Is There Any way to Get rid of an unwanted story?


Really Experienced
Jan 14, 2000
Just a qiuck question. I had a story rejected. After I re read the story I decided that I no longer wanted to do anything to fix it up. I wanted to deleat the whole thing all together. Is there some way that this can be done.
It's a jungle out there and I'm tired of playing Tarzan
I don't understand. Don't they get rid of stories they've rejected? How is having stories rejected here any different from having them rejected by any other publishing entity?

A couple of years back I entered a story in the Florida Times-Union Christmas Short Story contest, and it didn't win anything. Worse, I don't have it anymore--it got lost in the cybernetically awful year of 2001 when my hard drive was formatted twice and replaced once. Unless I reconstruct the thing, it's gone, gone, gone.
Re-submit the story, only take out the story itself and type in an explanation that you don't have any interest in fixing the story, to please delete it from the list. Change the title to "Please delete this" or something.

It may take a while, but Laurel will eventually delete it.

You can make all of the changes just by clicking the blue link "rejection" thing and then changing the stuff in the story itself.

Been There Done That

KillerMuffin said:
Re-submit the story, only take out the story itself and type in an explanation that you don't have any interest in fixing the story, to please delete it from the list. Change the title to "Please delete this" or something.

It may take a while, but Laurel will eventually delete it.

You can make all of the changes just by clicking the blue link "rejection" thing and then changing the stuff in the story itself.


I tried that already. Now I'm left with a one word story since I can't even deleat it on my own. lol

Have a good Christmas. As for me I'm off to work. :rose: