Hi, my first post here.
Just wondering how everyone here feels about their writing here... do you consider it "real?" Do you take as much pride in it and put as much care into it as you do with your other work?
I have been working on two books for a while now, and have written for publication in the past, but always non-fiction. I have stalled out on the work I was doing and I think my main problem is discipline.
I have had several erotic stories bouncing around in my head for quite a while now but never wrote them out because of guilty feelings - NOT guilt about the subject matter, but guilt that I would be wasting time not doing "real work."
I'm beginning to think that perhaps as a way of training myself to have the discipline to finish all of the mainstream works that I have envisioned that I should force myself to write something, ANYTHING, for an hour a day and that erotic stories would be as useful toward that goal as anything else.
I'm also not convinced that anyone would find my stories worthy of reading. I have told them in abbreviated form to a few people and got a positive response, but I have a definite lack of confidence about my ability to write fiction.
The thing I like in erotic fiction is the uniqueness of the scenario, combined with a well-conveyed picture of the character's emotions. That, unfortunately, is where my weakness in writing lies - with only an eighth grade education and having inherited my father's inability to express emotion, I tend to write stiffly and without poetics. Fine for non-fiction. Lousy for fiction.
As you can no doubt see, I also tend to be too verbose.
I'll shut up now.
Just looking for encouragement I guess.
Just wondering how everyone here feels about their writing here... do you consider it "real?" Do you take as much pride in it and put as much care into it as you do with your other work?
I have been working on two books for a while now, and have written for publication in the past, but always non-fiction. I have stalled out on the work I was doing and I think my main problem is discipline.
I have had several erotic stories bouncing around in my head for quite a while now but never wrote them out because of guilty feelings - NOT guilt about the subject matter, but guilt that I would be wasting time not doing "real work."
I'm beginning to think that perhaps as a way of training myself to have the discipline to finish all of the mainstream works that I have envisioned that I should force myself to write something, ANYTHING, for an hour a day and that erotic stories would be as useful toward that goal as anything else.
I'm also not convinced that anyone would find my stories worthy of reading. I have told them in abbreviated form to a few people and got a positive response, but I have a definite lack of confidence about my ability to write fiction.
The thing I like in erotic fiction is the uniqueness of the scenario, combined with a well-conveyed picture of the character's emotions. That, unfortunately, is where my weakness in writing lies - with only an eighth grade education and having inherited my father's inability to express emotion, I tend to write stiffly and without poetics. Fine for non-fiction. Lousy for fiction.
As you can no doubt see, I also tend to be too verbose.
I'll shut up now.
Just looking for encouragement I guess.