Is Senator Ted Cruz a "Profile in Courage"?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
If JFK were alive today he would have no choice but to include Senator Cruz' noble and valiant efforts in his book, Profiles in Courage.

Profiles in Courage is a 1957 Pulitzer Prize-winning volume of short biographies describing acts of bravery and integrity by eight United States Senators throughout the Senate's history.

The book profiles senators who crossed party lines and/or defied the opinion of their constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered severe criticism and losses in popularity because of their actions...

Senator Ted Cruz is a dick. (Just my opinion.)

"There are a great many Republicans who are haunted by the ghosts of shutdowns past," said Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, playing the part of firebrand Mr Gingrich in today's confrontation. "It is received wisdom in Washington that the 1995 government shutdown was a terrible loss for Republicans, and we should never go there again. I don't believe the evidence supports that conclusion."

Sen Cruz, talking to a gathering of the faithful at the Heritage Foundation on July 30, gave a preview of the coming battle and explained why he thought this time would be different. Mr Clinton was a master strategist, while Mr Obama isn't.

See he's a dick.
Canadian Rafael Cruz is an open sore on the body politic. He should be excised.

"At a closed-door lunch meeting in the Senate's Mansfield Room, Republican after Republican pressed Cruz to explain how he would propose to end the bitter budget impasse with Democrats, according to senators who attended the meeting. A defensive Cruz had no clear plan to force an end to the shutdown - or explain how he would defund Obamacare, as he has demanded all along, sources said.


It was very evident to everyone in the room that Cruz doesn't have a strategy - he never had a strategy, and could never answer a question about what the end-game was," said one senator who attended the meeting. "I just wish the 35 House members that have bought the snake oil that was sold could witness what was witnessed today at lunch."

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Today's Democrat is yesteryear's communist. JFK would be thrown out of his party today as a right wing fanatic. He'd have nothing to do with Harry Reid or Barack Obama.

Plausible though I don't see how a guy with a 70% tax rate and who's most famous words are "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." Who funded schools and NASA and the such would be considered right wing. He'd probably be embrarrassed by Obama and Reid but because they are in fact Right Wingers.
"The book profiles senators who crossed party lines and/or defied the opinion of their constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered severe criticism and losses in popularity because of their actions..."

Let's see:

Cruz didn't cross party lines.
He didn't defy the opinion of his constituents.
He's not getting criticism from anyone who didn't already think he was a demagogue with a disturbingly effeminate voice.
Ditto regarding any loss of popularity.

Sounds like you're 0-for-4, Chester!
Damn...this is a jaw-dropper.

Jennifer Rubin, a hardcore right wingnut who hates President Obama with the intensity of a thousand burning suns, actually goes after TED CRUZ, documenting his many failure in the past two weeks.

She's wired into the upper reaches of the Republican Party, and presents the new party line like she was told: Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are now pariahs.

I honestly never thought I'd live to see the day when Jennifer fucking Rubin would go after one of her own.
He's a profile in shameless self-promotion, at the expense of his party and his country. He'll have his 15 minutes, make his millions from the rubes, and then he'll be just another curiosity piece in the dustbin of history.

"Hey! Remember when Ted Cruz was the flavor of month in the GOP?"

"Not really. Boy, Republicans are fucking weird."

Three more Republican Senators have blasted Canadian Ted Cruz, including Dan fucking Coats (!!!!), sez the NY Times this morning.

It does my heart good to see fringe conservative shredding each other publicly.
Of course he's a profile in courage. I mean, reading from Green Eggs and Ham is right up there with the Bataan Death March.
If JFK were alive today he would have no choice but to include Senator Cruz' noble and valiant efforts in his book, Profiles in Courage.

Profiles in Courage:

