thread, to see what you all are talking about...

*waves* Hiya TH, how are you?
cybergirly1989 said:
mmm... Can I help warm you up? ;)

Oh wait you said cool, not cold. Damn!
Darlin you can do anything you like anytime to me. ;)