List of senators profiled
* John Quincy Adams, a Senator (1803–1808) (later President and Representative) from Massachusetts, for breaking away from the Federalist Party.
* Daniel Webster, also from Massachusetts, for speaking in favor of the Compromise of 1850.
* Thomas Hart Benton, from Missouri, for staying in the Democratic Party despite his opposition to the extension of slavery in the territories.
* Sam Houston, from Texas, for speaking against the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854. Sam Houston was also profiled for opposing Texas' secession from the Union, for which he was deposed from the office of Governor.
* Edmund G. Ross, from Kansas, for voting for acquittal in the Andrew Johnson impeachment trial. As a result of Ross's vote, along with those of six other Republicans, Democrat Johnson's presidency was saved, and the stature of the office was preserved.
* Lucius Lamar, from Mississippi, for eulogizing Charles Sumner on the Senate Floor and other efforts to mend ties between the North and South during Reconstruction, and for his principled opposition to the Bland–Allison Act to permit free coinage of silver.
* George Norris, from Nebraska, for opposing Joseph Gurney Cannon's autocratic power as Speaker of the House, for speaking out against arming U.S. merchant ships during the United States' neutral period in World War I, and for supporting the Presidential Campaign of Democrat Al Smith.
* Robert A. Taft, from Ohio, for criticizing the Nuremberg Trials for trying Nazi war criminals under ex post facto laws. Counter-criticism against Taft's statements was vital to his failure to secure the Republican nomination for President in 1948.

No . . . a senator who stages a pointless nonfilibuster on a done deal, at no risk to his own seat, for no purpose but to get his name out for a later presidential run, does not deserve inclusion in that company.

Even if he had not made a mockery of the whole thing. (Did you ever read Green Eggs and Ham all the way to the ending, Senator?)
Wasn't Profiles mostly scribbled by a Hoya prof?

RFK himself wasn't such a profile. As young men all across the country waited for RFK to merely make a political move, RFK could only say he was "reassessing."

He waited and dithered while real profiles in courage were being drafted and serving in the war.

Had it not been for RFK's tragic death, more historical focus would have been on this.
"A recently discovered 40-year-old letter written by a well-respected history professor appears to support his claim that he wrote major portions of John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning book, ''Profiles in Courage.''

Jules Davids, a professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University who taught Jacqueline Kennedy in 1954 and Bill Clinton the following decade, wrote the letter in response to a query from a former university vice president after Senator Kennedy won the award in 1957.

In another letter, sent in 1978, Professor Davids also asserted that he had written significant portions of the book. This letter was to Herbert Parmet, who wrote a Kennedy biography that credited Professor Davids with writing parts of the book and characterized the future President as serving ''principally as an overseer.'' The new find, however, is the first account to come to light that was written at the time of the book's publication.

Theodore Sorenson, a Kennedy confidant who has often been cited as the book's true author, characterized Professor Davids's claims as an overstatement of his involvement
The Republican party IS the TEATARD party now.

And Boehner just said in his press conference "We didn't mean to shutdown the government." They own this shutdown. And Michele Bachmann said she never saw her House members as happy as they were as after they SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT. Stop blaming the TEATARDS! Boehner could have slapped them down by calling for a full vote on a clean CR. He didn't shut them up, he said fuck you America, and fuck laws we already passed, and fuck everyone we already owe money too.
I wish Texas were slightly embarrassed, but I have doubts about it.
I did voter registration in Denton, Texas in the late

60s. City Hall threw them in the dumpster because they knew we were registering in black neighborhoods. We went to the State to complain. They told us to go fuck yourselves.
"A recently discovered 40-year-old letter written by a well-respected history professor appears to support his claim that he wrote major portions of John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning book, ''Profiles in Courage.''

Jules Davids, a professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University who taught Jacqueline Kennedy in 1954 and Bill Clinton the following decade, wrote the letter in response to a query from a former university vice president after Senator Kennedy won the award in 1957.

In another letter, sent in 1978, Professor Davids also asserted that he had written significant portions of the book. This letter was to Herbert Parmet, who wrote a Kennedy biography that credited Professor Davids with writing parts of the book and characterized the future President as serving ''principally as an overseer.'' The new find, however, is the first account to come to light that was written at the time of the book's publication.

Theodore Sorenson, a Kennedy confidant who has often been cited as the book's true author, characterized Professor Davids's claims as an overstatement of his involvement

Small minded people such as yourself quibble over minutiae. :rolleyes:

The authorship of the book notwithstanding, it has many inspiration stories of people who have triumphed over adversity.

Hey remember Reagan's "touched the face of God" speech after the Challenger accident? He didn't write that, but people think he did. His speechwriters didn't write that either, they cribbed from a poem called "high flight".
Small minded people such as yourself quibble over minutiae. :rolleyes:

The authorship of the book notwithstanding, it has many inspiration stories of people who have triumphed over adversity.

Hey remember Reagan's "touched the face of God" speech after the Challenger accident? He didn't write that, but people think he did. His speechwriters didn't write that either, they cribbed from a poem called "high flight".

Speechwriter was Peggy Noonan